A Family of Three by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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A friend was going to the city and she decided to accompany her for higher studies. They stayed together in a university hostel in the city and attended classes. Tina’s mother was happy with her daughter’s progress in life and sent her money from time to time. With time and perseverance, Tina earned a master’s degree.

She decided to start tutoring school students which would help her to earn money for a while and further aid her in earning her B.Ed and M.Ed degrees which were necessary to become a school teacher.

By now Tina had a large circle of friends. She enjoyed life with the hopes of a teacher’s career at the back of her mind.

Her brother hadn’t shined like her much in life but stayed with his mother back in town, helping her with farming and poultry.

After earning her M.Ed degree, Tina looked enthusiastically for a reputable school where she could start teaching students. Her