You Can Do It! by Andreas Boskugel - HTML preview

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4. No exceptions?

It's really important to understand that the law of attraction is a natural law!

Natural laws always apply.

If you take an object and let it fall, it will fall downwards and it would have done the same a thousand years ago and it will do the same a thousand years from now. It will always fall downwards without exception.

Gravity doesn't care what you let fall, whether it be a wooden toy or a baby. The same is true of the law of attraction, there are no exceptions. It makes absolutely no sense to attach it to any ideologies or religions espousing what is right or wrong.

A scientist would never think of associating the laws of thermodynamics or gravity with any ideologies or religions.

The law simply is and will bring you the manifestations of your thoughts, regardless of whether someone else judges what you manifest as right or wrong! Regardless of whether the manifestation is good for you or destroys you. The law of attraction doesn't care because it is just a law which has neither morality, nor personality nor consciousness!

So, you should always think and talk about things and events that have the potential of making you happy!

Think and talk about things that you want, instead of what you don't want!

You should ignore proverbs like “one in the hand is better than two in the bush” and think instead, “I want the two in the bush in my hand and I will achieve that.”

According to the law of attraction, it is completely unnecessary to accept any kind of limitation. You yourself are the one who creates every situation in your life. In your world you are the sole creator. In your world you are literally God. That may sound to some like blasphemy or nonsense, but it is neither.

You are the creator of your life! You already are! So you don't need to learn to create like a magician does.

You were already born as a powerful creator. Instead you merely have to direct your thoughts to whatever you want and remove your thoughts from whatever you don't want.

There are many people who believe that ideology trumps the natural laws. But that is complete nonsense: gravity, for example, is not interested in whether a saint or a criminal falls down a flight of stairs. Gravity isn't capable of being interested. It is simply the way it is. If you live in harmony with the law, then you can enjoy running, bicycling, swimming, mountain climbing, and ballooning.

On the other hand, if you don't act in accordance with this law, you will constantly be experiencing scrapes and bruises, and in photos you will always be the one in a cast or a neck brace.

It is no different with the law of attraction! It has absolutely no tolerance for ignorance!

Many people who don't understand that there are no exceptions to the law of attraction get upset about other people, hate them or judge modern life, others'

egoism, politicians, the financial system, etc. They believe that they are right because they think that their opinion and their ideology are superior to anyone else's.

But the law of attraction will bring into your life exactly what you radiate, no matter how right you believe you are! You may feel as right as can be, negative thoughts create negative results, that's the law!

Ideology is simply an opinion! Actually everyone believes that they are right, no matter what ideology they follow! And basically they are right about that: there are no right or wrong opinions, they are just points of view.

That's why you should remain above ideology and radiate love for the things that you like, praise, enjoy, observe; also speak about what you like, and what you believe is full of harmony and love.

Then even more love, harmony and happiness will flow into your life.

We all know that hate is the most negative emotion people are capable of. Consequently, it is very easy to categorize people into those who are good and those who are not as good based on who feels the most and who feels the least hate. Oddly enough, people full of anger, jealousy and resentment believe that they are the good guys and judge, for example, marijuana users and depict them as bad people even though these people might be full of harmony and love towards nature and all their contemporaries.

I tell people you are good when you feel no hate, when you don't criticize anyone and you don't fight anyone!

Let's now look at this from a less ideological viewpoint and from a practical one instead. What is your goal? You want to lead a wonderful life full of happiness? Doesn't everyone? But not everyone manages it! However, this is not because the Creator has categorized people into good and less good, but because God has created a rule. And this rule says that you always get what you concentrate on! Paying attention to something, strengthens it! What will you get if you claim others are villains? Basically you are focusing on what you think of as bad and disdainful. How can you now experience the good fortune that you long for? You must understand this simple logic! God's law is not complicated; it is so simple that even a young child could understand it. Align yourself with what you like, you love, you enjoy, with what brings a smile to your face, with what captivates your heart and what you appreciate! If you do that, you will always feel good, truly good and all your wishes will come true.

The fact that the law has no exceptions is the most important and perhaps the most difficult aspect to understand. But how will knowing the law of resonance be helpful if every triviality causes you to judge others, which merely proves that you have not really understood this law. You will recognize someone who has a profound understanding of this law in its entirety by the wonderful life they have created full of wealth, happiness and harmony.

After reading this book, you will have the theoretical knowledge you need to reach that sort of understanding. Everything derives from the internal world. The external world is simply a result of the internal one, that is, its reflection. That is quite a difficult lesson, as everyone who looks out into the external world cannot immediately confirm that. This is because almost everyone – even a real pessimist – believes that they are truly positive thinkers. Every sourpuss will tell you that they are just being realistic, but they will never realize that they only ever see undesirable aspects, even though they could just as well notice positive aspects and still be labeled as realistic.

People already believed that there wasn't enough for everyone when the world had a population of only one billion. In the meantime there are 7 billion of us here and wealth is steadily rising. This fact alone proves that the scarcity fairytale is simply not true.

Now many think that there's not enough money available for everyone to have enough of it. This is a fallacy. Worldwide there are more than 1000 billionaires. At no other time have even that many millionaires existed, but today there are over ten million millionaires: there was a time when there were not even that many people populating the earth.

Actually it doesn't matter how much money is in circulation. Let's imagine someone withdraws money from an automatic teller machine. Then this person goes to a hairdresser and pays for their haircut with a 10 dollar bill. This same bill is given to the hairdresser in the evening as part of her tip money, who then goes to a café with a friend and pays with this same bill. The café owner pays one of the waitresses with this bill who buys flowers with it for her mother. The florist then gives this ten dollar bill to her gardener in order to purchase new flowers who in turn buys something else with this bill. This chain can be endlessly tracked: it's always the same bill. When the bill is old it is taken out of circulation and replaced with a new one. In this way the bill has an interminable life span and will be spent a million times. Seen from this perspective, endless amounts of money are available.

You should remember this the next time you think about financial scarcity in your life. If that truly is the case then it's due to your thoughts and the resulting contents of your subconscious.

The media typically portrays rich people as greedy. I personally think that is nonsense! Imagine you are urgently waiting for a phone call, you are in fact hypnotizing your telephone to “ring!!!” You are greedy for this call. But that is exactly when your phone won't ring! It will ring when you start thinking about something else. It's the same with money: if you are extremely greedy, then money won't flow.

Therefore a rich person can't be greedy, it's more likely that poor people are greedy!

As I've already said, the law of attraction is absolute. You cannot continue to think, as you always have, in terms of guilt and judgment, etc. and view the law of attraction as a side dish. Either this law exists and you have created everything in your life, or it doesn't exist and everything is subject to coincidence and external acts. Either the world is flat or round, there are no compromises in between! Just as there are none between conventional thinking and the realization that the law of attraction exists!