2012: Cult De Muerte [ER] by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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[News Excerpt]


[Gabriella]: “Hello, this is Gabriella McNeil and I am here at the scene of a most mysterious event. With the recent disasters that have been plaguing our world people have come to the belief that the phenomenon of 2012 has come. With recent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, America’s economic collapse, animals dying off in massive numbers, it seems people have come to the base of the temple in this ancient Mayan city of Calakmul. They have come near and far to hear from a person that has been predicting the coming destruction of twenty twelve. Although he states and I quote, “twenty twelve is merely the beginning . . . the end has been foreseen in twenty sixteen”. People are searching for answers and hope to catch some comforting words from this mysterious man. Dressed as the traditional Mayan Priests of the past, it seems that the sky itself seems to be darkening overhead.”

[News Anchor]: “Gabriella, how many people would you say are there?”

[Gabriella]: “Well it started out with a few, but it seems that they are coming out of the very jungle itself. Native Mayans, ordinary citizens, and a mysterious group dressed in black surround the largest temple. They all seem to be making a pilgrimage to this holy site to hear the words from this mystery man.”

[New Anchor]: “And who exactly is this man?”

[Gabriella]: “That is an interesting question that you pose, because nobody knows exactly who he is. He has been called the bringer of things to come. And oh here he comes now let’s watch!”

A small crowd gathered below the slowly decaying gray temple. A man dressed in a large colored head dress wearing traditional Mayan robes with additional bracelets made from jade raised his hands towards the sky. The scattered amounts of people below him silenced. The stairs lay before him, but he stood like a mortal among the heavens. “The end has come,” the crowd lay silent as they seemed to have received the news that they were dreading. “A virus spreads over the land embracing all those who fall under its spell”. The man’s chiseled face was tanned a dark brown as his voice boomed loudly, “that virus is that of Muerte and only those who join the Cult de Muerte shall be saved from the coming destruction that 2012 foreshadows”. A man bronzed like the speaker cowered slightly as he brought forth a book covered in green jade. The prophet took the book and opened it as his servant bowed away in respect. “As our brothers and sisters continue to pilgrimage here let us read from the Book of 2012.”