2012: Cult De Muerte [ER] by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Leaning against his locker Dave must have been waiting for several minutes. He couldn’t wait much longer, after all bathroom breaks don’t usually take fifteen minutes. He tapped on his watch as the second hand seemed to be flying in a circle. He raised his head, “come on,” he said softly as he rocked in his spot. This was the only time that he had any sort of free moment to communicate with a girl that he had grown to love. Christina was part of the popular crowd and was always surrounded by a gaggle of girls. Always laughing, always giggling into their hands. Finally the woman’s door opened and Christina came out throwing her paper towel on the floor. Her black hair ran across her long majestic neck as she seemed to walk in slow motion. It tossed from side to side as her caramel like skin seemed to cast a permanent sun tan look. She had brown eyes that were the exact color of almonds and her smile was like the face of the cutest puppy. Her eyes locked onto his as she moved towards him. He felt his face beginning to sweat. “Well here goes nothing.”

He took a big gulp and approached her, “Hey Christina!” She stopped giving a little flirty smile, “hey Bobby, aren’t you supposed to be in class”? “Yeah we’re in the same class actually,” her smile fell, “I know that, what are you exactly doing out here”? Wiping his neck he gave a quick, “well you’re the reason I’m out here”. “Me,” she exclaimed not looking surprised, “yeah I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me sometime . . . maybe sometime this weekend?” His heart seemed to take a dramatic plunge the moment her smirk began to appear. He knew what she wanted to say, he could see it in her brown eyes and then her mouth spoke the words. “Are . . . are you kidding me”? His knees buckled as he seemed to stumble backwards, “I just thought . . . I mean if you weren’t . . .” “If you weren’t, I tell you who you aren’t Bobby Patton. You’re nobody! There is only one guy that I want”. His mouth had become dry, “You . . . you could have just said no”. She seemed to trail off as if never hearing a sound “Jon”. “Jon,” Bobby repeated in such disgust, “You are nothing compared to him”. She turned back to him, “so obviously I guess the answer is no . . . call me when you look something like that”. She patted him on the chest and made her way back to the classroom.

It was three years later before I came into contact with my beloved. I had lost my glasses and parted blond hair. My lanky body had thickened up and soon I grew a bit of confidence, ready to start anew at the local high school. It just so happened that Christina came to my high school and once again fell into the popular crowd. Although her love for Jon was well known Jon himself never showed any interest, passing from one girl onto the next. Maybe that was the reason why she approached me that one rainy October day. It was widely rumored in my school that my interest was with another girl named Kelly. Head of the Pom Pom squad, she always delighted and exploited the fact that I had feelings for her. Although learning from Christina I never pursued Kelly only having the courage to watch her from afar.

It was surprising to see Christiana here after school but when she slid up to the cafeteria table I knew something was up. Going to a private school meant that girls were allowed to wear skirts. Although Christiana was known for her utter dislike of them she never hasted to sport them several inches higher than the other girls. She hopped on the table letting her skirt rise even higher showing off her seductive caramel skin. She crossed her legs making sure her white knee socks were straight. “Hey Bobby,” I rose from my textbook, “hey Christina what brings you over here”? “Nothing, nothing, I was wondering how your weekend is looking?” I shook my head, “you haven’t talked to me in years . . . what do you want?” “Well I am going to that huge party at Jon’s tonight are you . . . oh yea of course not”! I lowered my head, “so what can I do for you”? “Well a little birdie told me that you have a reputation of being able to procure certain things”. “What do you want,” she leaned in and whispered, “well Jon has always wanted to try that European liquor, I keep forgetting the name . . . Absinthe”? I began to laugh, “Absinthe, really . . . you want Absinthe?” Her leg seemed to rise a little higher, “yeah well I have been hearing that you have been able to procure some stuff for other students . . . for a price? After all you did get that blood red Anaconda for Mark, and I heard you got those black piranhas for Annie.” I dropped my pen, “my business is my business, but yeah this is more then just going to a reptile show. Or getting somebody to buy me liquor for your brainless jocks, Absinthe is illegal, and I couldn’t get it . . . even if I wanted too!”

She pouted, “Figures, you never could give me exactly what I want. Never good enough you know”? I picked up my pen and returned to my textbook trying to ignore her comments. “I’ll tell you what I know. I know how much you like me still . . . I’ll make a little deal with you, if you find the liquor I will allow you take me out for an hour”. I tried to pay attention to my work, I really did. “Thanks Christina but you have made your interests perfectly known.” I knew I had gotten to her because she shifted in her spot, “it’s that slut Kelly isn’t it”? I shook my head, “no I just can’t do it and that’s the truth.” Her legs wiggled slightly “pity . . . I heard she is going to the party tonight. She is really pretty isn’t she? Tiny figure, perky chest, the ass of a dancer . . . would make any straight girl go bi, well at least for one night if you know what I mean?” My head shot up, “you got to be kidding me”! She smiled at me, “no but what a piece of ass to try it out with right?” Staring at her disbelief clear upon my face she smiled wider knowing she was getting her way, “well maybe if I get that bottle then Jon will take me and I won’t have to take Kelly. You are my best bet of getting a bottle. You deal in this sort of stuff, so help a girl out. After all I always get what I want.” She hopped off the table and gave a cute little wave, “bring it to the party. I believe you know where”!

As night approached I was able to procure the American version of Absinthe which I hoped would be good enough despite the absence of the “key” ingredient. I didn’t suspect her to actually go for Kelly but she did have one thing right. Christina always made sure to get what she wanted. In truth, my heart still burned for her, but I had learned from my mistake before. Her rejection of me was well known through our previous school. I was intended on not making the same mistake twice. But with this mission, I planned on making a move for Kelly tonight. It was stamped on my heart that read, no matter what!

The party was already in full swing by time I showed up. I saw my fellow classmates and many new faces as I approached the large white ranch style house. I kept my head low as I entered through the crowded door. Their eyes were all focused on me as I clenched the bottle tightly to my chest. I knew some of the people were just itching for me to make a mistake. Any mistake could be met with much hostility. I kept my eyes scanning the room looking for the second most beautiful girl that I knew would be here tonight. I walked through the kitchen and the living room. Deciding not to head upstairs I prayed that she would be outside. Making my way around the long table filled with the disastrous remnants of a “Flippy Cup” game.

I scanned the large backyard watching people climbing and diving drunkenly in and out of Jon’s Olympic size pool. I was about to give up when I heard a familiar heaven like laughter. A laughter that once made my blood rush. I almost had to catch my breath when I saw her flirting with the athletic football star Jon. Face chiseled from God himself, although when I saw it, it made me want to demolish it. But sucking it up I made my way over to her. I saw her eyes widen as she saw me making my way between two other football stars who found it funny to block my way for several minutes. Christina made her way and actually took my hand leading me towards the middle of the lawn. “Did you get it,” she snapped I gulped almost speechless from her beauty. A curvy black dress that left little to the imagination on her slim figure, my heart skipped a beat. She stared at me as if completely uninterested in my fumbling of words. “I . . . I got the best I could get on such short notice,” she smiled, “see what a little persuasion can accomplish? Let me see it”! I began to hand it towards her, but she snatched it from me as if I was taking a ten mile journey. She studied it and read the label, Absinthe. She ran her hands over the bottle as if her eyes couldn’t believe it, “I can’t believe you actually got it”! She continued to stare the tension grew as I knew my presence was unwelcome I set out to complete my second task. “So Christina where exactly is,” her eyes rose, “no Bobby I am sorry I can’t treat you to the hour now. Call me tomorrow and I will try to squeeze you in.” She smacked his cheek, “thanks again”. She turned and strolled away without a second glance. I clenched my teeth, oh how I wish I could have told her that Absinthe doesn’t grow on trees. It’s not like that stuff was easy to come by, especially the legal stuff for a sixteen year old.

Shaking my head, “I guess I’ll go and try to find Kelly”. I turned and began to walk away when he heard laughing. The laughing increased and soon many people in the party where erupting into explosive laughter. I was almost onto the patio when I heard a loud and loathing “YOU”! It was a voice that I hardly recognized but when I turned I saw my former love storming towards me. Her eyes looked to be containing large bonfires, “how dare you make a fool of me you, you friggin loser”! I saw the bottle in her hand, the cork had been removed, “This is not the real thing”! I wish I could have found the words as every eye turned to stare at me. My nerves seemed to be controlling me, “you made an utter fool of me! Just because I don’t want anything to do with you, doesn’t mean you should screw me over! I don’t like you alright! I never liked you! You’re nothing but a loser with no friends and the only thing your good at you can’t do”! She walked over and tossed the contents of the bottle in my face. I screamed, “I can’t get it! It’s illegal you . . .” but that was it. The rest of the contents were poured over me and when I raised my head her face was red with anger. “KELLY,” cried Christina as she waved directly behind me. I turned soaking wet as I saw to my horror my new love interest. Her brown hair shone in the light as her face was pink due to the many drinks in her system. She had on a tight white shirt with a big logo of Hello Kitty. She turned to Christina and gave a loud “Christina”! Pointing to me she said, “did you know that Bobby Patton here . . . yes Bobby Patton has a crush on you but he is too coward to tell you”. “Really,” she said looking surprised, “oh that is so cute”! She walked over towards me, “if you liked me, why didn’t you ever just ask me out”?

The piercing stares of all the eyes filled with loathing made my lungs constrict. She moved closer as the party seemed to grow silent “Can I assume from your speechlessness that you were a little shy. Bobby if you liked me all you had to do was just ask . . . go on, ask me”. She came over towards me and I soon began to feel hot under the collar. People were circling around us as she came closer to my face “do you have anything you want to say . . . I’m right here, right now.” I gulped and whispered very softly, “Would you . . . go out with me”? She came closer, “So you like me”? I nodded, “Are you asking me out”? I nodded again. The seconds seemed to tick by as she studied me over, “I can’t believe you actually did it”! She stood straight up, “I can’t believe you actually thought I would say yes.” Her laughter seemed to ring louder until I realized the crowd was all erupting into their own set of laughter. “I know you like me. I know you wanted to ask me out. I also have seen you for what you are”. I gripped my hands together feeling a soft wind suck the last remaining heat from my body. “You’re nothing but a loser . . . an errand boy . . . now get out of this party”!

I was bombarded with cups as the group dispersed. Kelly didn’t even turn around as she walked away. I made my way through the people and was just out the door when I heard that voice. That loathing sweet voice that I have grown to hate, a voice filled with lies and prizes. A voice I would like to silence . . . permanently. A hand grabbed my shoulder as I turned to see Christina, “I can help you out you know”. “You’ve done enough”! I tried to move but she pulled me back, “bring me the real Absinthe. The real Absinthe and I can get you out of this mess! Now grow a pair and get me what I want!” She turned and headed away. I left the house and was already taking huge strides to put as much distance between the house and me. I stopped when my breathing had turned into a slight wheeze stinging my sides. It was there under the full moon that I plotted my revenge. I knew that Christina was not the girl that I always thought she was. I knew Christina’s life needed to end. I wanted to kill Christina. My plot for her death started with a promise under that very moon. My mind seemed to sing, “Bye bye Christina . . . bye bye”.

It took me nearly two weeks to set my plan but I finally set it into motion one Sunday afternoon. My plan would start with me coming to Christina’s job. She was a sales clerk at a trendy clothing store in our town’s only mini- mall. I entered the mall and began to wander until I could find something that would help bring me closer to my victim. Each store I read and each I passed with certain disgust. I didn’t want to draw any attention but I almost leapt in a hidden excitement when I saw her folding some women’s Polo shirts. I tried to hide my sadistic smile as I approached. I have to be honest it took all my strength not to take her breath away in the middle of the store. “Bobby,” she said with such disgust, “listen Christina I know you’re really upset with me”. Crossing her arms she snorted, “That’s an understatement!” “Well I thought about what you were saying at Jon’s party. You know getting the real Absinthe and all?”

She placed a folded shirt on top of the stack that she was working on. “Don’t joke with me Bobby. I am not in the mood for more of your tricks. You really embarrassed me that night.” I rubbed my hands together as I continued to proceed with my plan. “I know but no tricks Christina. You see in the past two weeks my guy has been able to procure a crate of what he calls pure Absinthe straight from Germany.” It took all my strength to contain a smile when she dropped some of the shirts she was folding. “Real Absinthe Bobby,” I nodded as she repeated “Real Absinthe”? “There is a problem though, I am afraid I can’t confirm its authenticity for the party tonight. So I am not sure . . .” I knew that I didn’t need to go far before the plan would set like a hook. “Wait . . . party . . . what party?” I took several minutes trying to look generally confused, “you know . . . Jon’s party? Up at his parent’s lake house”? “Jon doesn’t have a lake house,” I shook my head, “well my guy is delivering it to Jon’s lake house for you . . . paid a lot of money for it. All I have to do is pick it up from him and . . .” I was unable to finish my comment for my plan was going better than I had even expected. I had never seen such lust in her eyes as when she spoke about Jon. “I can’t believe Jon is throwing a party without me! He always tells me when he’s throwing a party . . . where do you think you’re going”? I pretended like I was walking away, “well it’s like I said I have to pick it up tonight unless your not going then I don’t have to pick it up at all. I can just go and do what I really want to do”.

“No we’re going to Jon’s party and picking up that crate . . . I’m coming with you,” I turned and adding fuel to the fire saying, “maybe Jon doesn’t want you there”? “Yes Bobby obviously I am going if Jon is having a party I should be there. Besides if you got a crate of Absinthe being delivered up there we should grab it. If Jon gets the crate then he will get me. It all connects and fits, don’t you see”? I watched her toss her work related project to the side, “Aren’t you working?” She waved her hands like she couldn’t care, “listen Christina the house is over three hours away . . . it’s a long drive”. I watched her finger raise and begin to jab me in the chest. “Listen mister I am the only person that should be giving Jon the Absinthe! You made me look like a fool, but if I bring the true product Jon will  forgive me and then he can fall madly in love with me”. I couldn’t help but smirk, “whatever you say Christina . . . whatever you say”.

The first part of my plan had gone smoothly but the next part would prove the most difficult. Christina’s car was still in the parking lot and the trouble was I would need her to accompany me in my car. My intention was to divert any attention to me. After all I didn’t want my plan to get spoiled. “I’ll follow you, but I have to get gas first so wait for me”. She began to shuffle through her outfit, “damn it, I left my keys in my purse. I got to go back in”. “Listen if it helps you can just tag along with me”. She shook her head, “no it’s too far, and I would need my car for work  tomorrow”. “You’re right go in and grab your purse after all walking back in on a job that you just walked out of should only take just a minute”. I turned from her and knew by her sudden pause that she was mulling it over. I smiled marveling in my own benevolence. I waited as I seemed to stand on needles. “Alright, but I better give them a call to make sure I can get a ride back”. Digging into my pocket I found my keys and although I knew exactly which key I would need, I picked through them and remarked “Yeah it’s always good to have friends you know? I’m sure they will drive you back. They seem like the type of people. After all your group is really close right?” She tossed her black hair as if the statement was an algebraic equation that had stumped all of mankind. Pretending to find the key I said, “I’ll leave the address on your windshield . . .” I watched her standing there perplexed. I quickly added, “Better hurry”. I turned and silently did a moan of joy when she said, “no . . . I’m going to surprise them. Think they can throw a party without me. I bet that bitch Kelly wants to get Jon for herself”.

I stood there as she returned to me, “well,” I said as she walked over to my passenger door. Gripping the handle she said, “Well, I guess you could drive me back . . . unless you’re willing to lend me money for a taxi”? “A taxi,” I exclaimed wondering how God could give a gorgeous body to a woman so dumb. She stared at me as if my life was on the line and with such falseness I said, “A taxi? Sure, a taxi whatever Christina wants Christina gets right?” “Now you’re learning,” she snapped and pulled open the car. Her muttering became more incoherent, “if I give him the bottle and we hook up, he may drive me back in the morning anyway”.

We sat an entire hour without as much as exchanging glances to each other. She continued to mutter about Jon but my interest faded in and out. Pretty soon my attention was nonexistent as I stared down the lonely road. After an hour and half she finally spoke, “where the hell is this place”? “It’s his lake house, I told you it was going to be awhile”. I saw out of the corner of my eye her rolling her eyes, “it’s just so boring! You’re not very good company”. I didn’t even respond as another hour seemed to go by in complete silence. She whined around 10:30, “Jesus how much longer is this place? I don’t think I can be here any longer and I have to go to the bathroom soon”. Knowing that the tension was starting to get to her, I tried to ease it with an “almost there Christina. Besides were making really good time, and my guy should be dropping it off right about now”.

When thirty minutes went by, I saw her shuffle her legs anxiously and knew she was reaching the breaking point. It didn’t matter we were almost there anyway. From the small patch of highway, we had merged over onto the interstate and took that until we reached the forest road. We traveled down a black top highway through the forest and this is where she broke. “Alright Bobby where the hell are we,” we rose up a hill, “I promise that we are almost there . . . twenty minutes I swear”. She crossed her arm as she growled, “twenty minutes”. We rose up the hill and turned down a dark path, Christina gulped a little. I knew that she was growing suspicious, “there’s Jon’s house”. I pointed to the only house, which had every light shining. It seemed to blaze like the sun in the darkness space. “Wow how could somebody miss it”? We traveled down the hill and entered a winding S-road. “There is a turn around here somewhere,” pretending to look for the turn Christina gazed at her phone, “who would have thought that with all the improvements in technology somebody could still never get a signal”? Trying to hide a smirk Bobby gave a, “When did you loose your signal?” Tapping her phone frantically, “It seems like ever sense the parking lot”.

I made the turn and with previous experience remembered the dip and lowered around a large hill. “Forget it . . . Hey! Where you going? Aren’t we going to the party,” “I keep telling you that I have to get the crate first”. We headed around a large tree and a shed about the size of a small mobile home came into view. “A tool shed,” I saw her surprise but I still pulled up to the house and turned off the ignition. “You ready,” “ready for what” she shot back. “You don’t think that I am going to go in there now do you”? Withdrawing the keys I said, “Look I can’t carry a crate by myself, all I am asking is for just a little work”. I wish I could have slapped her from the outrageous look she gave me. The word “work” seemed to splutter out her mouth like a piece of hair on the tongue. “But . . . that is a man’s job”? “Look if you want to get to the party any quicker you’re going to have to help me”.

“HA,” she laughed as she opened her door and stormed out. “I’m taking your car and going to the party,” she snapped her fingers at me like I was some bus boy. “You go in and bring that crate up”. I clenched my hand around my keys, “Oh no! Nobody drives my car but me. And don’t try your flirting or cutesy stuff either. I’m not lugging a crate of Absinthe up to that house so forget about that”. She looked disappointed, “well then . . . guess I’m walking there aren’t I”? It was my turn to laugh, “Yeah good luck with that”! I shook my head trying to imagine her scrambling through a thick forest just for some stupid friends. “Where are you going,” she yelled, I turned almost speechless by her stupidity all I could say was “really”? She looked around at the dark forest, “you . . . you . . . you’re not just . . . leaving me out here”?

At that point I knew that I had gotten to her. I looked around, “I don’t know what you want . . . how about if you just come in with me”? She looked at the decrepit shed and seemed to shiver on the spot. “Alright,” she yelled but pointing her finger she snarled, “But you’re doing all the work”! Knowing that this was my chance, I nodded “of course Christina . . . all the work”. She continued to look around as we approached the house. I knew her nerves would only last this long. “Bobby we got to make this quick, I really have to use the bathroom soon”. I approached the shed door, “don’t worry I’ll make sure it’s really quick”.

We entered the door and the very floorboards vibrated from her violent shaking. I began to walk through the junk of useless yard tools. Christina almost tripped over a rusty shovel. “So where is it,” she exclaimed bending over to rub her stubbed toe. I moved to a piece of paper that I had stuck upon the large rust cabinet. In my brother’s handwriting it read, basement. I took it and read it aloud. I pocketed it and said “my guy put it in the basement”. “Basement,” she exclaimed in almost a squeak, “I don’t like this place it gives me the creeps”! I turned to her, “look you want the stuff or not because all we have to do is go downstairs and grab it”. My tone was virtually on edge, I felt my body rushing almost wanting to get it over with. I walked over to the corner of the room and grabbed a rusty handle to a trap door.

The door opened with a great belch as dust flew into the air, “don’t you want a flashlight”? I shook my head, “the moon is bright and plus its small anyway down here . . . oh I see it”. I heard her scurry over the floor as she moved next to me, “where, where” she repeated several times. Finally, I pointed to the end of the hallway towards a crate in the corner of the room. She smirked and we both moved down the stairs heading across the small room. She moved past me and stared at the small hole in the wall. She