Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

Speaking The Truth

All day every day you are talking. Sometimes your

mouth is moving when you are speaking, but most of the

time it is not.

Huh??? No, it is not because you are a ventriloquist.

All day (and even all night) you are constantly talking to

yourself. This self-talk is mostly subconscious

background noise that you normally pay no conscious

attention to, but that does not diminish its importance in

determining your reality.

This self-talk is a constant stream of affirmations about

how you perceive the world, what you believe to be true

about your world and your place in it, about what is

possible for you to be, to do and to have in life.

(You may have discovered by now that there is some repetition

in this book. That is intentional. I am helping you to adopt a

new prosperity paradigm and your method of self-talk by

affirming and re-affirming the essential understandings you

must adopt and apply in order to become a consciously creative

self-actualized human being.)

When you pay attention to your self-talk and understand

that this subconscious programming is determining how

you behave and thus what results show up in your life,

you will come to see that when you listen to this

subconscious self-talk, you are listening to your future



So, in order to change the future that is unfolding for you

right now, right here in this present moment, you need to

take conscious control of this subconscious self-talk.

Of the approximately 60,000 thoughts that pass through

your mind each day, a large percentage is useless trivia

like old ad jingles, snippets of old songs and other

nonsensical tidbits of information you have been

repetitively exposed to in your past. These can be


What is critical to pay attention to is the recurring self-

talk that is about the image you hold of yourself, how

you believe that the world works and how you see your

place in the world. This is where you must exert your


The best method that I know that enables you to

effectively do this is a five step process:

a. Get still for at least twenty minutes.

b. Pay attention to the stream of thoughts

that are passing through your mind.

Identify the major repetitive patterns.

c. Ask yourself the following questions…

“Why am I thinking that thought? Where

did it come from? Does it serve me in any

way to think that way? Can I think

differently about that?”

d. Begin the process of thinking more

empowering thoughts by creating specific

affirmations about the person you wish to

be, the things you aspire to do and the

success you envision having.

e. Have the discipline to repeat these

affirmations to yourself throughout the



For example, while other people are complaining about

standing in line at the bank, I am affirming my ideals

repetitively. You’ll know when this has begun to work

when you find yourself thinking these affirmations

without consciously choosing to do so.

The things you habitually talk about to other people are

also important. What you talk about defines what you

believe in, what you care about, what you are in the

process of creating for yourself and how much value you

place on your life. Yes, what you talk about demonstrates

how much value you place on your life.

If you talk about nothing but inanities, then it is obvious

that you place no value on your own time since you are

willing to waste it talking about nonsense, and that you

place no value on the other person’s life since you are

willing to waste the precious moments of their life

talking about useless stuff and that you place no value on

your ability to contribute to the person you are speaking

to since all you are willing to talk about are non-

contributory things. You have devalued yourself and the

other person.

If you listen carefully to what other people speak about,

you will soon come to see the truth of that old saying,

“Below average people talk about other people; average

people talk about things and events; and above average

people talk about ideas.”

Super successful people spend a lot of time speaking

about ideals. What ideals? The ones they create in their

own imagination.

To expand upon that simplistic adage so that you can see

that how you speak and what you say demonstrate what

your thought processes are mostly about and how you


are constantly defining your potential and constructing

your reality, think about the following ideas.

You can tell a lot about people by what they read. What

people read is one of the ways they talk to themselves

and reinforce (affirm) how their reality picture is

constructed. One of the first things I do, and have done

for years, when invited to someone’s home or office is to

look at their bookshelves (if they have any) and at any

magazines they have lying around.

What I have learned from this observation is that

interesting people have interests that empower them and

uninteresting people have interests that disempower


If a person’s reading material consists of National

Inquirer, People Magazine or any of their equivalents,

you know that they have low self-esteem and any

conversation you will have with them will be more

gossip than anything else and they will be

disempowering to themselves and you.

If a person’s reading material consists mainly of daily

newspapers and magazines like Time, Newsweek, The

Economist, et cetera, you know that any conversation

with them will consist of world events and prevailing

conditions in the world because they believe that they are

creatures of event and circumstance and they will be

disempowering to themselves and you.

If a person’s reading material consists of magazines like

The Atlantic and New Scientist, or websites like or, you know that any

conversation with them will be interesting and intelligent

and they will be empowering to themselves and you.


If a person’s bookshelf has books like this one or books

by Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Amit Goswami, et

cetera, you know that they are interested in personal

growth and empowerment and, as a consequence, will

have something valuable to say and they will be

empowering to themselves and you.

A person who does not read good books is no better off

than a person who cannot read. A person who is not

continually learning is no better off than the child in

some impoverished country who has no access to


A person who fills their mind with trash cannot

realistically expect to have a happy, successful and

fulfilling life. Yet, many people are constantly filling their

minds with trash. How? By having conversations with

themselves that reinforce a worldview that does not

empower, by having conversations with others about

banalities, trivialities and inanities, by reading trash or by

not reading at all and by watching junk on television.

I do not even own a television. It is not just because there

is nothing worth watching most of the time; but the fact

that the majority of the stuff that is broadcast is actually

designed to disempower the audience. It makes you


If you think you are immune, you are deluding yourself.

Television is a combination of narcotic and mind viruses.

It puts you into an alpha brainwave state and then

dumps garbage into your subconscious mind. It is not

entertainment; it is entrainment.

Turn off your television and turn on your inner vision

and you will become empowered to take control of your

own life, your own success and your own freedom.


Start having conversations with people that are

empowering. Instead of asking them about who won the

ball game, ask them how they plan on winning the game

of life. Instead of telling them the latest gossip, tell them

what you are creating.

Don’t spend too much time talking about what is already

manifest, what already exists. That just makes you

average. Allow other people to live their lives. Don’t

waste your time talking about them unless you want to

be below average.

Talk about your truth, your ideals, what you desire to see

manifest. Talk about these things to yourself and to

others. When you speak about your ideals (your truth)

with passion to other people, they will get enthused

about helping you achieve your ideal. You will also

inspire them to live larger lives.

You only have two really valuable assets: the time you

were given (& use wisely); the ideals you create (& strive

to enact). All else is of lesser import. So why spend your

mental energy, your time and your attention on things

that are not relevant to the person you desire to become,

the ideals you desire to enact and the success you desire

to attain.

Learn to replace that constant mental chatter, those

endless tape loops of old ad jingles, self-defeating self-

talk and subconscious non-productive mental patterns

with new, bold, empowering affirmations about who you

are becoming, what you are in the process of creating and

the gratitude you have for having these ideals be a part of

your reality.

Speak always, first and foremost, your own truth.


Otherwise, you’ll end up living somebody else’s.


Quick Review:

You can take conscious control of the subconscious

thought patterns that control how you behave and what

you expect life to be like.

Everything you talk about, to yourself and others, is an

affirmation of the person you are in the process of


Direct Action Steps:

Turn off your television.

Start paying attention to your thought processes.

Make a list of specific affirmations that support the new

you and your ideals.

Train yourself to think intentionally and creatively.

Learn something new everyday.



“A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more

than much knowledge that is idle.”

~ Kahlil Gibran

“I have always thought the actions of men the best

interpreters of their thoughts.”

~ John Locke

“Good thoughts are no better than good dreams,

unless they be executed!”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

“In any moment of decision the best thing you can do

is the right thing,

the next best thing is the wrong thing,

and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

~ Teddy Roosevelt