A Peek Into Sonia's Cherished Life by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Sonia Finds Herself a Handsome Hubby


Sonia’s eldest sister, through a third party, came to know of a bachelor guy, in his thirties, who came from abroad to the city  and was on the lookout for a beautiful wife.

They made appointments and turned up at the sister’s residence one day. Sonia was sleeping and although her sister nudged her to get ready and dress lovely, she hesitated.

The bachelor guy, along with a friend and a relative, patiently waited. In fact, Sonia was out of mood and although she dressed lovely and showed up, she gave rude answers to the guests’ questions and stomped out of the living room in fury.

Well, this bachelor guy was tall, fair and handsome and was willing to talk to Sonia and have a lively conversation but Sonia  did not give him a chance.

Under such circumstances, the guy said. “Maybe she is not interested and we are not willing to proceed if she won’t cooperate.”

The sister was helplessly sad, and mad at Sonia’s rude behavior.

Later after talking with her nieces, Sonia realized she made a gross mistake. She had thought the bachelor’s friend was the suitor and disliked him instantly. She had hardly noticed the real suitor. That was how Sonia missed her first marriage proposal – a good one too.

Sonia continued her studies and she was also working part-time in the administrative section of a musical school, about a mile away from her home. She walked the distance to and fro from  her home.

Her first year exams were approaching and while she was  working in the administrative section of  the musical school   one day, she couldn’t concentrate well in her work because exams loomed and spoke bigger inside her head.

In this condition, two ladies came in and started to converse with her about where she lived and what she was doing other than working in the school. After Sonia replied to their questions, they asked if her elder sister would be kind enough to call at their residence number and handed her a piece of paper with a name and number and then they were gone.

Sonia was very surprised at this incident. But nevertheless after reaching home she talked to her sister about it and gave her the piece of paper with the name and number, while she herself set off for her studies.

Soon the elder sister contacted at the number given to her by Sonia and wanted to find out what the whole thing was about. The telephone  connected  to the  other end  and a female voice answered. The sister gave her introduction and then a jolly conversation followed and she hung up.

What happened was that another marriage proposal had come in. The ladies who talked to Sonia at the school found Sonia to be interesting and beautiful. Their daughters took music lessons at the school and they had noticed Sonia coming to the school regularly. They found her a perfect match for their bachelor brother.

But the sister said none of this to Sonia in case she would spoil it a second time. Instead, she talked to her husband and arranged to meet the guy’s family at their residence.

The sister and her husband were leaving their home for the guy’s residence the very next day. Soon as they approached the residence, several people came, welcomed them and guided them inside. The couple was served tea. And relatives of the  guy started to converse. They got friendly and the guy was called   in.

The sister of Sonia looked and gave another look at the guy and was more than impressed. He was 6ft 2in tall, slim, fair and handsome indeed! The couple liked him instantly and held a conversation with him from which they came to know he was a successful business man. The couple left their residence happily and couldn’t wait to inform their other family members back at home.

Soon enough, Sonia’s first exam day approached. She was chilly and nervous. Although she toiled at her studies and worked hard, she didn’t have the full confidence in herself. But that is how you feel before any exam, no matter how much prepared you are.

The exam came and went. Sonia was on top of the world. Her studies and hard work were not fruitless at all. She made it. It went well.

Her sister’s family broke the news about her new marriage proposal now and mentioned that the guy’s family was ready to have her married to their son at the earliest convenience.

Sonia’s first thought was, ”What will happen to my exams?” Her second thought was, “Am I actually getting married?” Both the train of thoughts disturbed her a lot and she couldn’t decide anything. But God had it all planned for her. Because she was getting married before her second exam, which was a month later and she wouldn’t have to continue her studies after she got married because that was how her life direction would be.

Now time to get married. A community center was booked. Invitation cards were ordered and distributed. Shopping was done voluminously until the grand day arrived.

Meanwhile a year had passed and her sister from abroad and family had also come to the sister’s home and joined the occasion on time.

There was great pomp and show. Food was served to the guests generously. The bridegroom and bride were married off by the Kazi, and dates were served to every guest to make known the couple was now happily married and were husband and wife.

So that was how Sonia finally got her soulmate and remained happily married till date. Turn over the page to know how her married life turned out to be.