Beauty in a Scorched Land by Kelvin Bueckert, Charlene Constant, Janice Constan - HTML preview

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Thoughts From Charlene


In August of 2006, I had the amazing opportunity to go work in Zambia for a couple of weeks as a nurse.

The people were beautiful, welcoming, and full of joy. It was most humbling as those who materially had next to nothing were so rich in faith, in love, in joy. I immediately felt at home there, especially amongst the body of believers.

It was highly emotional experiencing the poverty, sickness, child-led families, etc. first hand. To know and to experience are two very different things.

To all those who have heard the call to accompany a mission trip, but have not gone due to fear, lack of finance, etc., do not underestimate God! With God, all things are possible. But the poor are everywhere.

If only we open our eyes and If only we open our eyes and hearts to do our part to obey God in an area of greatest importance to help the poor, the needy, orphans, & widows “in their distress”. It is one of the most discussed topics in the Bible.

The poor are only people just like us with stories to tell, hurts, joys, and gifts/talents to be shared-valuable. They are not some foreign species, another class far removed from our world where we can feel good about giving a few dollars to once in a while.

“However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance; he will richly bless you….” Deut. 15:4 (NIV)

We as richly blessed Christians have failed in many ways, especially in regards to the poor.

I have failed.

I need to change my lifestyle, be an advocate, manage my money wisely, give generously of my life, time, money, resources, and be more careful about where and to whom I give.

To live like a glutton while others are dying from lack is sin.

To be self-righteous about those poor, “sinners,” who are dying from AIDS is WRONG. It’s too easy to go along with popular opinion rather than to find out for yourself.

When you are totally surrendered to God with an open mind & heart, making an effort- you will discover that “those people” are humans too, just like you.

Just like me.

I hope I will never be the same. That I will continue to be moved, to cry every day, and to live life differently- with a purpose-God’s purpose. The next time I feel thirsty, will I remember there are millions of people literally dying for a cup of clean water. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me….“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matt.25:35, 36, 40.(NIV)

Today let’s cast off our preconceived prejudices, our business, our lack of faith, our fear, and do something for one of “the least of these”.

Tomorrow will be too late for many.
