Charlie's Angel (Flash Fiction) by Olivia Teese - HTML preview

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It was barely dawn when Zee and Charlie left the inn. They quickly made their way down Corinth Street which was still asleep. Zee had parked a rental car nearby behind a bond house. He wanted to make sure they were on the first flight leaving for Barbados which was at six ‘o’ clock.

“I’m not a little girl,” Charlie practically shouted at Zee. He shot her an irritated look.

“With all the heavy shit going on, that’s what’s weighing on your mind? My opinion of you?” Zee put a hand on the small of Charlie’s back and quickened his step.

“I am almost twenty,” Charlie persisted.

“Numbers don’t make you a woman. And the mere fact that you are shoving your age down my throat proves it.” Zee slowed his pace on hearing the roar of an engine. He looked over his shoulder to see a black Mercedes barreling towards them. He knew it was about Charlie.

“How the hell did they find us?” Zee growled. He started to run pulling Charlie behind him but she fought him. Zee caught a flash of guilt on her face. He grabbed the front of her dress with both hands and pulled her roughly against him. Their eyes clashed angrily.

“What did you do?” Zee snarled at Charlie.

“Th-there was another man, Marco, who had made the arrangements. He had gone out to get us something to eat just before you came,” Charlie replied in a matter of fact tone. Zee wanted to slap her senseless. She deliberately failed to mention that piece of vital information in hopes of being found. Charlie’s eyes suddenly widened in surprise.

“Look out!” Charlie yelled as she saw a man appear from a side street with a square device in hand. It was Marco. Two long wires snaked through the air and struck Zee in his upper body before he could react. His body convulsed violently and collapsed onto the street. Charlie froze, staring down at his twitching body. The Mercedes screeched to a stop beside them. Three men hopped out; one dragged Zee roughly to his feet, one grabbed Charlie and the other handed a black briefcase to Marco, who snatched it and quickly disappeared back through the side street. Zee and Charlie were stuffed into the car, which swiftly disappeared from sight.