A Selection Box: A Wondrous Collection of Short Stories by M. J. Copeland - HTML preview

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The Acorn

Annabella picked up an acorn that lay on the ground beside the fallen oak tree and placed it inside her coat pocket. But as she stood looking at the sorrowful tree with all its broken branches scattered into pieces, Annabella couldn’t help thinking back on fond memories of such wonderful times she had talking with Tree, and playing with the animals that became her friends at Lakeside Woods.

“I would truly love to come back and live here again,” said Annabella as she turned to look at her husband Edward and their little four-year-old Son Alfred.

“You’ve always spoken about this place and how special it was to you as a child Annabella; I can see no reason why we all can't, and I'm sure Alfred would love to live here,” replied Edward rapping his arms around them both with great affection. The thought of moving back made Annabella so happy, she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Annabella and Edward wasted no time to embark on their plans, as they returned on their long journey back home. Within six months their house was sold and a beautiful, thatched cottage with a large orchard garden, that directly over-looked Lakeside Woods was purchased with their money. Edward’s application to work in local government was accepted to an office in a nearby city only twenty miles away by train.

On the following day after their long journey moving into their new house, Edward started work at his new office, which left Annabella and Alfred at the cottage to unpack all the boxes of their belongings. But that didn't bother Annabella; she was so happy she had all the time in the world to unpack. The warm rays of the morning sunshine and the beautiful pollen scent that floated in the breeze from the woodland flowers and trees, infused every room in the cottage through the open windows.

Once Annabella had swept all the floors and dusted their new house, it was time for a break, so she made herself a pot of tea. When Annabella put the tea into the teapot and poured the hot water in, an acorn floated to the top.

Suddenly Annabella realised it was Tree's acorn that she placed In the tea pot for safe keeping. She quickly grabbed a wooden spoon from the kitchen drawer and used it to lift out the acorn from the boiling hot water and put it on the kitchen table to cool off. The little brown Acorn did not appear to be damaged in anyway as Annabella sat looking at it while sipping her cup of tea. But there was only one way to find out, she thought, and that was to find a safe place in the woods to plant the acorn, where it would hopefully grow into a beautiful tall tree.

Annabella put the acorn and a small garden trowel into her dress pocket and set off down too Lakeside woods with little Alfred. After fifteen minutes walking around, she found the perfect spot not far from where Tree lived, so she took the trowel out of her dress pocket and dug a little hole, just deep enough to bury and cover the acorn with the soil. But when she turned to walk away with Alfred, from the corner of her eye, she thought she saw the soil move. Annabella looked for a moment where she had buried the acorn,

"no, it couldn’t had,” thought Annabella it will take years to grow.  Annabella and Alfred then took a slow walk back home along the Lakeside.

The acorn was left all alone, buried in its little hole at Lakeside Woods. But this was no ordinary little acorn; this acorn came from Tree. And within an hour of being buried under the soil, the acorn sprouted its first wooden sprig. And another wooden sprig came from that one and another and another. The acorn did not stop growing and growing until it became the most beautiful, biggest, tallest solid Oak tree, towering above all the other trees in the woods. Later that afternoon, two burly wood cutters each holding a long-handled axe were walking around the woods inspecting all the trees for any loose hanging branches that could be used for burning wood.

“I’m sure this big Oak wasn’t here last time we were here,” said one of the wood cutters. “Well, it must have been here,” said the other woodcutter. “A tree does not suddenly decide to sprout feet and take a walk miles around the lake to see what the view is like on the other side from where it once stood.”

But just as both the woodcutters walked away, a long-forked branch came down from the big Oak tree and whipped the brown peaked cap straight off the top of one of the woodcutter's head. The woodcutter quickly turned and could see the forked branch taking his peaked cap high into the tree.

“That tree just took the cap off the top of my head!” Said the woodcutter to the other pointing at the tree.

“First of all, you said that tree wasn’t here before! And now you’re saying it’s just took your cap! Maybe the branch was just stuck and sprung back up accidentally catching the back of your cap! And I wouldn’t attempt to climb that size tree to get it back either.”

"I have a spare cap back at home you can have,” said the other woodcutter, as they made their way back out of the woods.

Annabella and Alfred were both back at the cottage with plenty of unpacking and tidying up to do before Edward got home from work. But Edward was over two hours later than expected, which left Annabella feeling a little worried.

“Sorry I’m late but I had to pick up two presents for you both!” Said Edward, as he came in the door and placed a biggish box on the kitchen floor and placing one smaller wrapped up parcel on the kitchen table.

Annabella and Alfred undone the bigger box first and sat Inside looking up at them both was a little tiny black and white puppy dog.

“The puppy is absolutely beautiful!” Said Annabella kissing Edward on the cheek.

“What shall we call the puppy?” Asked Annabella.

“Let’s call him Minty! the name in Greek means protector,” replied Edward taking the puppy out of the box before placing Minty on the kitchen floor to run around.

Annabella unwrapped the second present, and to her surprise it was a carved wooden plaque which read, Annabella Cottage with the letters painted in a pink pastel colour.

“It’s lovely and thank you,” said Annabella. And she couldn’t wait too hang the plaque on the front wall of their cottage beside the front door.

On the following morning after Edward set off for work, Annabella with Alfred and Minty decided to go for another walk to Lakeside Woods to give the buried acorn a little sprinkling of water from the lake to help it grow. But when Annabella got there, she couldn’t quite find the spot at where she planted it.

“I’m sure it must have been around here somewhere,” said Annabella looking at Alfred and Minty for an answer. “It does seem rather strange.”

Then Annabella stood looking at this big very tall Oak tree but couldn’t quite remember seeing this particular tree, especially being so many trees in the woods.

“It must have been here! Trees don’t grow that big overnight,” said Annabella thinking aloud.  

So, Annabella tried to find the soft spot on the ground, where she had buried the acorn. When suddenly without warning, a big, long branch came down in front of her, which completely startled Annabella, and made the little puppy bark. Alfred wasn’t paying attention to the noise; he was just too busy picking up fallen leaves off the ground to be fazed by it all.

The tree gave the end of its branch a little shake from side to side to move the leaves out of the way from its wooden face so it could properly see Annabella.

“Is It really you Tree,” replied Annabella taking a few steps back to look at this big, tall fully grown Oak tree. “How did you grow this big and so tall so quickly?” Annabella asked the tree.

“So quickly!” Repeated the tree. “I’m sure I have been here for quite some time, because it certainly feels that way! ... And haven’t we met before miss?” The tree asked Annabella.

Annabella started to cry with happiness and gave the tree a big hug, wrapping both her arms around the tree’s big trunk, as far as her arms could stretch.

“I didn’t know I had such an effect on people!” Replied Tree.

“I want you to meet my son Alfred and our new little puppy Minty?” Said Annabella.

 “How do you do, Master Alfred and little puppy Minty?” Asked Tree, lowering a forked branch out to greet Alfred.

Alfred held out his hand and thought it was quite funny to be shaking hands with the end of Tree's branch.

“And what is your name?” Tree asked.

“My name is Annabella and I used to play here when I was a young child,” she replied as she walked in circles around the tree’s trunk. “Do you have a door that opens to the inside of your tree?” Asked Annabella.

“What do you know about a door that opens to the inside of my tree?” Asked Tree.

“I used to play inside of a tree that had a stairway that led from the bottom all the way up to the top of it’s trunk.”

“Let’s just say I haven’t quite finished it yet," Replied Tree. "Let’s keep it our little secret, but you must promise never to tell anybody, because the entire neighbourhood will be around here before you know it.”

“I promise Tree and cross my heart it will always be our little secret,” said Annabella.

“What’s all the noise about ... And what’s this I hear about the entire neighbourhood being here?” Asked a mole emerging from a hole that was dug out a few yards away from the tree. “And where on earth did that suddenly appear from? Because it certainly wasn’t here yesterday!” Said the Mole pointing to the big Oak tree.

“I didn’t see you yesterday either!” Replied Tree.

“You didn’t see me yesterday because you weren’t here yesterday!” Replied mole. "But then nothing surprises me around here... Especially with all the rubbish people leave behind after they’ve eaten their picnics, it’s a full time job for me having to clean up after them.”

“Maybe people do think of all the little animals that live in these woods,” said Tree.

“What do you mean?” Asked Annabella.

“What I mean, is that people leave their unwanted left-over food behind for creatures like you to eat Mole,” replied Tree.

“How considerate of them!” Replied Mole. “I am very sorry I did not appreciate their gratitude in such a hurry. But moles and birds and not forgetting the fish and the frogs that live in the lake, shouldn’t eat that sort of food that people leave behind because it could make them very sick!”

“What sort of food do moles eat?” Asked Tree.

“I’m not going into any detail about what moles eat, because you probably wouldn’t find it very appetising or very interesting for that matter,” replied Mole.

The tree found a small child’s ball lying in between a bunch of bluebells. Using the end of its forked branch Tree picked up the ball and threw it in the air for Minty to catch. But before Minty had the chance to catch the ball, It hit badger straight on the head.

“That really hurt!” Replied the badger sharply.

“Pardon me! I am so very sorry I didn’t see you there,” replied Tree sympathetically. “Apology accepted because it’s more than what I get from Mole when he kicked a load of hole digging dirt in my face... And when did that get here?” Asked the badger, pointing to the big Oak tree. “Or as it always been here, and I just never noticed it!”

“Let me introduce myself,” quickly replied Annabella, wanting to take the Badgers interest away from the tree. “I am called Annabella and the little boy is my son Alfred and our new little puppy Minty.”

“It’s such a pleasure to meet you all,” replied the badger. "So let me introduce myself, I am Her Royal Highness Princess Badger the second, but you may call me Princess Badger.”

“Royal Highness! Princess! whatever next,” snapped Mole.

“Never put a pin into anyone’s bubble!” Replied Tree.

“Yes, I suppose your right! If dreaming keeps Princess Badger happy and quiet …then I’m happy.”

“I quite agree,” replied Annabella.

“Dreaming! You’re telling me I’m dreaming!” Screeched Princess Badger at the top of her voice. “And on the subject of keeping quiet! I thought digging big holes in people’s crochet lawns kept vermin like you quiet Mole! So aren’t you a little off course,” rudely added Princess Badger.

“You certainly change your tone of voice like the wind,” replied Mole. “One minute you’re talking very gracious and the next your voice sounds as rough as rats.”

“Princess Badger reminds me just like someone else I knew once,” whispered Annabella to the tree.

“Do you mind Princess badger if I ask you about your mother and father?” Asked Annabella. “We’ll of course you can my dear,” replied Princess Badger. “My mother was an American who married into British Royal stock... But they have both sadly passed away some time ago.”

Suddenly it started to rain, which came as a surprise to the tree.

“What’s that I can feel on my branches and leaves, it does feel rather wettish, whatever wettish feels like,” said Tree observing rain for the first time.

“It’s just rainwater that falls from the clouds up in the sky,” replied Annabella.

“Just to put a point on that matter,” answered Mole. “It’s not just rainwater, rain is very important, for it waters all the trees and plants in the woods. Without water all the plants and trees and everything else that grows here would eventually dry up and die of thirst.”

“How very educational of you Mole to point that fact out! Like where all STUPID!”

“Rudely replied Princess Badger as she stood with her paws on her hips.

“Well obviously the tree didn’t know but it was no bother to me to put a point on the matter, so if you all don’t mind, I’m rather busy, so I shall say good day to you all,” replied Mole. “The clouds are certainly tipping out their water,” said Tree as the rain started to get heavier.

“I absolutely love the rain, and the heavier the better,” replied Princess Badger as she held out her front paws to catch the rain.

“Well, I don’t think Annabella and little Alfred want to get wet so get inside my trunk,” said Tree, opening the bark door at the base of the trunk.

Annabella stepped inside as she held on to Alfred’s hand but left Minty outside playing with the ball that Tree gave him.  

A spiral wooden staircase that went around and around straight up through the middle of the tree’s trunk all the way to the very top. Even though it was many years ago, Annabella could still remember how tiring it was to walk each step. But even so, the view from the top of the tree was going to be well worth the climb.

Because it was a lot of steps up to the very top of the tree, every twenty steps or so Annabella stopped to give Alfred’s little legs a rest before continuing further. On the way up the staircase Annabella noticed that there were no little cupboards for the woodland animals to take shelter in. But Annabella did remember the tree saying that it wasn’t all quite finished yet.

Annabella and Alfred, both made it safely to the very top of the tree and there were three wooden toad stool seats. Each of the seats were placed in front of it’s own window hole that gave a view of the Lakeside and the Woodland beyond.

“This is as beautiful as what I can remember,” said Annabella taking in the view. But that was until Tree decided to put his head through the window hole from the outside which made Annabella and Alfred laugh.

“It’s stopped raining by the way! Said Tree, and it’s of no laughing matter! there are four young boys heading our way and they’re all acting like imbeciles.”

“Imbeciles!” Replied Annabella.

“Yes, imbeciles!” Repeated Tree. “It means they are all acting rather silly.”

“Yes I know what it means,” replied Annabella as she held on to Alfred’s hand while looking out through the other window hole., Annabella could see there were four young boys that looked of teenage years acting rather silly. The four boys were standing by the water’s edge, and three of the boys were throwing stones at the baby ducklings swimming in the lake, and the other boy was destroying the bluebells and buttercup flowers by pulling them out of the ground and throwing them into the water.

Tree very quickly picked up minty with a forked branch and placed the dog Inside the doorway before the boys notice the little puppy.

“Stop that at once!” shouted Annabella from the window hole at the top of the tree.

On hearing Annabella’s voice, it certainly made the four boys stop in their tracks from what they were doing.

 "Whose voice is that telling us what to do!” Replied one of the boys in a loud voice.

“If you want a fight, then you’ve got one!” Replied the other.

“A fight with a lady!” Quietly whispered Tree to Annabella. "If those horrible boys want a proper fight and they were standing a bit closer to my trunk, I could always offer them my biggest branch to hang from. Fifteen feet from the ground upside down... preferably, from a left leg or a right leg, I don’t mind which.”

The four boys walked a few yards into the woods heading towards Tree.

“Come out and fight if you’re not scared of us!” Shouted one of the boys.

“Shush! “Quietly whispered Annabella to Tree. "Just all sit here quietly, and the boys may just get bored and go on their way. But at least on hearing my voice telling them off, they have stopped throwing stones at those poor little ducks.”

“Well I hope on hearing your voice it will have put a permanent stop to it for the ducks sake, because if not, It will leave me with no option... but to go straight to plan B,” Said Tree. “And what’s plan B?” Annabella asked Tree.

“Hang them upside down by a leg in the air,” whispered Tree.

Annabella and Tree very slowly take a peek out from the top of the tree to see what the boys were up to now. Mole’s hole took the attention of one of the boys and he got down on his hands and knees to take a closer look at the entrance of Moles house.

“Ho dear, said Annabella, I just hope that Mole is fast asleep.”

“Well if he is awake and he has heard them, I hope for Mole sake he as the sense to keep very quiet. Because if he hasn’t, and either one of those horrid boys lay one finger on Mole, it will leave me with no choice whatsoever but to go straight to plan C, replied Tree.”

“And whatever is plan C,” asked Annabella.

“Hang all four boys upside down twenty feet in the air,” whispered Tree.

One of the boys picked up a handful of dried grass and set fire to it. But just as he went to put it down the entrance to Mole’s house, several stones came shooting out of the hole and hit one of the boys straight in the right eye.

Shouting and stinging with pain, the boy covered his injured eye over with the palm of his hand, which made no difference to the pain easing whatsoever.

The other boys did not know what to do to help their friend. One suggested he splash some water from the lake into his eye. But that made no difference to the stinging pain either.

The boys decided the best thing to do was to go back home to the boys house, and off they all walked.

“And hopefully for good!” Quietly said Tree.

Only when Tree could see the boys were at a good distance away, did Tree give the all-clear signal.

“The boys have gone now and it’s all safe to come out!” Said Tree in a loud whisper.

Mole adventured from his hole to an applause of hooting from the Owls and whistling of music from the birds in the trees. Even several Squirrels joined in by stamping their back paws on the branches of the trees.

“Well done Mr Mole!” Said Tree. “That certainly showed them all, don’t mess with the woods!”

“Did I hit them all with my sling shot?” Asked Mole. “Because I should have done, I put more than one lump of poo,” …. and before Mole could finish his sentence Tree interrupted.

“Yes Mole there’s children listening so please don’t get to much into the grizzly details.”

“I do beg your pardon, I forgot,” replied Mole. “I knew the sling shot would come in very handy for me one day. I only learnt how to use it because I saw a girl taking practice hits at a tree once. And when she dropped it on the ground and went looking the other way, that’s when I quickly sneaked in and took it,” Explained Mole.

“You don’t have to explain yourself! I thought you were never going to stop talking” Replied a very tired yawning Ant, who lived underneath a piece of bark on the side of Tree.

“I wondered why I’ve been itching recently,” said Tree. “How many of you little termites are living on me?”

“Trees don’t itch! They simply don’t know how too,” replied the Ant.

Mole suddenly sees Princess Badger emerging from behind a tree.

“And how long have you been ear wigging?” asked Mole.

“Long enough Mole!” Replied Princess Badger.

“I do find you very bizarre sometimes Miss Princess Badger,” replied Mole. “Sometimes you talk in a posh voice and sometimes you talk in a ... you know sort of voice.

“You know what Mole! Let’s rewind back the conversation a little, let’s talk about your sanitation habits, I mean, come on! I don’t know of anybody that keeps their dung stashed up in their house! It’s disgusting!”

Snarled Princess Badger.

“For your bit of information Miss Princess Badger it saved my house and my life...  Actually! So sometimes a mole has got to do what a mole got to do and that’s the end of the matter!” sharply replied Mole, before losing any more of his patience with Princess Badger.

“Ok mole! Keep every single bit of your hair on, I accept it’s a Mole male thing,” laughed Princess Badger.

“I almost forgot Annabella and Alfred! said Tree, I have a little surprise for them both, something that I have been working on for quite some time.”

“I don’t have much recollection for time or much use for it,” replied Mole. “But I’m pretty sure you haven’t been living here for some time, I’m sure you haven’t, and I’m quite sure of that.”

All the birds and owls and the squirrels and even the insects that made their home on Tree, all just looked at one another, because they weren’t sure of it either.

Tree told Annabella and Alfred to stand back from the very top step until his surprise for them both was ready. Tree used one of his branches to pull down on another branch, and every single step inside Tree closed to make a slide.

“You can sit Alfred on your lap Annabella and slide all the way back down to the bottom,” said Tree.

“It’s a very high and steep slide so I would not want Alfred and I to slide that fast all the way to the ground,” replied Annabella with great concern.

“The Wood as not been polished so I’m sure you wouldn’t slide that fast,” replied Tree. Annabella trusted Tree’s word and sat down, putting her legs out in front of her before placing Alfred on her lap and holding on to him tightly around his waist. Slowly but surely, they both slid all the way down from the top of the tree to arrive safely at the bottom. “Wasn’t that fun!” Asked Tree.

“Yes it certainly was fun, and rather scary at first so a little courage was needed”, replied Annabella.

“Well sometimes there’s nothing wrong in finding a bit of courage,” said Tree. “As long as we don’t find too much courage that exceeds our strength. Even a tree never exceeds the strength of its trunk. That’s a little fact for you all,” said Tree looking at everyone.

“If you didn’t like it Annabella, I can always restructure a few details,” said Tree.

 “Restructure!” Sharply replied Princess Badger. “Give it a break Tree. I don’t think your wooden brain should find too much wood humour because I didn’t see Annabella slide out the door laughing.

“I take it then you won’t be giving my slide a little try?” Tree asked Princess Badger.

“Nope! Not on my butt!” Abruptly replied Princess Badger.

“It really wasn’t so bad, laughed Annabella, really it wasn’t, but at least it was quicker than taking the steps all the way back down.”

“I don’t care if the tree was a thousand feet tall or ten feet tall! I would still take the steps!” Firmly replied Princess Badger.

“Be honest with yourself Badger! You simply don’t have a pinch of courage within you!” Implied Tree.

“Nature gave me a beautiful set of teeth for gnawing, and right now they need a little sharping, and you have enough wooden bark on you Tree too fulfil that very need!” abruptly replied Princess Badger.

But just as Tree was about to make a reply comment, a smell coming from the woods took everyone’s attention.

“What’s that smell? “asked Tree.

“It’s smells like smoke” replied Annabella.

“And I know what smoke comes from.... FIRE!” Said Mole looking very worried.

“Maybe I won’t get to sharping my teeth on Tree after all,” said Princess Badger.

The smell of smoke started to get worse, and a cloud of thick smoke could visibly be seen coming from deeper in the woods.

“Ho dear! What are we going to do?” Asked Tree.

“What are WE! going too!” Replied Princess Badger. “You’re staying right where your planted Tree! and It means everyone who as either a pair of wings or four legs or more gets out of here!” Replied Princess Badger looking directly at Tree.

“O dear! Yes, you’re quite right,” replied Tree feeling very worried about the situation.

“I have an idea!” Said Mole. "It may help, but then it may not, but for the amount of time... or possibly the lack of it we may have left, I find it the only solution.”

“Any idea’s no matter how long or short they are, you can accomplish the most astonishing things, because big ideas often have small beginnings.” Said Tree

“I completely agree,” said Annabella.

“Such philosophy! Did you read that somewhere?” Asked Princess Badger.

“Stop talking and hurry up all of you,” said Mole. “Find as many biggish stones as you can find and place them in a wide circle on the ground around the tree.”

“Would that be trees or just Tree?” Asked Princess Badger.

“We can only do what we can... I’m very sorry but saving one tree is better than none at all,” replied Mole.

Mole very quickly went to his hole and came back out carrying several buckets.

“Each take a bucket and fill it with water from the lake and pour the water over the stones that we have placed around Tree... and give the inside of the circle a good soaking with water to so that could help Tree from catching alight,” explained Mole.

“And Tree gets to choke to death instead of burning to death,” laughs Princess Badger.

 “We have very little time to think, and every idea is better than none Miss Badger! Hopefully someone is putting out the fire so the whole woods don’t get burnt to a cinder,” replied Tree.

But suddenly the smoke stopped as quickly as what it started.

“Thank goodness for that,” said Annabella. "I was really getting worried for everyone.”

“This is why I’m never too quick to worry about things, because nothing rarely becomes of anything I’ve ever worried about,” replied Princess Badger holding out both her paws to make a point.

“When you have four legs and can run faster than most around here... you probably didn’t see much to worry about,” replied the little ant.

“Oopsy daisy I’ve just remembered,” said Princess Badger. "I haven’t had anything to eat today! and I just love eating ants!”

“That’s quite enough drama for one day please!” Said Tree. “Thankfully no one got hurt and that’s all that matters to me.”

Everyone’s attention was suddenly drawn to the near sound of the pitter patter of hooves thumping the ground.

“That’s probably just Gracie the big cart horse,” said Mole. “She quite often breaks loose of her field to take a stroll in the woods... just like I get bored of my house.

“I sure your very right Mole but I would like to make sure we are not all in for a few more surprises, so if you don’t mind, I will take a peek a little bit higher, just to be on the safe side of things,” replied Tree.

“Does Gracie usually have a human rider on her back, which of whom appears to be dressed in a long black cloak with a scarf covering over who’s ever face that is?” Asked Tree looking directly down at Mole.

“Gracie and I have known each other for quite some time and I can’t ever say that I have ever seen her with a rider,” replied Mole.

“So it could be a pretty good chance it may not be Gracie the cart horse,” said Princess Badger.

“I think we should hide quickly,” said Annabella. "After those horrid boys, we don’t want to take any chances.”

“Good idea!” Replied Tree. "I suggest Annabella, Alfred and Minty get back inside my Tree! Mole can get back down inside his hole and Princess Badger can hide behind that tree over there … because forgive me if I sound rude Princess Badger, but looking at your figure, I don’t think you will be able to fit through my door … I knew I should have made it a little bigger.”

“You mean your door is to small because my butt is to big!” Snapped Princess Badger. “I didn’t say it in those terms,” replied Tree.

“You didn’t have to; I get the full painted picture!” Replied Princess Badger.

 “Quickly hide... the mask horseman is almost upon us!” Panicked Mole.

“I’ll just toddle off and hide behind this tree over here because I don’t want anyone troubling themselves worrying about me,” said Princess Badger.

Annabella, Alfred and Minty managed to climb their way back up the stairs all the way to the top of Tree. Annabella and Tree couldn’t resist a look to see for themselves. And neither could Princess Badger stop herself from taking a peek from behind the tree opposite.

The horseman stopped and dismounted straight in front of Moles house.

“It’s a highwayman,” whispers Annabella.

“And what’s the highwayman putting down Mole’s hole?” Asked Tree looking at Annabella.

The highwayman re mounts his horse and carries on his way back into the woods.

Everyone waits for a little while to come out from hiding until the sound of the patter of horse’s hooves was in the distance.

Annabella sat down and held on to Alfred and Minty on her lap and waited a few seconds for Tree to pull the lever to close the steps up for the slide, and they all made their way sliding safely to the ground.

“I need some assistance down here please!” Said Mole in a muffled voice. “There seems to be something blocking my entrance.”

Princess Badger was very curious as to what was blocking Mole’s hole, and very quickly put her paw down the hole and pulled out what was blocking the entrance.

“Thank you kindly for your help... I could hardly breath for a second,” said Mole.

Princess Badger turned the cloth bag upside down and tipped all the contents out on to the ground. Everyone stood in disbelief, looking at the contents of the bag. There was quite a big pile of gold rings and bracelets, gold coins, Pearl necklaces and two gold crowns, encrusted with red Ruby’s, fit for a king or a Queen.

“I certainly didn’t expect to find all this in the bag,” said Princess Badger.

“I don’t think any of us did. All these jewels must be worth a fortune,” replied Annabella. “So what is to be done about it?” asked Mole.

“Well! Seeing that I am a Princess without a crown, I think it’s only fitting that I should take at least one of the crowns.”

“I think we all need to talk a little more seriously and carefully about what we decide to do about this, because they could be Crown Jewels,” said Annabella.

“Your absolutely right Annabella, because you wouldn’t wear a crown if you weren’t royalty... or would you!” replied Tree.

“Until you lot decide what you’re going to do, I’ll just have a dress rehearsal and try the crowns on for size,” said Princess Badger laughing with pleasure.

“The crown actually suits you,” said Mole looking at Princess Badger.

“If only I could see myself in a face glass,” replied Princess Badger.

“Look into the water if you wish to admire your reflexion wearing a crown,” replied Annabella.

Princess Badger ran to the water’s edge and sat there for several minutes admiring herself wearing the crown upon her head.

The pitter patter of hooves in the near distance were heard once again.

“Everyone keep calm and don’t panic until I have inspected the situation,” said Tree. “Heading straight this way is a big white horse not carrying a rider.

“That definitely sounds like the description of Gracie the cart horse, but just to be on the safe side, I say we put the Jewels back down my hole where they were found and just hide behind Tree,” replied Mole.

“And hurry because you have seconds to spare!” Said Tree.

“Mole! Mole are you down there!” Said the horse loudly down Mole’s hole.

“I’m overhear actually,” replied Mole reappearing from behind Tree.

“I have a message that contains some very important news for you all... and for all the creatures who live in these woods,” said Gracie the horse.

Everyone stood and listened to what the horse had to say.

“While I was eating my grass in my field, the smell of something burning suddenly caught my attention, so when I looked over into the woods, I could see a mist of smoke trailing above the tops of the trees. Being very curious I went to investigate further to see where the smoke was coming from. At the entrance of the woods, I noticed several gentlemen setting a light to the ground foliage. They were talking about how eventually all the trees will get chopped down to make way for a new housing development for people… and I’m very upset about It!” Said Gracie as she stamped her right hoof down on the ground with anger.

“Who would do such a dreadful thing?” Annabella asked.

“Gracie is not the bearer of good news,” replied Mole.

“We have to do something about it because I’m not going to stand here and do nothing!” Abruptly replied Princess Badger pointing her paw at everyone.

“I absolutely agree with Princess Badger!” said Tree. “These woods are a home to every living creature and plant no matter how big or small that live here, we have to think of a plan very quickly.”

“Forgive me for ear wigging, said the tired yawning worm, but what about the bag of Jewels! Can’t Annabella sell them to someone and in return she buys the woods at a bigger price.” “Ear what! Wigging! What does that mean?” Asked Tree.

“It means, listening to someone else’s conversation,” replied Princess Badger. “Ear wigging is something I do all the time and that’s how I get to know so much.”

“The best thing to do for now is to take the bag of Jewels home with me and explain to Edward what has happened, and to see what he thinks about it before we do anything,” suggested Annabella.

“I think that is a good idea because there is nothing more we can do about it today,” said Tree. "I suggest we all meet here again tomorrow around noon.”

Annabella takes the bag of Jewels and makes her way back home to the cottage with Alfred and Minty.

When Edward arrives back home from work, he couldn’t wait to tell Annabella what everyone was talking about at the office today.

“The king and Queen of England have had their Crown Jewels stolen!” Said Edward laughing.

Annabella looked at Edward in silence, and all she could think about was the contents inside the cloth bag that she had placed on the kitchen table, right in front of Edward who was standing inches from it. Annabella took all the Jewels out of the bag and placed each one gently on the kitchen table. Edward just stared at the Jewels and couldn’t quite believe what he was looking at.

“Where on earth did you get all this!” Edward asked Annabella

" While I was out walking at Lakeside Woods with Alfred and Minty, I saw this masked Highwayman dismount from his horse, and I noticed he was holding a cloth bag in his hand that he pushed down a hole in the ground. And being very inquisitive, when the highwayman rode off out of sight, I pulled the bag back out of the hole to see what was inside,” explained Annabella.

“And we talked to a nice tree,” said Alfred.

“Sounds like you all had a very fascinating day together,” replied Edward. “But the first thing we must do is to take this to the nearest authorities and explain to them what you have just said to me, and hopefully all should be well.”

The authorities said that the king and Queen of England had offered a big reward for the safe return of the Crown Jewels, and they couldn’t wait to meet the lady who had found them.

Annabella was summoned to the Royal Palace but told both their Majesty’s that… "your reward is very generous indeed, but my true wish would be to stop the development of Lakeside woods. And that it would mean so much more to me than the money they had most generously offered, as a reward for the safe return of the Crown Jewels.”

The King and Queen of England did not hesitate in the matter, but to grant Annabella her true wish. The King and Queen gave Lakeside woods The Royal Seal Of Approval. Of which It prohibited the building of any future development. And made it law that Lakeside Woods would always be a protected area of natural outstanding beauty for ever and ever.


The End