Castle, Mine 3 - The Family Grows by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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11 Washing all around me!


'Louise! Why name the child after those French idiot Bourbons!' I exploded in Dulcie's face which had begun to crinkle up, so I patted her hand quickly poor soul.

I thought it a very lovely name for a girl Heir, don't be so foolish its Nicolas and Edith choice. Then they have chosen my name as a second one.

'What Blinkonslop, Louise Blinkonslop, poor girl she'll be known as Blinkie all her life.'

No my Christian name not my family name, really you are a tease Heir and for that I won't ask Maise to come with your cake and coffee.

'Well Louise Dulcie sounds much better so why couldn't they fit my name in there somewhere. When Robroy was born there was an excellent chance to include one of my names, Lockston has a nice ring about it and as for Armitage well that could have done as a pinch. Yes that's a grand thought to use your name for little El-spite, Lorna, whatever her name is!'


'Yes Louise Dulcie. Yes I like that.' So since coffee and cake seemed not forthcoming I leapt to my feet I wish, I struggled to my feet and went down to the kitchen to collect it. Treacle tart and a dollop of cream. Cook had baked four large tarts as a celebration for Edith's return. I noticed several pieces were missing so I hoped Tom would return quickly with Nick Edith Robroy and Loo. I mentioned this to cook but heard a rebuke from the Dairy room where Dulcie was mixing the cream.

'Don't let it curdle, what's wrong with abbreviating the name?'

You call people by funny pet names all the time, not by their proper ones, I presume you have a secret one for me Heir. Dulcie from afar.

'No I don't, but lets see, could be Chill, or Freezer or even Grandam.'

His Grace calls me Cook. Cook joining in with the fun seeing her two employees having a go at one another.

'Well Cook what do you think of Miss Edith's new babies name?'

Oh what a lovely name, I'm sure it will be. Nobody had told her!


Oh now that's a lovely gentle name and I'm wondering what the family will call her.

Don't you dare Heir! From the distance room and a hearty laugh from Maise as in there as well. Why does it take two women to mix cream?

Well as usual it was not a fair match so I took myself up to the library to eat my cake and who should be there but Robroy sitting at the Computer. So I asked him straight out.

Robroy where's your Mother and Father and the baby please. And what do you think of that poor baby's name?'

They are upstairs in their tower rooms putting Louise to sleep. I thinks its a lovely name but they asked me choose from three names so I chose Louise followed by Grand-mama's name.

'Oh really you chose your little sisters name. Well I never.'

She is your very first granddaughter Grand-papa so she should be  special to you, like me in fact, so I expect you really want to rush up those steps and see her! By the way what are you eating?

'Treacle tart, Cook has baked it for your Mothers home coming.' That's as far as I got for the lad was already fast across the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. He came back with a huge slice and sat in front of me, dribbling treacle down his chin.

Oh Grand-papa when you get your plaster cast off tomorrow and go back up to your tower bedroom, Mother and Father are going to ask you if they can move into the East Wing now there are so many of us.

'Oh well I think it was your Great Aunt Sofia who bare handed did most of the wall paper hanging and decorating, and I presume she took such an interest in the job that there was a specific unspoken reason for her doing it. So I think it best that your Father speaks to her and suggests a swap, your turret for her East Wing.'

Would she agree?

'I don't see why not it if your Father introduced a, let me see, did not Uncle Robin find a mouse hole down close to the floor whilst laying it down.?'

Three he found. But no actual mice, scared away by the hammering.

'Meaning?' I bent forward and wiped his mouth and dribble.

Meaning does Aunt Sofia like small furry animals! Before I could answer he was up like a flash and raced away for his parents rooms. Just then Tommy and Jess ventured in obviously on a search to see their new baby cousin. I looked up and said asleep in a cot I expect we might see her this evening. But they vanished as well so I drank the rest of my coffee as cold as the spring day outside. Tom had obviously gone down to the school to pick the children up after dropping Nick and Edith. Just then a knock on the door and Finlay announced Miss Frobisher into the room.

Come up to see the new arrival Frob. I called as I directed her to Robroy's chair facing me.

No your Grace, I have come with a complaint from the Authority.

'What Authority!'

The Education one, when Miss James joined the junior school the rule was she should not be encumbered with a child for at least three years.


She has a bump as large as a melon.

'Back or front?'

Heir she is pregnant.

'Well blame her husband.' Then I thought a moment.

'Now Frob you are and have been a school teacher for, must be over forty years.  Without  babies coming along at intervals you would have no one to teach. The department and yourself survive on these children, they help with your salary and your occupation, so what does the mighty department propose to tell me.'

I think they already expected a reply similar to the one you have given and I would expect them to be very wary on school visits lest they pass by a demonstration in the village.

'I did not think I was so popular.

Miss James is and so is Master Robin. Has the new baby arrived?

As she spoke, in came Edith with the babe, Nick and Robroy followed. Frob got to her feet and held the child gently. And me still trying to see the baby while Frob turns around and around making little cooing noises. I really want to punch her on the nose but Edith joins me and helps me up. She whispered in my ear.

Laura told me Miss Frobisher was not happy about her and Robin having a child and breaking the agreement so I have offered  to care for the baby whilst she goes back to teach. After all two babies together will be company for both of them and me and the washing machine can cope.

'Washing machine?' said I.

Nappies Father in Law, tons of nappies to wash.

'Am I to be surrounded by washing! Need more lines, then I'll have Tom extend the ones outside the kitchen.' As we were engrossed with our little chat Robin and Laura came in and admired the baby and then I saw her talk to Frob obviously what Edith had spoken to me about, so it was all settled. Soon the room was filling up as everyone came in and I could see my sherry bottles disappearing, but nobody replied when Finlay asked them, so the sherry was safe for the moment.

Of course Father in Law I won't be able to be your secretary for some time, but I think young Nick has grasped it very well.

'He tells me off all the time about this and that, I think I could easily retire and let him run the whole shooting match, then he need not go to the High school.'

You've heard that Nick and I were thinking of sending him to Boarding School?

'No, I didn't hear that Edith.' I said rather sharply but Edith just smiled.

My parents were not keen and I think my father gave Nick a piece of his mind!

'I must congratulate Mr Evans on his wisdom, and for having a wonderful daughter like you. Ah here comes Dulcie Cook and Maise and do you see how your Mother in Law gently lifts her grand daughter from Frob.'

It was gracefully done. Edith with a broad smile as she left to greet her own parents

who had just arrived.

'Well Cook, looks like we have a huge party to cater for tonight!'

Well it was expected I think, so Master Robin has organised a Chinese meal for us all, so I will go and help Maise with the cutlery and paper plates.

'Paper plates.' I yelled in mock desperation.  My sons with Tom and Finlay helped move the side tables to the edge of the main dining table and we all sat down.

So it was a bumper meal my son had organised and had it delivered right on time, I think he ordered most things on their menu, then followed the remnants of Cooks tarts and cream that had not curdled. It was a very merry evening and eventually Finlay passed around my bottles of sherry which I was loath to allow but it was a lovely evening so why not. Robin had bought a small car with the proceeds of his wedding present from Dulcie and I. He and Tom decided to take all the adult males to the pub to wet the head of the new babe and left me alone with the ladies and children to organise specific games for the little ones. I dutifully handed over that obligation to Robroy who took it manfully, and soon had children running all over the place playing hide and seek. Tomorrow I was getting this plaster off and was not looking forward to an electrical saw being used! You hear of horrific accidents of the blade going every where except the plaster, I won't sleep at all tonight.