Why People Reject Us and What to Do About It by Kynan Patram - HTML preview

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I’ve found something fascinating about us as people...

We often say and do things that bore, irritate, and ultimately repel the people in our lives without even realizing it.

But it’s not our fault, really.

I mean, most people aren’t going to tell us what we’re doing “wrong,” are they?

Why would they risk hurting our feelings – or perhaps making us angry at them, only to have to deal with our bitterness or resentment towards them because of it?

So how do we learn what mistakes we’re currently making, so we can correct them and thus improve our ability to get the kinds of relationships we want with people from this day forward?

That’s where I come in.

I want to tell you about the top 20 mistakes people make in their interactions with others that secretly bores, annoys, and sometimes even angers and repels them.

Correcting these mistakes will not only improve your personality, it will also better your ability to form great friendships and relationships with others.

Because if you think about, don’t people expect more of the same things they’ve experienced with us in the past?

And what if those things are negative? Don’t have to retrain ourselves to cause others to perceive us in a new, better light.

If you apply what you learn, that’s what this booklet is going to do for you.

So here we go…