Short Stories Books
Chrilic Invasion
The festive season begins with human slaughter when aliens venture out of a wetland to a nearby settlement. Lana and a group of young troopers have been recruited by Armor to eradicate a small number of chrilics found on the south coast of Saneris Island. The threat of chrilic reproduction forces...
The Legend of the Ring 2
In the second volume Igor tries to get the magic ring from Angela but she is a fearsome opponent, smart and agile. Daniel becomes King of Green Valley and Angela becomes....Well, you will have to read to find out. Enjoy!
Jeff's Evergreen Family
This short fiction story is about a guy named Jeff. His transition from a bachelor to a married man, his love for his family and his passion for his career make him overall an excellent and unique man to get along with. This is Jeff’s story and about his evergreen family. Interested? Hit the...
Collected Short Stories: volume IV
* Bethany Glaspell approached the first-ever meeting with Great-uncle Vern, a man who returned from the jungles of Vietnam with a Hmong bride and warped personality, much as a cat burglar might plan his next heist, telling no one, neither friend nor family, her intentions.
Old roleplay stories & fiction
Due a format damage (unresolved) I offer a cost-free copy of my second fiction ebook, a collection of short stories. Inspired mostly by the Cthulhu myth, Dungeons & Dragons, Shadowrun or Cyberpunk, and Warhammer Fantasy, be it miniature skirmishes or role play.
The Dentist
Going to the Dentist is never fun, but spare a thought for the poor Dentist! Even Dentists need a break, sometimes... This short story is not about your typical dentist. Nor is it about your typical dental patient. I can't say anything more - you'll just have to read it. Oh, you do have a strong...
Outgrowth of the Brain
Alf and Bert, the burly new security guards, are no match for professional thieves who break and enter the Cloud Brother's mansion. That is, until young Master Trevor adapts Alf's cranium.
Collected Short Stories: Volume III
A young boy spends a magical weekend with his sister, a former collegiate track star crippled in a freak accident. During the visit he learns a poignant lesson about the resilience of monarch butterflies and the human heart.
IX: Articles of the Revolution
The Revolution is Coming. Two brothers, Bryan and Matthew Creed, are revolutionaries fighting against the oppressive government that controls their city. As the movement becomes more fractious and the two sides begin to resemble one another, it becomes unclear if the war is one they can win...
Short Fictions You Would Like to Read
September is my birthday month but you, the dear reader, get this beautiful gift. This eBook is about four great people – two ladies and two gentlemen. How they make it a point to give priority to family is noteworthy. Proceeding along with challenges and never losing sight of their families...