Before I Was Born by S Raghu Ram - HTML preview

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Before I Was Born


 “Before I was born several things has happened. Two world wars have happened, freedom of India, invention of robotic legs and arms. If I go on saying this will take my entire life but my interest is on the great Ramachandra thrivedi .He was killed before 28 years. There are several rumors around his assassination I would like to use his life story as my next movie” I spoke in my award presentation

The audience has made a huge sound this conveys their respect towards him. “He was not a politician, neither an actor nor an athlete he was a leader who won many hearts for his kindness and good character. He earned a lot. Contributed his wealth for people’s welfare. Even he was unmarried. By the time of his death he was only 40 years”

“Sir, sir….” Said a reporter

I came out of my thoughts and said “yes”

“Sir there are many persons .you can take their life stories as subject but I would like to know why you choose Ramachandra thrivedi”

“My interest on the great Ramachandra thrivedi is because he was assassinated before 28 years on the same day a day before I was born”

“So tomorrow is your birthday how you are going to celebrate it sir”

“There are no celebrations in fact I will start my work on next movie tomorrow. Ok I am leaving now I was already late” I said and started moving

The crew has then tried to question me further but I have interest to give answers to their questions and leak my new movie project

I was walking as usually on this morning. My body guards are fallowing me. The climate was cool .the dawn of the sun is making it more beautiful. The cool breeze has lifted my souls. I was walking in my garden enjoying this climate suddenly my eyes started blinking the orange color of the sky changed to deep blue. The cool breeze has become hot the beautiful garden has turned like a desert. I had a pain at my chest when I looked it was bleeding. I was shot at my chest then I heard some laughs then I looked here and there for the person who shot at me there was some sound of bell I woke out of my sleep. It was a dream I rubbed my eyes and looked at time it was 5 AM then I moved to bath. After Tiffin I just called Mr. Ravi Kumar

He has been doing research on Ramachandra thrivedi for 10 years and asked him to come to my office by 10 am and then started moving to my office which is 10 km away from my house.

It was 10 am and I was waiting for ravikumar then I heard his voice from the door and invited him to my office and offered him a seat. I ordered office boy to bring a tea for him he is about fifty years old he has white mustache and well built body 

“Sir it is very nice to meet you hear sir .the way you directed your last movie was amazing. It will be best cinema of India for this year sir” he said

“I don’t want to listen about the last film but I want to know some facts about Ramachandra thrivedi” I came to point to directly

“Of course sir” he replied

“No more formalities call me Raghu” I said

“Ok Raghu” he said

Then office boy arrived with the tea then Ravi Kumar started telling the story about him

“Ramachandra thrivedi was born to a poor couple. When he was 10 years old the house was accidentally burnt and his parents were burnt in it. After that he became an orphan..he used to spend days by doing rough jobs for some food .When he get food he will be happy but there are many nights he slept with starvation but he never left his studies. He was a clever student. He completed his 10th from government school then inter, he then got admission into IIT but can’t afford it so he joined a normal engineering college and studied there with fee reimbursement. After completing his studies. He got a job and started working as an employee but soon he invented the smart cars that we are using today. After that he became famous and rich but only educated know him by then. Later he invented or developed many types of cars. soon he started his own company 

This is present “Ramachandra automobiles”. He soon became rich he spent his wealth to educate poor children .he started hospitals that will take care of patients freely. But soon he was assassinated as I know there are no enemies to him”

I just bewildered and replied   “When there are no enemies, who would have killed him. I think he was killed for his wealth”

“No no Raghu there is no will he wrote on any body’s name. In fact he may not expect his sudden death” he said

“Then who is the owner of this property” I asked with curiosity

“There is no ownership over the property. government has nationalized his property” he replied

“Then who else would have killed him” I asked

“This is the thing on which in I have been working for 10 years. I suggest you to take another topic for your new movie there is no proper ending to this story I don’t know how long it will take for me to find out the assassin or I don’t know if I  can find that person” he said

“Ok Mr. Ravi Kumar you may leave now” I said

Then he left. It was 1 pm now I soon completed my dinner and just slept for some time as usually

I was playing in front of my house enjoying the climate .I had a brother .He is an orphan. He was adopted by my parents. He is about 10 years old, soon he joined me. Then my mother called me and asked me to buy vegetables, and then I went out. When I return. The house is burning. I can’t remember it properly but soon I came out of it suddenly. It was a nightmare, by that time I don’t know what is happening to me .I just can’t believe it and took it casual

On that day evening I started working on the story but there are many questions unanswered to me and spent whole night without sleep by the morning I got an idea and called Ravi Kumar to meet me at 8 am

It was 8 am Mr. Ravi Kumar has reached my house. I used to live alone in home so I prepared a cup of coffee and offered it to him

“Why are you staying alone in such a big house?” he asked

“I used to do my work alone, so that there are no leakages of story or no gossips around my movie” I replied

After a few minutes of formal conversation I said “Ramachandra thrivedi was not murdered for his wealth, as we know there are no enemies to him, so there may be enemies whom we don’t know, let’s check his personal life and his education”

“Ok Raghu” he replied

“Do you know his native place” I asked

“Yes Raghu he replied, he hail from Tamilnadu his parents have migrated from there to Andhra when he was 3 years old” he said

“Then why can’t we meet them” I asked

“I don’t think he has a family there” he replied

“Did you visited” I asked

“No” he replied

“Then let’s start our journey to Tamilnadu” I replied

Then we stepped towards my car and started our journey

“Where is his village in Tamilnadu” I asked

“He is from nandivada village of Puliyur district” he replied

This is 2032 year and we are using smart cars .We doesn’t need to drive them. They take us to our destination safely. These are designed by Ramachandra thrivedi. my car is that type so I fixed my destination and it started moving. As I have spent sleepless night I went into sleep.

I was present at my intermediate college. I was called by a strong boy. He asked me to carry his books. I refused then he hit in my stomach my eyes were blurred I took his bag and stated walking. Every student present there began to laugh at me. My eyes were full of tears. I can’t here sounds but I’m only listening to my conscience “everyone is making fun of you” it said then I entered to my class then my friend Arjun arrived. He felt pity towards me and kicked that strong boy and helped me. Then the teacher arrived and punished the strong boy and excused my friend Arjun as I said the reason. The classes have completed and Arjun and I have started walking. After reaching gate we both separated and Arjun started walking to his house and I started walking to my hostel. But on the my way to hostel that boy has arrived

“How dare to disobey greesmanth” he said

“You are not supposed to give tasks to me” I replied

“You should work for me because I was strong” he said

“There is no strength and weakness. You have to make others work to you voluntarily .You don’t have to force them” I replied

“Oh then I see how long you will behave like this” he said and started hitting me. I can’t bear it and I started running he was fallowing me. a car arrived on our way it has blown an horn then my eyes started blinking I can’t see my surroundings suddenly I woke up. I was so shocked by the dreams I had for two days and shared my feelings and dreams with Ravi Kumar

“Ha ha” he laughed “this is because of your over work”

“No I feel a connection between the dreams” I replied

“Just chill” he replied “take some rest you will be out of this illusions”

Since I have fear of sleep. I haven’t slept further and spent my time thinking about Ramachandra thrivedi. We have reached his village 2 hours later. It is a small village there are so many buildings on the name of Ramachandra thrivedi. He had done a lot of work for his native village .we stepped out of my car and we have moved towards local hotel the person present there has recognized me.  Since my movies also releases in Tamil. Soon a crowd has surrendered me.  

“Are there any relatives to Ramachandra thrivedi” I asked

“He has an uncle but he has died recently” an old man from crowd replied

“Did he have children?” I asked

“He has three sons .elder one has left to US for some job. Second one has died due to some disease. The younger one is living here and he is taking care of welfare schemes’ of Ramachandra thrivedi in this village” he said

“Could you please take me to him” I asked

He took me to that person. He was a tall and hard working person. He is about 60 years old. His name was Ramesh Prasad thrivedi.

He was talking to phone while I reached there .It is a gesture call for dumb and deaf people. On 2024 someone has invented it. It speaks according to some gestures made by the hand .The thing he has to do is to make a gesture call and attach some devise to phone but now a days the technology has advanced so that it is inbuilt in mobile but it was an old phone so that I recognized that the call he attending is gesture call.

The house is very old it may have built 60 years ago. There are some old photos of their family. I observed Ramachandra Thrivedi’s photo there but there are two such photos .I don’t know why it repeated one of them is very old but another one is new. After few minutes he was free from call.

“How can I help you” he asked

“Thanks Mr. Ramesh Prasad thrivedi. We are here to know information about Ramachandra thrivedi’s parents and his family so that it may help Mr. Raghu to his new movie project” Ravi Kumar said

“Ramachandra thrivedi’s father is my elder brother. He was a nice person. Due to his good character which is not accepted on those days he ran out of this place” he said

“Can you elaborate” I asked

“On those days there was a big goon here on this city his name is Nambian. His wife died after giving birth to a child. He named his son as Jagadeesh (jaggu). Suddenly he was arrested and court has life imprisoned him so that jagadeesh became an orphan. People here have decided to kill him and take a revenge on Nambian but Ramachandra thrivedi’s father has not accepted this and ran out of city with that child by that time he had Ramachandra thrivedi” he said

“Wait wait” I cried of excitement “Ramachandra thrivedi has a brother. What happened to him?”

“He was burnt with Ramachandra thrivedi’s parents when he was 10 years old” he said

I was bewildered and drank a glass of water and remembered the dream I had on yesterday’s afternoon. I can’t understand it.

“Later we began search for thrivedi’s father but we cannot find him. Later Ramachandra thrivedi has became famous .my father went to him. He received my father with pleasure but after a year he was murdered” he finished

“By whom” I asked

“I don’t know, but as we know there are no enemies to him” he replied

“Where is Nambian now” Ravi Kumar asked

I then started doubting Nambian.

“Nambian was released 13 years ago but I don’t know where he is now” he replied

“Ok thanks for sharing your valuable time with us” I thanked Ramesh Prasad thrivedi

“No problem it will be a great honor to us, if you release a movie on my brother” he said

“I will definitely make it as soon as possible” I replied

“Ok you can contact me any time you need” he said and gave me his visiting card

There are several thoughts in my brain but main conclusion of all of them is to find Nambian and interrogate him. But where can I find him? So this conversation does not conclude anything.

“Ok I am leaving” said Ravi Kumar as we walked towards car.

“Are you not coming with me to Andhra?” I asked

“No no I will stay here and investigate on the things deeper” he said

“Ok then I’m leaving” I said and started walking.

Ravi Kumar has been working on the case for several years didn’t he investigated here? I felt strange .I decided to investigate alone further. I just opened internet and started looking about him. Soon I found an article about him by his friend Arjun.

I was shocked by reading this line.  “His friend died in a car accident and then he made a decision to make a smart automobile”. Then I realized a strange connection of his life story with my dreams. I decided to meet his college friend Arjun. He is living in Vijayawada so I started my journey to Vijayawada. Within 7 hours I reached there. And found his house. He asked me to enter. Arjun is about 60 years old he is very weak. He can’t even walk.

“Can you please tell me about Ramachandra Thrivedi’s college life” I asked

“Ramachandra thrivedi is very innocent student. Every one used to make use of him. He is very weak in studies also.”

“Wait wait he is very cleaver student as I know” I asked

“No no let me say. One day one of our class mates called him and asked him to carry his books but he refused. Then teacher punished the class mate. After completion of the class work. Thrivedi was followed by him but he was met with an accident and died at the spot. This had a strong impact on thrivedi’s mind, and then he decided to become an automobile engineer and design a smart car to minimize the accidents. Then he worked hard got an admission into IIT but can’t afford t so he joined in a local engineering college. That’s what I knew about thrivedi”

“Didn’t you met him again”

“I met him 10 years later. He offered me a job I was retired from it a few days ago” he said rubbing his eyes which were full of tears

Then I left him and started my journey to my house. After a two hours journey I was so bored. I stepped out of my car and stayed out of it for a few minutes. Then it started raining .I decided to continue my journey and started walking towards the car but I was hit on back side of my head. My eyes started blinking. I could feel the surroundings. I see my legs and I was dragged into a car. I cannot see the person then my eyes were closed.

I was tied and my eyes were tied with a black cloth. I asked for some water

“Who are you? What’s your interest on thrivedi” I heard a voice which I haven’t heard before

“I have already said” I replied

“I am not a fool. Tell me what your interest is?”

“Who said you are a fool”

“Don’t force me to kill you. I know your DOB you were not born a day after his death. You were born before his death about a week”

“You have gathered all the information about me, anyhow I am not going to discuss about it”

“And your dreams, they have good connection with life of thrivedi how is that possible”

“Ravi Kumar is your man. I have already suspected”

“Yes he is, but I feel pity for you now your time starts tell me or I will kill you”

“You will kill me even if I say truth” I said

“10…..9….8….7…..6…..5 tell me now or I will shoot you” he cried “4…3…2...”

“Ok stop stop I will tell you” I said

“That’s a good choice” he cried

“However you will kill me. But before I die I want to know why you killed thrivedi”

“You are asking me questions” he laughed “there is big enmity between thrivedi’s family and us. His father killed my father as my father killed his grandfather. Then my uncle (Brother of my father) tried to kill his family. But thrivedi’s father killed him before he planes. This made his son an orphan. Thrivedi’s father wants to adopt him but his family members opposed it. Then he left the family with that child and his family. But their family tried to kill that child in Andhra but in that attempt thrivedi’s parents were also killed. Later as I grown I killed thrivedi’s entire family and then thrivedi.”

“And Arjun” I asked

“He is also my man” he said

“You killed thrivedi” I cried “But who are you”

“I won’t tell you” he said

“Now tell me what your interest on thrivedi is?”

“I won’t tell you unless I know you. Consider it as my last wish” I replied

“Then don’t tell me but I am going to kill you” he said

Then there is some firing sound. He shot me at my stomach. I was unable to fell surroundings I was surrounded by group of thoughts I remembered my parents.

I woke up on a hospital bed. Then there I saw an inspector approaching towards me

“Congrats Raghu you have solved the mystery unsolved for 28 years” he said

Then I recalled the incidents and said thanks to him

               …                       …                  …                    …                      …       

My movie was released and it is running successfully. I was enjoying it. Everyone has a great interest on it as it is the story of the legend Ramachandra thrivedi

 He was sentenced to death for killing 14 people including thrivedi and an attempt to murder case

Tomorrow morning he is going to be hanged. His last wish was to see me. So police department has requested me.

I walked to prison as I was also curious to see him

I was taken to him by a constable. He was facing back as I approached him. He is about 60 years old. As he turned I was shocked to see Ramesh Chandra Thrivedi

“Good Evening Raghu” he said with a smile on his face

“Good Evening Mr.….”

“You can call me devil” He laughed

“Ok Devil as you said. Why did you call me here” I replied

“I want to know some facts” he said

“Which facts” I asked

“First one is what your interest on the case of thrivedi is? While everyone has left the case without a Ray of light on the Darkness I have created”

“It was not my Interest. It’s my father’s interest and it was it last wish”

“Why did he have interest on Thrivedi?”

“May be one of the fans of thrivedi” I said with smile “He might have helped my father”

“Ok how did you plot to find me? How could police arrive there in right hour?”

“I planned it before my speech at last movies award reception” I said “My plan is that the criminal tries to kill me which had happened earlier, so I have arranged a transmitter to the police Department and there are two of my servants who always observe what I listen”

“I have checked your clothes, phone, shoes but I haven’t seen it” He said with bewildered face

“Oh old man you don’t know the advanced technology of today” I laughed “It is one of my teeth”

“Oh OK who are the servants? I heard that you stay alone at home and only one office boy at your office who has no knowledge of techknowledgy” he said 

“You have been observing me” I laughed “Those are machines with AI”

“Ok what about the Dreams” he asked

“I have no dreams” I said with smile “I just simply made you curious so that you cannot kill me directly and prefer to ask me questions”

“But I had tried to kill you without knowing facts”

“You played old trick that when I bleeds I will start saying but police have arrived”

“You’re Intelligent” he remarked

“But how could you know the Personal things of Thrivedi” he asked

“My Father said”

“How could he know?”

“Before I say that I want to know one thing. Are you last one of your family?”

“No I had a son” he replied

“Who is he” I asked

“He is Ravi Kumar. He acts like he works on the case but informs the other workers and helps me to kill them”

“Did he know about your enmity with thrivedi family?”

“Yes but that has no use. All the members of thrivedi family were dead”

“Ok did you have any fear of your arriving death?”

“No he said” with smile “I was happy that there is no thrivedi family. But my family still continues”

“Ha Ha Ha” I laughed

“Why are you laughing” he asked with a surprise on his phase

“Thrivedi family still has an heir”

“Who is he...?”

“The person is standing in front of you” I said

“That can’t be possible who is you father?”

“Rama Chandra Thrivedi”

“That can’t be possible he is unmarried” he shouted with bewildered face

“Yes the person you killed but not my father”

“I killed Thrivedi” he cried

“No you killed your Brother Jagadeesh” I replied “You pretended like brother of assassinated person but that became true”

“How the hell on earth that is possible” He shouted again

“They killed my father and thrown the child present there thinking that he is jagadeesh and lit the house, but it is Ramachandra Thrivedi. All though he escaped his both legs were lost then Jagadeesh arrived there. Then Jagadeesh decided to pretend like Thrivedi to ensure his protection from my relatives as of my father’s Idea .Then he looked after my father” I said

“You can kill my son” he said in low voice

“Yes I can but I won’t because I was not grown like that” I said

He is then relaxed police officer arrived there

“You may leave now Sir he will be hanged in another 30 minutes” he said

“No I will wait until he dies” I said

Soon he was hanged and I returned to my home with calm mind. Then I approached my parent’s photos and looked into their eyes.

                                                THE END………….

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