Chimera: Short Stories and Tall Tales by Fotis Dousos - HTML preview

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The Telescope


I accidentally broke my telescope. Instead of repairing it, though, I immediately bought a magnifying lens. “I will use it to find the answers to the questions that torment me”, I thought. “I will reverse the line of thinking of my experiments and observations. Therefore, instead of studying the celestial phenomena I am going to examine the terrestrial ones very closely. I will pay attention to the pores of my skin, the cracks on the floor, the little crevices on the walls, the grains of sand”… 


Unfortunately, the only thing that I achieved was to burn ants  - all day long – by redirecting the sun beams towards them as they were moving in lines. 


Then, a conclusion stroke me like lightning: just as I used the refractive property of my lens as a weapon to exterminate innocent creatures, another being superior to me was hitting me with an invisible radiation causing my cells to deteriorate rapidly. It was Death using its own magnifying lens, time. So, I rushed to repair my telescope; it is so much better for our soul to look at the stars…