About Special Emily by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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How Emily’s family survived


Now Emily’s husband happened to be very caring. He cared a lot for Emily and their child. He cooked before going to office, and returning home from office, he shouldered further responsibilities. Emily was not able carry out much responsibility as she was feeble and weak in health. But she was able to feed the baby and change his diapers when her husband was not around. She was also able to feed herself and shower. They had a servant to clean the dishes and the apartment as a whole but it was always her husband who cooked.

One year later, Emily was pregnant again and birthed a second child, this time a daughter. Her husband had to wake up even earlier to look after his wife and children’s welfare. He knew what he was doing. He took naps after coming home from the office and then shouldered every responsibility he could think of. He always took his family out for fresh air and a walk, and sometimes to pay a visit to a friend, relative or neighbor.

This way ten years passed with Jilu shouldering most of the responsibilities most of the time because his wife was unable to do so. But Jilu was always passionate about his wife and children.

After their eldest child had become ten, Jilu and Emily decided to go for a third child. As usual Jilu assured her that he would shoulder most of the household activities including the new baby.

And exactly that was what followed. They became a family of five, with Emily doing whatever she could and Jilu catering a greater part for his family.

He was never mad at his wife or children. He always earned enough to provide for his family. He loved his wife dearly and his children as well. He made sure his older children were getting a good education and provided a home tutor for them in addition. So Jilu took care of everything and everything worked out perfectly.

One night, when her husband and children were sleeping peacefully, Emily tiptoed out of the room and went to the living room and opened its big window in the middle. As fresh air came in and blew her hair away gently, she thought of her recent events in the family and gradually mulled over the past. Is there any part of my life that I am unfulfilled? She pondered on the  question over the  next  fifteen seconds and  realized something. She almost said it aloud in joy: In fact, I am the luckiest girl in the whole world indeed!