iHope: People Inspired to Release Pearls of Possibilities by K. A. Perkins - HTML preview

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“BE VOULENTEERING Giving yourself to causes, the helpless and the less fortunate is a principled way to increase your Pearls of Possibility.”


EMPYREAN TRUTHS are spiritual laws of nature that govern the manner in which the Infinite conducts His Universe. These truths are not based on theory or speculation. EMPYREAN TRUTHS operate regardless of whether you or I believe in them. However, if we are able to understand them and learn how they operate in our lives, we will have the ability to walk in harmony with the Universe and the Infinite who created it.


Faith and Hope are the conduits, or the conductors, by which the EMPYREAN TRUTHS flow within you. Faith and Hope give you the ability to attach yourself to that which you desire or believe in, and then pull those things into your reality. I call this the Principle of Magnetism.


Faith and Hope have a direct correlation to the quality of your life. I refer to this as the Principle of Endowment. Faith and Hope are encapsulated PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY. They are gifts that reside within you and are designed to be shared. Their ability and power are constrained only by your will. If you want an unlimited supply of the PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY, you must learn how to give away what you already contain.


When these PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY are given away, the Universe is ignited to form a combustible force that causes a catalyst of development and growth in pearls faith and Hope. This is the Principle of Evolution. The growth and development creates an increase in the pearl’s quality. The Universe, becomes a co‐laborer, and then creates a penetrating energy force that causes mitosis of the PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY. This is the Principle of Synergistic Multiplication. These multiplied PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY are not only given to others, but are returned to you in varying degrees, only to be given away again.


At any given time during this process of evolution and multiplication, your pearls will endure various seasons of testing and trial. There is a direct correlation between the degree of Hope and Faith you possess and the degree of testing and trials you will endure. This is not a mistake or happenstance; it is a wellorchestrated part of the maturation of the pearls. The darkness, the breaking, the pushing, the refreshing, the triumphs and the victories all work together to mature the infantile pearls into pearls of increased substance and value; I call this the Principle of Maturation.


The Principle of Orchestrated Revelation sets the time frame for revealing your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY. If your share your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY prematurely, when they are in their undeveloped state, you will often encounter scrutiny, criticism and unbelief from others.


The Principle of Antithesis explains that the Universe is comprised of opposites, like good and evil. And that regardless of how bleak and desperate situations may become, the Infinite remains sovereign and is committed to making every experience workout for our good.