Beauty in a Scorched Land by Kelvin Bueckert, Charlene Constant, Janice Constan - HTML preview

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A Memorable Visit


August 9, 2006

Today we had a half-day clinic in a high school. I think we saw about 100 people. People were upset that we were leaving and I can’t blame them. For many, it was their only chance at seeing a doctor.

Lots of AIDS, TB, and Malaria today. We also saw a very sad case of Edematous Kwashiorkor’s.

The baby girl’s constant weak cry was heart-rending.

The afternoon was spent with health teaching in Solwezi.

There were about 30 women participating. It went well. I felt that we were giving them something that they can use to empower themselves for the prevention of common ailments and some practical treatments.

After teaching, we went to the Friends Committed to Caring radio station to record some health tips for future airing.

The people have such a great sense of community, patience, love, kindness, and tremendous respect.

One of the interpreters, Alfred, who is a very hard-working children’s worker, couldn’t be with us today because his sister-in-law died of TB and he had to find transport to the cemetery.

She left behind four orphan children for Alfred & his family to care for when they are already struggling. He is malnourished and walks up to 60 km/day to help other children.

After recording, we were able to play with the children- their version of duck duck goose. It was great!

We also visited the Solwezi graveyard. I can’t very well describe it.
