Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

Seeing Beyond The Veil

Belief is a critical element of your ability to create success

for yourself. As James Allen, the author of “As a Man

Thinketh” reminds us, "The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs."

You must learn to believe that your firmly held ideal is at

least as real as (or even more real than) the current events

and circumstances of your life (the evidence of your

senses); and more fully true than any apparent limitation,

impediment or obstacle that may stand between you and

the fulfillment of your ideal.

Because we live in a temporal world and there is a delay

between cause and effect, the things that you have in

your life right now are a result of how you used to be and

what you have done in the past. So, if you today

transform the way you are (alter your predominant

thought patterns and habitual way of feeling) and change

the way you behave (the things you habitually do), your

results will, over time, change. That is an almost

inevitable conclusion.

It is almost inevitable, but not necessarily so. The caveat

is that if you continue to expect things to remain the

same, they most likely will, despite any personal changes

you decide to make.

Your expectations are determined by your beliefs. If you

believe that the evidence of your senses comprises the

whole of your reality, then you will expect that things

will continue to evolve as they have. You will expect that

the future will be a continuation of the past. In other



words, if you choose to believe that the world you

perceive is real and your ideal is still only an imaginal

concept, then you will have created an expectation that

things will unfold as they historically have done.

I'll let you in on a little secret... life delivers pretty

much what you expect it will. If you want to have

success in life, you must train yourself to expect


The English word “expect” is actually a contraction of 2

Latin roots "ex" and "spect" and its literal meaning is "to

out-picture". When you look at the world, you do not

perceive what is actually there, you see what your mind

expects to see. What does your mind expect to see? What

it has been trained to see.

The world, as you see and experience it, is just your

personal internal reality picture out-pictured or expected.

Your reality is first pre-conceived or visualized inside

your mind. Your mind then projects that internal image

onto the world and that internal picture thus becomes

your external reality.


What you have in life is based on your expectations. Your

expectations are governed by your paradigms. And, a

paradigm is a set of experiences, beliefs, values and

assumptions that affect the way an individual perceives

reality and responds to that perception.

Your expectations are built upon your beliefs... what you

believe you could have, or what you believe you should

have, or what you believe you deserve to have. Where

did you get those beliefs about your possibilities,

potentials, limitations and deservingness?

Mostly, you inherit them. You just take them on, assume

them, without examining them for veracity or usefulness.

If you ask most people "Why do you believe such and

such?" Most will answer, "Because it is true." And since

‘being right’ is one of the ways we validate who we are,

we will stubbornly argue that our beliefs are real and

true even when we have not examined them ourselves to

see if there is, in fact, any validity or value in a particular


No matter what rationalizations or intellectual

convolutions are brought to bear in an attempt to prove

how or why something is true, in the end it is really no

different than the childish refrain, "Why?" — " Because."

Only when you are able to honestly answer, "I believe in

such and such because it serves me to believe in such and

such," will you be in control of your destiny and success.

Take a moment and check in with your Self to ask these

simple questions:


Do you believe it is possible for you to achieve a

large degree of success?

Do you believe that you deserve to have a large

degree of success?

Do you believe that the world is set up to support

your success?

Do you believe that your success will come easily

and naturally?

Do you believe that success is your birthright or

something to be earned?

Now ask yourself:

Why do I hold those beliefs? How did I come by


Do those beliefs serve me in any way? How?

What personal expectations have come out of

those beliefs?

From the moment we arrive in this world, we are trained

to expect certain things or trained to expect for things to

be a certain way. Our culture, our personal experiences,

our parents, our education, our peers all serve to train us

to have certain expectations in life. And, for the most

part, these expectations are self-fulfilling prophecies.

We expect something; it shows up; we then say, "see, it

was true." We forget the fact that it is only true because

we first believed it to be true and then expected it to be

true. We ignore the fact that if we held different beliefs

and expectations in the first place, then the truth would

be different.

Now you might say in response to the above, "I did not

expect my life to turn out this way or I did not expect for

the world to be this way, it just is."



To which I will reply, "What exactly were you

expecting?" I am willing to bet that you have pretty much

the results that you were expecting to have; and that if

you critically and honestly examine your core beliefs, you

will understand why you were expecting exactly what

you have.

If you desire to have a meaningful and measurable

amount of success in life, you are going to have to train

your mind to expect success; not hope for; not wish for;

but fully expect success.

To do that training, you are going to need to provide new

information to your mind so that it can be convinced to

take on different beliefs. You will need to undertake a

program to consciously brainwash yourself. Opt out of

the culture of mediocrity and opt into the culture of

success. Read success literature. Hang around successful

people. Affirm your right to success.

Do the things that have been proven to work. Stop doing

the things that have been proven, by your own

experience, to not work. Break your addiction to

mediocrity or failure. Get addicted to success.


Recently, while hiking up an escarpment with an old

karma mate, he asked me, “If you could only say one

thing, what would be the most important understanding

you’d like to impart?”

My answer was immediate, “Everything exists entirely in

your imagination.”

I have already introduced you to this idea in Chapter

One, but since you, like me, were probably told several

times in your childhood, “it’s only in your imagination”,

you are probably stuck into thinking that the things of

the imagination are not really real; so, allow to me to

explain how even the so-called real world exists entirely

in your imagination.

One of my teachers, who was attempting to teach me

discernment, told me, “do not believe anything unless

you see it with your own eyes”. At a certain level, there

may be some value in that, but it is, overall, a poor piece

of advice that ignores the true nature of reality.

Your eyes do not, in fact, see anything.

Just like a camera lens does not actually see, but only

focuses light waves, your eyes only focus light waves

onto your optic nerve. This stimulation of your optic

nerve by electromagnetic energy creates a virtual

lightening storm of neural activity in your brain. Your

mind then interprets this sparking pattern of neural

activity as the image perceived. The image is created in

your imagination. It is your mind that sees, not your

eyes. What you actually see is the image that exists in and

is created by your imagination.


Modern physics has shown us that everything in the

universe, at its most fundamental or true level, is simply

and elegantly comprised of various frequencies of

vibrating energy. A myriad of vibrations are constantly

interacting with each other to create interference patterns

that constitute the sub-atomic particles. Sub-atomic

particles congregate to form atoms, then molecules, then

complex structures like a rock or a tree or a human body.

When light (electromagnetic energy) bounces off these

complex interference patterns and gets focused through

your eye lens onto your optic nerve, which in turn

stimulates that electrochemical storm of neural activity in

your brain, your mind creates the image of the rock.

The rock you see exists in your imagination. Your

experience of rock is entirely subjective and internal. The

external reality is, in truth, the interference pattern

created by the interacting vibrations. It is that wondrous

aspect of mind called imagination that creates your

image of, your perception of and your experience of that

thing called rock.

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At the deepest and most fundamental level of reality,

there is no boundary between you and your world. You

are not separate from universe and universe is not

separate from you. There is only yoUniverse.

You are constantly creating your experience by the

choices you make. In fact, the choices you make

determine who you are as well as what you have as an




There is no objective reality. The observer and the

observed are one and the same essence. It is impossible

for the observer to have anything except a subjective

experience because he cannot step outside of the system

he exists within. And, since the very act of existing within

and observing the system itself has an effect on what is

observed, you are constantly in the process of creating

your reality.

The words on this page have no meaning until you give

them meaning. The events and circumstances of your life

have no value until you impart a value to them.

The ideals you construct in your imagination are as real

as anything else that exists.

When you allow that so called objective and external

world of event and circumstance to determine your

reality picture, you are allowing the illusionary and

transitory to distract you from the greater truth that all

things exist only in your imagination.



Moreover, everything you perceive is in the past. That is

correct. Nothing you observe in the external world exists

in this present moment. It is all something that happened

in the past. Stand outside on a cloudless night and

observe the star filled sky. Pick out any star; say the

middle star in Orion’s belt, Alnilam.

Is it really there? There is no way you can be sure of that.

It is more than 1300 light years away. It could have

ceased to exist a thousand years ago and yet, you still

perceive it to be there.

Closer to home, our own star, Sol, the sun that lights your

life, could have ceased to exist 5 minutes ago and you

would not be aware of that yet because the radiation

emitted by the sun takes almost nine minutes to reach

your eyes. It looks like it is still there (and I sure hope it

is), but can you say for sure that it is? Nope. The only

thing you can say for sure is that the image of it still

exists in your imagination.



And that is true of everything you perceive. It is all in the

past and it is all the result of past causes. None of it exists

in your actual present moment.

The only things that really exist in this present moment

are the images you hold in your imagination. So how

could you possibly allow yourself to believe that current

events and circumstances are more real than the ideal

you create in your imagination?

Believe in your Self. You are real. Believe in your dreams,

your ideals, your goals. They are real. Believe in what

inspires you. That is real.

Everything else is just a passing illusion.


Quick Review:

You are constantly creating your reality picture by your

choices. Freedom and power comes from asking yourself

what do you believe and why do you believe it?

Life delivers what you expect it to produce.

Everything you perceive has already happened. It is in

the past. Only that which you imagine exists in this

present moment.

Direct Action Steps:

Ask yourself what you would like to believe about


Then ask what you can do today to make that belief be

more true.

Then do it.



“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we

have into enough, and more. It turns denial into

acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can

turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger

into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings

peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."

~ Melody Beattie

"The most fortunate are those who have a

wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again,

freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with

awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy."

~ Abraham Maslow