iHope: People Inspired to Release Pearls of Possibilities by K. A. Perkins - HTML preview

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“BE FLUID – Living an Inspired life will often times require you to be like a liquid -  changing states to meet the needs of others while still maintaining to be the same compound.”


Motivation is mere expression of catchy words or phrases that stimulate temporary appearance of growth. Motivation is propelled by external stimuli and when the stimuli are gone, so is the motivation. Inspiration, on the other hand, is the intentional act of breathing life into the soul of an individual. That life creates a spark, a catalyst for change. There is a need for individuals to give more than superficial words; the World needs individuals that are committed to inspiring Hope. Jesus, Martin Luther King, and Mother Theresa were people who understood how selfless acts of kindness had the potential of inspiring

Hope for future generations. They were committed to sacrificing money, fortune and fame to change the world, one life at a time.


In 1993, I decided to become a teacher. Not because I wanted my summers off, or because I lacked other aspirations; but, I became an educator for one purpose ‐ to inspire a generation of young people. However, years later, I found myself lacking that same passion to inspire. My passion grew cold, and the once treasured interaction with young people slowly became just a means to get a pay check. Instead of seeking to inspire – to spark the inner catalyst of change ‐ I sought out quick phrases that would motivate the behavior, or action, I then sought.


But in2009, something changed in my life. I had an opportunity to transform a school that was designed for young people who were struggling to obtain their High School Diploma. Many of these students had tremendous barriers to receiving a diploma (i.e. homelessness, extreme poverty, mental illness, and various learning disabilities). Many of these students were facing these challenges and barriers with little to no support or guidance from parents. They felt hopeless and they were looking to me for hope. The Pearls of Possibility stirred in my spirit as I found myself in the position to inspire a forgotten generation. This went far beyond just teaching; I was charged by the Infinite to work miracles. Miracles that entailed working with my staff to put a system in place to meet each students non-academic need; eliminate the barriers; and finally address their academic needs. Every day, I had to confront the elements of despair and hopelessness that had my students paralyzed. It was this challenge that awakened my Pearls of Possibility and reignited my passion to inspire.


This book is inspired by that Hope – a Hope for a better tomorrow.  This hope has the power to change the world, one person at a time.  iHOPE is deliberately designed to inspire you to do that which you have dreamt about all your life. Its mission is to inspire you activate your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY.


In the story, Karl Hope did not motivate; he inspired the students of FDHS to activate their PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY.   iHOPE is about finishing your race. It is

about taking your pearls of possibility and sharing them with the world around you.