Where Is My Peace? by John Murphy - HTML preview

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It is easy to wonder if there is any peace in life when you are in trouble and are unable to see a way forward. While there are many ways in which people find some level of peace in their life, it does not mean that their approach is going to work for you.

To compare your life to another individual, is certainly not a good place to begin, as  the issues  in their life,  are unique to them. Therefore, it is best, to begin with yourself, then continue from there.

Making the decision to alter your life in a manner that is best suited to you, is often a difficult task, as it depends on your present circumstances and how they came to be.

Having peace in life, is not closing yourself off from people around you or running away from the issues that are creating upset in your life. Instead, it is the result of change within you, the person, taking the time to better understand the world around you and to alter your life, so that the peace that is available becomes achievable.

Peace comes from flexibility, patience, effort and understanding. There is no point in saying that it is an easy task; however, it is not impossible either.

This is your life; your future, a place to be enjoyed.