About Special Emily by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Emily’s Dad Passes Away


Emily grew up to a slender elegant teenage girl. Her parents were happy with her in spite of her problem.

As Emily entered her teens, her family tried to admit her to a regular  school because so much expense on a special school was biting at her parents’ budget. With constant help from a home tutor and lessons at the special school, Emily finally passed the admission test of a regular school. Her parents wept in joy. Emily was happy that her parents were so happy and put more effort into her studies and began to pass all quizzes and exams, much to the pride and satisfaction of her parents. Their previous resentment about spending too much on a special school was long forgotten and they were looking forward to the future with hope and delight.

Emily’s Dad was especially so happy that he began to indulge in delicious food and drinks, which made him obese in a short while and eventually he had his first heart attack. Emily’s mom and brother immediately called an ambulance and took him to a reputable hospital in the city.

Thanks to Almighty God! He had survived. The hospital doctors gave him a strict diet which he didn’t follow. And although in the previous few months, he had lost some of his weight, he gained it back and became obese again. His third heart attack left him so helpless and sick that relatives decided to take him abroad for better treatment. And they really did.

But a fourth heart attack which occurred to Emily’s Dad in spite of good hospitalization and medication didn’t let him survive. He was away from his family, only relatives to care for him. Everyone sympathized with him, even his relatives. Now they had to carry his dead body back home.

Back home, after hearing the most deadly news, Emily’s mother had gone frenzy with craziness, and ill talk that her relatives had killed her beloved husband. Everybody tried to comfort her until she was put to sleep was high dose sedatives.

Emily’s brother had a lot of responsibility now. Together with the help of relatives and friends, he tried to shoulder responsibilities as much as he could because he also had to pay attention to his studies.

By and by Emily’s mother became a little better. But she would listen to nobody’s advice, did whatever she liked to do and once in a while acted almost crazy on the event of her husband’s cruel death.