Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter Three

Living On Purpose

When the father of my high school sweetheart asked me

that not untypical question asked by fathers, “what is

your intention regarding my daughter?”, he had no idea

how much he would, years later, transform my life, and

the lives of many other people.

My reply was an honest and stammered “I don’t know.”

What else could I answer? I had not actually thought

about it. Of course, at that time in my life, it was my

hormones and not my mind that governed my actions

most of the time.

Many years later, another young lady asked me that

same question. She was flirting. “What dear sir,” she

asked me, “are your intentions about me?” I knew the

answer this time and answered her truthfully. “To bed

you,” I replied. It turned out to be the right answer. It

matched her intention to a tee and I was pleased with the

result. I trust she was too.

More importantly, it started me thinking. And soon, I

was asking myself that life changing question everyday.

“What is my intention in doing what I am doing right


I have expanded that question over the years to include

the various other aspects of my beingness.

What is my intention in thinking what I am thinking?

What is my intention in feeling how I am feeling? What is

my intention in believing that thing or idea?

If I do not have a clear answer and if what I am doing,

thinking, feeling or believing at any given time does not


actually serve me in some way, I stop. Then, I go about

believing, thinking, feeling on purpose with specific


What do I desire?

I want to be happy. Ok, so how does it serve me to be

angry or frustrated? It doesn’t, so there is no good reason

to feel that way. I can choose to feel forgiveness instead

of anger if someone does something not nice or


I want to be successful. Ok, so how does it serve me to

waste hours of my life watching television? It doesn’t. So

I got rid of my television. There are only 1,440 minutes in

each day. How many of them do you want to waste

watching some mindless entertainment? For me, the

answer is almost none.

I could go on and on about the ways my life has been

transformed by asking myself that simple question,

“what is my intention…?”, but I think you already have

the point.

As a result, my life is lived with a fair amount of

intentionality. I still find myself occasionally doing things

without any real purpose, but not all that often.

Now, when I am mentoring people, it is quite common

for me to ask, “What is your intention in believing that?”

(or thinking that, or saying that, or feeling that way). It

usually startles people to be asked that in the same

dramatic way I was startled by that father who was

concerned about my intentions. Most people have just

not ever thought about it.

When, for example, was the last time you asked yourself,

“Why do I think that way? Does it serve me in some


way? Is there a purpose to thinking what I think? Or is it

just random non-productive noise?”

Once you have created that ideal, or set of ideals, for

yourself and your life, you will need to bring

intentionality and purpose to your thoughts, beliefs,

feelings and actions if you are ever to achieve that ideal.

The four principle elements of conscious creation are:

thought, desire, belief and intent. Self-mastery is

attained when one establishes conscious control of all

four elements.

Creating a life of abundant happiness and success is all

about bringing congruity to your self and the way that

you go about being in the world. Form your ideals in

your imagination. Visualize them in their completeness.

Be passionate about them. Desire their materialization.

Affirm their reality to build your belief. Be grateful for

their existence. Then act as if they were already existent

in the material as well as in the imaginal by doing those

things that support them.

In other words, be, do and have in agreement, in accord,

with your ideals and you will produce or create their

manifestation. Be congruous. Act harmoniously. Have

accordance with your ideals. You will be living your life

‘on purpose’. Success will naturally result.

Sadly, most people live lives happenstancially, with only

rare and fleeting moments of clarity of purpose. The

good news is that anyone can start today to live a life of

meaning and purpose by bringing intentionality to their


It is often said that the purpose of life is to live a life of

purpose. Unfortunately, so many people stumble around


vainly attempting to figure out some grand purpose for

their life, not knowing that if they only brought

intentionality to each present moment, their life would be

filled with both purpose and meaning.

In conversation with one of the people I coached a few

months ago, she said to me, “I did not intend for my life

to turn out this way?” It was the perfect opening for me.

“How did you intend for it to turn out?” I asked. “I don’t

know, but not like this,” she answered. “So, if you had no

clear intent, then how can you possibly expect anything

except some random unplanned result?” was my next


These are hard questions to be sure, but the truth is that if

you are not living each day of your life on purpose, then

how can you possibly expect it to turn out anyway except


It is ok for a child to say, “I didn’t do it on purpose,” in

response to some accidental event; but it is not acceptable

for any adult human being to pretend that they are not

responsible for the things that happen in their life.

The cold hard truth is that if your life is not living up to

your expectations, it is because you have made some

inappropriate choices that have resulted in you having

the results you have. If you would rather have your

things show up in your life by choice rather than by

chance, then start asking yourself as often as possible the

following questions. What is my intention in doing what

I am about to do? Is there a purpose to what I am

thinking, how I am feeling, what I am doing? What do I

expect to get out of it? What result will this action

produce? Why am I doing this thing?


Why? is always the best question. It is not what; not who;

not where; not when; not even how; but the question

"why?" that is the best source of both wisdom and power.

As soon as you begin to ask yourself why, you begin to

accumulate both power and wisdom.

Yes, you can learn a lot by asking what, who, where,

when and how; but in asking why, you get to the heart of

the matter. For example, what you think is critically

important; BUT why you think what you think is even

more crucial; AND, knowing why you think what you

think will give you enormous insight into who you are

and how you are creating what you have in life.

Why do you think what you think? What is your intent?

Why do you believe in what you believe? Do you have

any intent in believing in that? Why do you feel the way

you feel? To what end? Why do you do what you do?

Why do you have what you have? The answers may

provide insight; but it is the asking of the question that is

the source of any wisdom gained. The answers may

show potential; but it is the asking of the question that

demonstrates your willingness to express your personal

power. The question really comes down to... what exactly

are your intentions?

It is really quite simple. Thoughts, thought thoughtlessly;

beliefs, believed in without critical examination;

emotions allowed in reaction; things done without a clear

and purposeful intent will produce unintended results.

When you are being and acting without intentionality,

you are simply a creature of event and circumstance.

When you bring intentionality to all that you are and all

that you do, you become a causal agent and can

consciously create the events and circumstances that will

provide the ease and abundance you desire.


Without intention, the way things unfold in your life

appear to be confusing and even, perhaps, chaotic. When

your intention is applied, the way things unfold in the

universe appear to be harmonious and in sync with your

own ideals and expectations. It is your intentionality that

brings a harmony of thought, word and deed and it is

this harmony that puts you into the flow of things.

Your intent is the expression of your will. Your will is

your personal power. If you allow yourself to hold any

thoughts or beliefs or emotions or allow yourself to

perform any actions without a very specific intention as

the primary motivation, then you are not claiming your

power and not expressing your will. And you are not

living on purpose.

When your predominant and repetitive thought patterns

are intentionally chosen, when your core beliefs are

intentionally and consciously chosen, when your primary

emotions or prevailing attitudes are consciously and

intentionally chosen, when what you do and what you

enact is done on purpose and with purpose, with

intentionality, you are powerful indeed.

So pay attention to your intentions.

What are your predominant thought patterns? Why do

you choose to think those repetitive thoughts? Why do

you choose to think anything you think? To what end?

Does it serve you in any way to think what you actually

think? Is there any clear intent behind most of your

thoughts or is this stream of consciousness that is

constantly running through your mind just random


If you are honest with yourself, you will see, like most

people who indulge in this self-reflection, that 95% of


what goes on in your mind has not been consciously

chosen to serve some defined end or goal and, in all

likelihood, does not actually serve you in any discernable


Here is the good news. You can actually train your mind

to think mostly those thoughts that do serve you in living

your ideals and achieving your goals. Sure, it takes some

discipline at first to develop new habitual ways of

thinking, but the rewards for being in control of your

own mind are enormous. And as you practice this mental

control over what goes on in your mind, it gets easier and


A person who thinks on purpose, who chooses his or her

thoughts intentionally, who stops thinking those

thoughts that serve no useful purpose, who focuses his

thoughts on his ideals and goals, ends up being not only

successful, but happier and more fulfilled.

Learning to think for yourself makes you very powerful.

You become capable of consciously creating the life you

envision and desire for yourself. It is more than worth the


One of the most important realizations that anyone can

come to is that thoughts create reality. Your thoughts

create your reality. It is not just that the way you think

that determines how you interpret the world; the way

you think also determines how you behave and thus

create results.

Thoughts actually become things. This is not new news.

It's not some ethereal theory. It's not a fanciful

philosophy without any direct application to your day-

to-day life.


It is the single most important piece of knowledge

possessed by humanity. It is the primary cause behind

your success or failure in life.

What was once known only to metaphysicists is now also

known by physicists. It is a scientific fact. Thought


I am not just referring to the kind of creative thought that

brings about art or technology. All thought creates all the

time. Your every single thought is creating your reality in

every moment.

I'll say it again for emphasis... your thoughts create your

reality. Bluntly, if your reality sucks, it is because your

thinking sucks.

The great good news is that if you desire to change your

reality, it is as simple as changing your thinking. In order

to improve your life, you only need to improve your


Simple? Well, there are a couple of impediments. These

are what hold most people back from profound change

or improvements. They act in the same way that an

electronic invisible fence serves to keep a dog from

roaming free.

First, you are accustomed to (or addicted to) thinking a

certain way. You have been trained to think a certain

way. Most people are too lazy or too scared to think

original or intentional thoughts. Most people actually do

not even pay any attention to what they are thinking.

They don't know what they are thinking or why they are

thinking what they think. Do you?


Second, you exist within a consensual societal reality

picture, a collective consciousness, a meta-meme, that

serves to limit your ability to have original thoughts.

Most people blindly accept the norms of their cultural

conditioning; things are the way they are... that is reality.

They ignore the fact that it is those who have challenged

the normal thinking patterns, those who have thought

outside the box, that have brought about the advances in

human society or that have created their own

extraordinary and successful lives.

So, in order to transform your thinking, and thus, your

reality, you must exercise a purposeful discipline. You

must learn how to think on purpose. You must resist

your tendency to revert to old ingrained habitual

thinking. You must decide to opt out of the mass-mind

and act as an individual, intentionally choosing what,

how and why you think what you think.

First, figure out exactly what you are thinking; what are

your predominant repetitive thought patterns. Pay

attention to your thoughts. Where do they come from?

Why do you think that thought? What does it create in

your life?

Second, decide (choose) to think those specific thoughts

that will serve to create the reality you desire to see

manifest in your life.

Every artifact, every tool, everything ever designed or

created by human beings for their own need, comfort,

luxury, amusement or advancement began as an idea, a

concept… a thought.

All wealth had its origins in thought. It is thought that

creates. Everything that human beings have created is a


product of mind. Wealth is created; it is the effect;

thought is the cause.

A penny for your thoughts? How about a billion pennies

instead for just one thought? No matter how you define

wealth, your attainment of this wealth will depend upon

the quality and consistency of your thinking combined

with the clear and firm desire to realize what you


It is patently obvious that, since your mind is the cause

and what you have is the effect, the place to work on

your wealth is in your own mind.

Those who achieve and keep great wealth have learned

to control the quality and consistency of their thoughts,

their attitudes and their desires. They have learned to

think ‘on purpose’ instead of accidentally.

If you can, despite all distractions and obstacles, keep

your mind focused upon what you idealize and desire,

you will move steadily toward creating or realizing your


Most people do not do this. They allow conditions and

circumstances to determine how they think, how they

feel and what they end up with. Their allowingness of

that which is outside of themselves to control their mind

and their results turns them into victims.

Those, who, through the use of their will, use that which

is inside themselves, that is… their own mind, their

consciousness, their idealizations, their thoughts, their

desires, their passions and their beliefs to control who

they are and what they create, end up as victors in the

game of life.


In other words, if you want to have more out of life, you

must first become more. Since it is in your nature to want

more, the only way you can find any kind of personal

fulfillment is to become more.

It does not matter what it is that you want more of; the

only way to get it is to become more. You become more

by taking control of your self… your mind, your

passions, your beliefs, then your words and deeds and

thus… your results or what you end up having.

There is a simple, yet profound, formula for creating

success… be > do > have. Or, I as prefer to express it…

become > enact > attain.

If a hundred people are given exactly the same

opportunity and the same resources to exploit that

opportunity and the same playing field to take advantage

of that opportunity, and 10 people excel at that

opportunity and 10 fail (80% are average or mediocre),

where is the difference?

The answer is that since the only variable in the equation

is within each of the people, it is the mind, mental

attitude or will-ing-ness to grow and become more that

determines those who win and those who lose (and those

in the majority, who will, for comfort sake, remain


Losers will, of course, blame it on anything else and

refuse to accept responsibility for being at cause. Winners

will have chosen to become and do what was necessary

to take advantage of the opportunity. They have accepted

that they, themselves, are at cause and are grateful for the

opportunity to prove that they can succeed, to prove that

they are masters of their own destiny, not victims of fate

and fortune.


So ask yourself, what are you thinking? A penny’s

worth?? A million$ worth?? Just exactly what are you

thinking and why? What is your intention in thinking

what you are thinking? Want more out of life? Take

control of yourself. Think on purpose, not by accident.

Live your life by design and not by default.

Most people never achieve the levels of success and

happiness they aspire to. And these 90% of people

willfully ignore the fact that 90% of the time, 90% of their

thoughts are creating results they do not intend or desire.

Always, according to these people, it is the outside

conditions and circumstances that are to blame for their

lack of hoped for results. They steadfastly refuse to

closely examine their own thought processes and

steadfastly refuse to accept responsibility for what and

how they think.

I'll tell you this... if you really, really desire to create for

yourself the ideals of wealth, health and happiness you

hold, you will have to learn to think on purpose. A

hammer is a tool. A chisel is a tool. Anyone can use them

to chip away at concrete. Michelangelo used them to

create the statue of David (and more). The mind is a tool.

Many use it to chip away at life. A few use it to create

their ideals, the life of their dreams. Your mind is your

own. It is a tool. How you use it is up to you.

We can all see the stupidity of someone wanting to be

healthy and fit but spending their evenings channel

surfing in front of the boob tube eating junk food. It is the

same as wanting to be wealthy while spending most of

the time thinking random non-productive thoughts.

Physical exercise produces results. So does mental

exercise. Living on a diet of junk food will prevent or


destroy your health. Living on a diet of mental junk will

prevent or destroy your wealth. Simple thing to

understand; yet most folks live on mental junk. They

watch mindless drivel on TV. They allow societal

programming to dominate their thought processes. They

don't examine what they are thinking. They don't make

the effort to think on purpose. They don't flex their

mental muscles.

Can you think and grow rich? You bet. That is how all

riches are created. Most, however, are more habituated to

the "think and grow poor" way of life. Opt out of the

mass mindset. Start thinking creatively. Start thinking

wealthy thoughts.

The laws of the universe are immutable. One such law is

that thought creates. Like gravity, it works all the time,

not just when you want it to. Your every thought is

creative. Scattered thoughts create scattered results and

that sometimes confuses people and leads them to

believe that thought is not always creative. 15 minutes

per day of positive, focused, purposeful thought cannot

completely override 23 hours and 45 minutes of

unfocused, negative and accidental thought.

If your results are mixed, it is because the quality of your

thoughts is mixed.

You can deny but not escape that plain and simple truth.

Do you want to create intended and desired results? Get

control of your thoughts. Do you yearn to be wealthy?

Think your way to riches. Think on purpose. Get the

wealth consciousness. Adopt a prosperity paradigm.

Start living each moment on purpose. Be intentional.