iHope: People Inspired to Release Pearls of Possibilities by K. A. Perkins - HTML preview

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iHOPE Prayer


My Lord God, despite the uncertainty in life

I willfully choose to take this journey of hope with you.  

I do not see what is in front of me,

But it is though faith that I follow you.

As I embark on this journey, I embrace your promise

That you will never leave me nor forsake me

Regardless of what happens, you are good

Having the best intentions for me.  

I don’t really know who I am

I’m  equally unsure of what is inside of me

Lord  I know you know me

Lord activate my pearls possibility;

I ask that you walk with me

I want to learn who you are and who you have called me to be. Show to me my destiny and purpose.

Let me hear your voice when I pray, mediate, and soak.

Give me the strength and the courage

Unlock my pearls of possibility.   

Sow my pearls so that they may grow.

Father, let me encounter your hope.  

A hope that will inspire me

A hope that will catapult me.

A hope that will cause me to grow.

A  hope that overflows and contagiously inspires other.  

Let me encounter hope that releases dreams, visions

Let me encounter inventions, art, business and  innovations.

Let me live in your presence that is free from fear and worry

Lord me to become a conduit of your Holy Spirit

Allow me to release your love to all humanity.  

Allow hope to rain on me.

Let Inspired Hope transform the world we live in. 

Open my eyes to see the world as you see it-full of possibilities. Let me help eliminate hunger,

Let me help eliminate hunger poverty

Let me help eliminate hunger sickness

Let me help eliminate hunger social injustices.  

Lastly help me to stay focused.

Keep me in total agreement with your vision for me.

Give me the strength to our dreams into reality.

Let me daily rise, walk, touch, speak, or go.

Let me live in the miraculous.

Let me have positive habit

Foster healthy relationships.

Actively pursue my mission and vision.


In Your name we pray Amen.