Celestial Celeste by Damir Franusic - HTML preview

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Chapter 5
The speed limit

After their "brief" practical training onboard the vessel, the crew of three Zygnian pioneers were eager to test the fabled Scintilla drive and the maneuverability of TSD-1. It should be noted that any consecutive dialogues between the crew are a written representation of a telepathic information exchange, as Zygnians considered speech inefficient.

The embarkation started, and the necessary supplies were being loaded into the cargo hold. Since both the destination and the vessel’s performance were a complete mystery, it was essential to be prepared for any potential malfunctions; most of the cargo comprised various tools and spare parts. After everything was prepared for take off, the crew met up on the bridge. When they first arrived, they stood in awe without "saying" a single word. The TSD-1 was inherently mesmerizing, even for Zygnians.

"So, we are about to venture into a complete unknown. How do you feel about that?" Celeste asked.

"I’m all for it, ready as you are captain," A’Meki replied.

"Just call me Celeste. You too Vorta. I think we should all be on first-name basis. That is, if the two of you agree. I will support your decision, feel free to disagree with this idea. As the captain of this vessel, I would normally be against this sort of relationship between crew members. This is, however, anything but a regular mission. We are venturing into uncharted territories, just the three of us, and I would prefer it if we could address each other by names, not titles. Your opinions matter. Tell me, does this sound absurd?"

"Well, captain, I would normally disagree, but you are right," Vorta said. "This is something new, and we might not even come back for all we know. If that were the case, then I would much rather have a less formal relationship. So, my answer is yes. I’d be honored to call you Celeste."

"What about you, my chief engineer?" Celeste asked.

"Finally I get to call my superior officers by their first names," A’Meki replied. "Of course my answer is yes."

"Then let’s see what these Scintilla drives can do," Celeste said. "Vorta, set a course for quadrant ZQ9, sector 38. We’ll test the speed limit gradually until we reach our destination. Take us to orbit first, and we’ll take it from there."

Vorta, still engrossed by the slick design and efficiency of navigation controls, carefully powered up the low-range thrusters and slowly positioned the ship in orbit, just above the scarce atmosphere of Zalateya. "Celeste, the maneuvering controls of this beauty are impeccable. Ready for your next command."

"A’Meki, begin Scintilla ignition sequence," Celeste said.

"Starting SD-1, followed by SD-2." A’Meki was closely monitoring the particle consumption levels and power distribution, as both engines should have been working in unison. This was a brand new technology, and expected fuel consumption levels were based on a rough estimate.

The boot-up sequence evoked a sense of respect in all three, as they had never experienced an engine so silent, yet so powerful.

"Both Scintilla drives are ready and idling at safe levels," A’Meki said. "We should first try with 10% power."

"We are making history my fellow Zygnians. Vorta, be ready for course corrections if we deviate, and"–Celeste took a deep breath–"ADVANCE!"

As soon as Vorta pushed the throttle, Scintilla particulates rushed into both engines and there was a moment of extreme tranquility. This was the pivotal point in history of cosmos and a fixed point in the fabric of space-time. The engines, still completely silent, started reacting with the particles. The crew did not notice it at first, but their vessel began to scintillate. A’Meki saw a slight increase in fuel consumption, but everything was within safe limits.

Moments later, the Scintilla drives screamed with a deafening shriek; the TSD-1 began emitting enormous amounts of unknown energy. The surrounding stars were eclipsed by the raw power of scintillas as they turned the Zygnian vessel into the brightest object in the galaxy. A’Meki tried his best to stop the particle flow in order to starve the engines, but it was too late. Two rogue Scintilla drives were out of control.

Celeste and Vorta, both seemingly in shock, were completely aware of the danger. The communal Zygnian mind, along with their home planet shared the experience and exchanged information during this plight. They tried hard to find a solution; they even engaged in dialogues with a few cooperative stars in their vicinity.

Vorta yelled, "Celeste, we are turning toward ZQ9!" Once again, a deafening shriek was heard; it was much louder this time, as it reverberated throughout the whole system. What followed next was an outburst of energy comparable to a super nova explosion. The TSD-1 blinked out of existence, leaving behind a highly energized interstellar cloud comprising a mix of magenta and cyan colored plasma.