A Family of Three by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Tina’s New Family

The park they were supposed to meet was not far from their home. Yet they decided to meet there for security of their home.

The man was tall, dark and slim. Tina eyed her possible hubby and looked away. Both the families talked together until they decided that the man and woman should have a private conversation and asked them to sit on a nearby park bench.

They agreed. The man and Tina were equally shy. For minutes they stayed silent, sitting side by side. It seemed awkward and Tina badly wished the man would speak up. Finally he said, “I have heard that you are a school teacher. Where do you teach?” From there on, a lovely conversation followed and Tina decided, yes this could be her ideal soul mate. The man was already head over heels in love with the woman he had just met.

They went back to their families, laughing and talking. And both the families knew instantly, the two had clicked.