You Can Do It! by Andreas Boskugel - HTML preview

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10. Don't you have to work hard to be rich?

Every, yes, really every change in your life can only happen by changing your subconscious and this only occurs by changing your thoughts.

That means you can only have more money if you expand your conscious in the direction of “more money”. This expansion can only occur if the content of your inner self changes. If you don't do this and you merely change your actions, your cash flow will not change. This analogy can be extended to all areas of your life.

True change always originates from your subconscious; there's no other possible way. Thoughts become things; what happens externally to make your thoughts become reality shouldn't concern you.

Whatever you believe will happen, does happen, not whatever actions you take!

Many wise teachers agree that you shouldn't concern yourself with how your wishes come true. You should simply believe that they will come true. Many claim, however, that you definitely have to take action, but this is not true. It is completely illogical: you’re not supposed to worry about “how” but at the same time you're definitely supposed to take action? That is absolutely contradictory. If you feel compelled and inspired to act, that is, you feel an undeniable urge to take action, then do so. But if you don't, then relax; it is completely unnecessary or even counterproductive to force yourself to act, just because everyone around you says that you must be diligent.

People who talk like this don't understand the law of attraction. Only once you have truly internalized it, will you be able to distance yourself from this paradigm of having to work hard.

“No pain, no gain”: I too had to listen to this nonsense as a child, but by studying the law of attraction, I came to understand that it is only those who have not understood the causal aspects of our thoughts who profess this.

This was noticeable in the 2012 US election campaign.

The wife of the presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, was criticized for never having worked due to having a rich husband. It was seen as a flaw that she had never worked hard. She even defended herself, claiming that she had worked very hard bringing up five children. But I say: Whoever works hard is flawed since they are apparently not intelligent enough to understand the law of the universe and put it into practice.

Honestly, why does anyone work hard? By definition, those who work hard have to do so to make up for the intelligence that they lack. Even if you ignore the law, this statement still remains true. A person with an especially high IQ, for example, doesn't need to study as hard at school. They simply absorb knowledge effortlessly. Those with a lower IQ have to compensate with greater effort in order to get the same results as the other person with the higher IQ. And this thread can be pulled further: a person with a higher IQ will effortlessly learn a profession that pays well. They will either work in the sciences, be a lawyer, a banker, a plastic surgeon or a high ranking civil servant. Those who are less intelligent will learn a trade. And it is exactly these people who will be portrayed as virtuous because they work so hard to support their families, and the others will be seen as evil because they never worked hard, yet nevertheless became rich, even though – and this is a very non-idealistic viewpoint – they are actually the better ones.

As just mentioned, I don't mean this in an idealistic sense, but very matter-of-factly, as would a machine or an alien. If you buy a computer, the better one will be the one that can more effectively fulfill the tasks you ask it to, the one that can “think” more quickly and efficiently. You don't spout nonsense like “But the weaker computer has to work so hard, it is more diligent, and is therefore the better one”- that would be completely absurd! However, people are more inclined to respect those who work harder to achieve something than those who achieved their success with less effort.

This is an indication of how very much religion still plays a role in our world.

It is the very basis of Christian dogma that hard work is something admirable, and those who don’t work hard, but are nevertheless rich, are viewed as freeloaders, imposters, charlatans or thieves. This viewpoint is often the basis of a purely material world view, that is, that only through work can something be created. So, something of substance can only be created if I move something physical with my hands. Yet this old fairytale just isn’t true: it is a falsehood! The rich Church and the old feudal lords told the poor peasants that they would only go to heaven if they lived in blessed poverty and worked hard.

Material and circumstances only arise through consciousness; this has been clearly proven by physicists. If you think about wealth and your subconscious vibrates at the frequency of wealth, then you will also have wealth in the material world. It will be there without having to make a great effort. If you tune your radio to a particular station, then your radio will receive without it having to consciously make an effort. It receives all the stations just as effortlessly, no matter what music is playing, whether it is absolutely awful or very beautiful. And it’s no different with your own frequency. If you think about poverty, you will effortlessly bring poverty into your life. If you think about wealth, you will no longer have to work hard, even though it is wealth that you want rather than poverty. It is your beliefs that dictate that you have to make more of an effort to be rich than poor, and whatever you believe happens does indeed always happen. Wealth and poverty are just different vibrations of the same thing! Whether you emit poverty or wealth vibrations, it requires the same effort, but with very different outcomes!

I always think it is slightly embarrassing when very successful people talk about how you have to take action. Usually they contradict themselves. For example T. Harv Eker says (in the video “The Teachers of ‘The Secret’”) that everything is created by our thoughts, but elsewhere he then talks about how you need to take action because he’s never seen a bag of money fall into a meditator's lap. Also the pop legend, Dieter Bohlen (the most successful music producer in Germany), wrote in his book “Demolish, don’t Renovate” that you have to work like a galley slave if you want to be successful. I have just finished reading another book of his, which is also a sort of biography. To be honest, I can’t find any part of the book that depicts him as working, let alone like a galley slave. In addition, he describes how he came up with a number one hit, which also won the Euro-vision Song Contest, while in the bathroom. After that he put it together while sitting at his piano for five minutes. This sort of number one hit usually earns several million euros. Of course, I don’t know what Dieter does in the bathroom, but it doesn’t sound at all like work to me, instead Dieter Bohlen has an excellent wealth consciousness and for this reason wealth flows to him effortlessly.

Even in schools, diligence is valued instead of intelligence. If a student is diligent the teacher is inclined to grade them higher than they would a lazy student who achieved the same amount, even though the lazy one must clearly be more intelligent to be able to achieve the same without any effort.

Of course intelligence is no guarantee for wealth. There are plenty of intelligent people who belong to the lower classes. But diligence is also not a guarantee for a life of plenty; there are enough very diligent people who live in bitter poverty.

However, a positive attitude is the guarantee: you will never meet a truly positive person with a wealth consciousness who stays in poverty for very long, nor a person who mostly thinks of scarcity who lives a life of fulfillment. The quality of the majority of your thoughts will have the greatest influence on your life.

A person with a positive attitude can also experience difficulties temporarily, just as a person with a poverty consciousness can briefly live a life of plenty. The biggest part of your life will take place where the content of the subconscious is!

If you study the law, you will realize that it is always your thoughts that allow you to have success. If you believe you have to work hard for that, then success will only come to you as a result of hard work. But it is your belief that you have to work hard for money which will be confirmed.

If someone works hard, that implies that they believe that they aren't valuable enough to get what they want. That's why they work hard: to become worthy of what they long for!

Actually it is absolute nonsense to act before your subconscious is convinced of your intentions. Your result will only ever correspond most of all with the content of your subconscious. Once again:

Your results will only ever correspond with the majority of the content of your subconscious!

So it is completely logical that your main task is to change this content.

Once you've rewritten your subconscious, then the occurrences in your life will change accordingly.

So, if the majority of your content is called “poverty”, how will you attract wealth through hard work? In fact, the opposite conclusion is true, if the majority of your content is called “wealth” then you can't experience poverty, even if you are not prepared to work hard!

Basically you can't escape the manifestations of your thoughts.

That means a person who constantly thinks of wealth, visualizes wealth, will inevitably become rich, even if they avoid all types of physical work. That is simply the law!

In the same way a person who constantly thinks of poverty, visualizes their poverty, will never become rich, even if they work hard every day!