And When I Die by Wunmi Ibukun Sanyaolu - HTML preview

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Mark Idudu had just returned from an African wide tour, he had called Tinu the previous night and they were to meet this morning at the Lords club Maryland.

Tinu had written a few songs while he was away and felt mark will want to have them, she wore a pink top and matching pink pants and planned to check on her little angel when she was through with Mark.

As she turned into the Lords club, she spotted Mark's car and just as she made to park beside his car she noticed Mark strolling towards her perhaps to welcome her.
He wore dread locks and she thought this new look fitted him perfectly,



Tinu hugged him she loved his perfume.



Tinu blushed, she had been Mark's friend for so many years yet she couldn't recall him ever complimenting her neither for her looks nor for her songs. Tinu smiled again as he led her towards the bar.



Mark smiled revealing his charming dimples,




Tinu felt that whoever taught Mark how to be a gentle man must have had so much work to do.


"I have some new songs you might like."


Tinu unzipped her large pink bag,


"Not now Tinu, that's not why I called you."


That Tinu was shocked was an understatement, she looked strangely at the young man,


"Hope all is well, Mark?"


"Are you dating any one presently?"


Mark looked rather serious,



Tinu wasn't sure of where that reply came from, she never expected Mark to talk to her about dating or her love life, they were just platonic child hood friends and that was all.

"Tinu we are childhood friends and I know you very well, I want you to marry me"
Mark brought out a small black box, Tinu guessed it was an engagement ring, she wasn't sure of what to say or do,

"I don't know."
That was the second time she'd speak without knowing where the words came from.

"I'm sorry Mark, I have to leave now."

Tinu picked her bag and hurried to the car, she was not sure she wouldn't drop before she gets to her car, her legs felt to heavy to carry her. When she managed to get to the car she took a deep breath, afraid to look back, she started her car engine and drove off. Tinu noticed Emeka's cars were all in the compound; it was so unusual for him to be home at that time of the day. She strolled in calling ama, she went straight to her room tapping the door lightly, Emeka sat beside her bed holding her slender hand, ama was not looking too well but she was very glad to see tinu.

"My spirit must have brought you here I tried calling you what happened to your phone?"



Tinu smiled, checking to be sure her phone was on, she was not too comfortable being around Emeka, she moved close to ama wondering why she lost so much weight.

"What's wrong with my little angel?"


"Good morning Emeka, please pardon my ill manners"


Emeka smiled he didn't look too happy.




Was all he could say.


"Time up mom, I got to go."

Tinu wasn't sure of what shocked her more, the fact that she called her mom or that she said she had to go, Tinu realized how much she had emaciated.

"Angel, please don't do this to me."


"Dad please can I speak with her in camera?"

Emeka sighed heavily; he managed to say o.k. slowly strolling out of the room, obviously devastated.
"Do you love my dad?"
Ama seemed to struggle with those words.

"Ama some one just proposed to me now,"


Tinu wanted to gist her about Mark, "you didn't answer my question."


Ama's eyes grew frail and lifeless,




Ama tried to sit up, Tinu supported her placing a pillow behind her.




Tinu was not sure of how she'd get out of the trap Ama had set for her.

"And you've not said you don't either, but I know you do, I have always seen it in your eyes , more than I ever did I can see it now, its written all over you, look into the eyes of a dying friend and tell me you don't love Emeka McCauley."

Tinu looked away, trying not to think, for the second time in one day she was faced with matters of the heart and for the second time she wasn't sure of what to say or do.

"AmaI…..IloveEmeka,buthewomanizesandhedoesn'tseemto likeme."

Emeka strolled back into the room, Tinu was more confused than ever, he had been eavesdropping he held her arms, looking straight into her eyes.
Tinu was too scared to look at him, she shyly looked away,

"ForalongtimeIfeltwomenweresextools,IthoughtIcouldnever loveanywomanagain,sinceIlostmywifeama'smomtoleukemia. WhenIfoundyouIsawthesamethingsIsawinChinelomanyyears agoinyou,IdidallIcouldnottoloveyou,thatwaswhyIwantedto hateyou,themoreItriedthemoreIlovedyou,youarejustnotlike allofthemyouaredifferent."

Ama smiled lying down, apparently too weak to sit up.

"Tinu'amthesecondmantoproposetoyoutoday,maybeit'syour luckyday,willyoumarryme?"
EmekarememberedthesceneofthelaststageplaytheyheldinPort Harcourt,heheldontoherleftleglookingdown,Tinusmiledpulling himup,obviouslyrememberingthatscenetoo.


Emeka lifted her up, turning her around, Tinu screamed, there was a mixture of fear and excitement in her voice.
Ama smiled, it was her last moments alive, it was her happiest, it was her best, she breathed her last.

Hi friend, I hope you enjoyed reading thisMy name is,Wunmi---Ibukun---Sanyaolu. book? Please pass it on to bless others. I hope to hear from you soon, please mail

00002.jpgI LOVE YOU.




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