iHope: People Inspired to Release Pearls of Possibilities by K. A. Perkins - HTML preview

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Magnetism explains how the universe creates a force within us which enables us to bring that for which we Hope into our reality.


Giving Principle of Endowment


The Principal of Endowment states that whatever you disseminate, or give away, has a direct correlation to what you garner in return. In the story, Mr. Hope shared his Hope with the students at FDHS. He disseminated his optimism and belief in his students in both action and in words. He was resolute and determined not to allow his Hope to be hindered by circumstances, situations, or himself; so, he gave it away to each of his students, which resulted in his school to becoming an endless meadow of PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY.


The key to increasing personal PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY is giving.  Giving opens the Universal door of favor and opportunity. God created this Universe to replicate acts of kindness, especially when those acts are made in furtherance of social causes like eliminating poverty and hunger; or advocating for the disenfranchised and the disabled. When you disseminate your talents, gifts, time, and resources to those who are in need, the Universe has a responsibility reimburse you. The reimbursement can be

in the form of either tangible gifts, like money; or intangible gifts, like health, well‐being, and happiness.


Principal of EvolutionHope Is Never Afraid Of



When we learn how to give Hope away, our PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY  grow and develop. The Principal of Evolution explains how having Hope alters your perception of

change as it relates to your life. iHOPE is in no way terrified of change; iHOPE it embraces it. While change is

inevitable, your life with iHOPE enables you to accept change as the metamorphic process by which the Infinite alters and molds you into a superior version of your old self. This is a celebrated advancement in our spiritual development. Hope renews your mind, thus enabling you to view your life here on this Earth as a precious commodity in which you have a chance to become more like the Infinite. The Infinite gives us the ability to change and be more like him through a process of sharing our Hope. Change, or evolution, can be painful, but there is a beauty in the metamorphic process of sharing PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY.


Hope Multiplied Principal of Synergistic



Mr. Hope understood that when Hope is given away it multiplies. The Principle of Synergistic Multiplication explains how the Universe joins with us to form channels of multiple blessing that are based on our PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY. When Hope is shared, the Infinite creates burgeoning force that links the benefactor with the beneficiary and simulates a communal revolution. In this communal revolution, the ideas, thoughts, and lives of all who are involved, are change. It is the simple process by which a seed becomes a tree, and that tree, in time, produces other trees which collectively become a majestic forest. It is though the universal sharing of Hope that social evolution occurs. The Principal of Synergistic Multiplication stipulates that one creates a legacy that lasts throughout eternity, when one gives Hope away.


Hope Is Steadfast and Determined The

Principle of Maturation


When I was a little kid, one of my favorite cartoon characters was the Juggernaut. What made him my favorite was his ability to run through obstacles. He could take off full speed and run through walls and buildings. He had a supernatural abundance of strength. The word juggernaut is a term used to describe a force regarded as unstoppable, that can crush all in its path. Hope allows you to rule, or lord over, your personal universe. It is the authority that you are given to enable you to fulfill your destiny. When Hope is activated and used properly it becomes an unstoppable force.


Hope transforms you into a juggernaut, enabling you to endure times of testing and trial with extreme focus and fortitude. Your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY  are matured as you strive to overcome the obstacles that present themselves along life’s journey. There is a direct correlation between the degree of Hope and Faith you possess and the degree of testing that you encounter. This is not a mistake or happenstance; it is a well‐coordinated part of the maturation process. The Principal of Maturation explains how the obstacles of life work together to make your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY more refined, resilient and focused. The Bible teaches that blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life (James 1:12).


Hope Always Make a Commitment to Truth ‐

Principle of Antithesis


The universe is comprised two conflicting forces, which Chinese philosophy refers to as the yin and yang. Principle of Antithesis teaches us that truth is one of the most powerful of these opposing forces. The Infinite and His truths are the only things in the Universe that are immutable.


In the story of FDHS, Mr. Hope makes a commitment to Truth. In your journey with Hope, you must make a commitment to the Infinite’s Truth, which gives credence to that which you believe. The Infinite’s Truth is the liberating factor of Hope. It sets individuals free to use their PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY.


Knowing When To Reveal Your Hope – The

Principle of Orchestrated Revelation



The Principle of Orchestrated Revelation explains the importance of revealing, or manifesting, ones Pearls Possibility at the time divinely orchestrated by the Infinite. A farmer doesn’t plant his seeds in the winter expecting a bountiful harvest; instead, the Farmer plants in the spring, knowing that in the fall he will reap the benefits of that over which he has toiled and labored. As the Farmer understands the importance of planting in the correct season, you too must understand the importance of not prematurely sharing your Pearls of Possibility. The Bible warns, "Never give what is holy to dogs or throw your pearls before pigs. Otherwise, they will trample them with their feet and then turn around and attack you” (Matthew 7:6).


The PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY are priceless, and should always be shared in accordance to the Infinite’s orchestration. For this reason, prayer is essential. On your life journey with Hope, often you will find yourself in a mental state of innovation, transformation, and power.

But as soon as you share your dreams and aspirations with others, you are bombarded by an onslaught of criticism and verbal attacks designed to question your ability to achieve that which you desire. As a result of the lack of faith of others, you become crippled and stagnated by fear and unbelief. For this reason, it is imperative that you avoid prematurely exposing your Pearls of Pssibility.


In the FDHS story, Karl Hope was constantly being scrutinized for optimism and the method by which he shared his PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY. Instead of being frustrated, he meditated and prayed which allowed the Infinite to orchestrate the manifestation of his PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY.


Orchestrate means to “arrange or control the elements of, as to achieve a desired overall effect” (Dictionary 2009). Hope didn’t just haphazardly voice his desire for improvement to anyone that would hear him; instead, he took the time and purposefully laid the foundation to

ignite Hope and carve out a vision and a strategy. Careful orchestration is achieved through meditation and prayer. Prayer and meditation is the art of orchestration through which the individual summons the Infinite to act on their behalf. Through that communion and fellowship, one’s human timing is aligned with that of the Infinite. Prayer and meditation are essential steps that enable one to avoid the premature releasing of their PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY, which renders them defenseless when faced with criticism and unbelief.


Hope Requires Action‐ The Principle of



Principle of Vivacity requires you to engage in action, in order to receive that which you desire. Hope requires action; without action, Hope is simple wishful thinking. Wishful thinking is belief, or desire, shrouded in passivity and inaction. While it appeals to our emotions, it fails to bring that which we desire into our reality. Wishful thinking amounts to merely ideas and thoughts. In the story of FDHS, Mr. Hope didn’t only desire for change within the school, but he took the necessary steps to facilitate that change. Hope requires a commitment to action, were as ideas and thoughts do not. Hope requires us to deal with areas of failure,