Your Desire and the Law of Attraction by Alexander King - HTML preview

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Chapter 3:

Be Sure You Are Attracting the Right Things



The law of attraction is very powerful and it will continue to attract things into your life, both good and bad, depending on the decisions you make and the thoughts and feeling that you have on a daily basis. You want to make sure that you are attracting as much positive you can from the universe and as little negative as possible.

As mentioned before, there is no stopping or hiding from the power of the law of attraction so you need to learn how to control it in order to draw only beneficial things into your life. The last thing you want is for everything to be going good and then you draw something into your life that ruins everything.

Learning how to use the power of the law of attraction to your advantage will take time, patience, and effort but in the end it will be well worth the effort. You will be amazed by how blessed your life becomes when you understand LOA and use it for the better.

The following chapter will go over the importance of drawing the right things into your life and will give you some idea on how you may start to draw in more positive things. Remember that this is going to be a learning process and it may not be something that you are able to master right away.