Celestial Celeste by Damir Franusic - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

A long time ago in a universe adjacent to our own, there existed a thriving galaxy of splendor, the Zygnus-GX. Among a myriad of stars, planets, and their moons, only a few possessed conditions suitable for the evolution of super-human intelligence unlike anything known to us Earthlings. Although the galaxy was populated by various life forms, one stranger than the other, the inhabitants of a planet Zygnus-Z5, a part of Zygnus-Z system, were very human-like. Their medium sized planet orbited a red giant named Zygni-X1, a star similar to our own Sun, only much older and of greater luminosity.

Given the size and age of the life giving companion, their planet’s trajectory was kept at a safe distance. For a society endowed with such immense wisdom, their technological marvels existed in harmony with their home world. Slight adjustments in planet’s trajectory were considered a routine, as the very essence which fueled their society was their strange telepathic connection with the life force of their planet. Their home was orbited by four vastly different moons; the equilibrium of this entire system was flawless. Such amalgamation of intelligence, benevolence, and symbiosis was merely a dream for our still primitive human society.

The Zygnians perceived religion and personal growth insignificant compared to communal advancement. Social component was above anything else; knowledge and education were their system of value.

Law enforcement agencies and military were present, but superfluous and very inexperienced due to lack of civil unrest or warfare.

However, the history of this whole galaxy was far from perfect. Their period of ruthless savagery, selfishness, and greed was a phase which every society must endure. They either emerge enlightened and learn from their past mistakes, or are bound to repeat them indefinitely. Various planets scattered around the system had reached a point of technological renaissance, but failed to take a step forward. Instead, they regressed into a period of endless warfare which overtook their civilization for centuries to come.

Zygnus-Z system was one of the lucky ones. Devastated by years of conflict, the evolution of consciousness made them aware of their insignificance in cosmos, and heralded another evolutionary leap. Their transformation was ecstatic and quite remarkable. On a cosmic scale, it all occurred in a blink of an eye. An average human-like society became a multi-dimensional telepathic utopia. They still retained a vocal apparatus, but compared to telepathic exchange, spoken and written word became inefficient. Their newly attained method of communication allowed for both textual, visual, and auditory information conveyance. In less than a thousand years, they transformed every aspect of their previously stunted and savage planet; Zygnians evolved into a civilization capable of interplanetary travel. In the next one hundred years, all four moons of Zygnus-Z5 were inhabited. Zalateya, the nearest of four, became a science research station. Prozius and Zaryssa housed various educational facilities, each specialising in a different field of science. The farthest of them all, Zespina, was a military moon. Although unnecessary, as Zygnians had transcended any form of violence, there was always a potential threat from those that failed at taking that vital evolutionary leap forward.

The awakening of this peculiar race reverberated throughout the entire galaxy. Not too long after the next hundred years, another renaissance was upon them; a new type of propulsion was invented. The Zygnian society quickly reached another crucial moment in their history, a tremendous leap towards space exploration. They had just broken the bounds of their own system and were now ready for a different kind of advancement. Their latest technological marvel was named the "S-Drive", which stood for "Scintilla drive", and was the life’s work of one of the highly esteemed Zygnian scientists, Dwyer M.

A thorough explanation of the technology comprising the interstellar drive was, and still is, beyond our human comprehension.