Apple Juice and Other Short Stories by Raymond Hopkins - HTML preview

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                        SANDRA'S SUMMER HOLIDAY


Weve been together for quite a while now, me and Sandra.  She sort of looks after me because Im a bit limited in the brain department, if you get my meaning, and someone has to be responsible, which is only Sandras way of saying she loves me.  Sounds a bit soppy, but thats the way she feels about it.  Maybe she could do better for herself, but I dont think I could get rid of her even if I wanted to, which I dont.  I can get a bit soppy myself.  I might be thick, but Ive got feelings.

We plan on taking our summer holidays soon, which is something to look forward to, as Sandra goes in for cool, summery sort of clothing.  Thats just another way of saying she likes to get the sun on her skin, and thats just another way of saying I see a lot more of her than usual, and thats just a way of saying it takes a bit of doing, considering what she wears at home in front of a blazing good fire in the middle of winter.

Not that she doesnt look nice in the winter when shes dressed up to go outside.  She has this sort of almost real sheepskin calf -length coat, dyed red, with a pure white furry collar that she pulls up to almost hide her face.  I always reckon she looks like one of the gnomes from Santa Claus Land in that outfit, but Sandra says that she probably looks more like Mary Christmas.  I can tell by looking at her that thats meant to be a joke of some sort, but I dont really get it, which Sandra says doesnt give  her any great surprise.

Anyway, this year, we intend to go on a boating holiday, cruising along the canals, and maybe getting as far as Stratford.  Sandra says if I behave myself she wont make me go to see one of Shakespeares plays in the theatre.  I dont