Clouds in the Sky by jehan - HTML preview

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clouds in the sky






























Copyright© jehan ezzatAll right reserved








1- Arriving

2- My home in Cairo

3- Money

4- Year at home

5-Designing course

6- Work at gallery

7- First year

8- Second year















This book about an experience I past it, the detail is not all in the book but the most important; I liked to write about it, because I had a time with something new. I learned from it a career. The career I never knew that I would be part of it .I was in another way, when came to me a chance to be in this field.






























After two years or almost two years, I came again to Cairo from America. It was a journey, and we had a lot of fun in most of the parts of it. We lived in two cities in this period.

In the first one, it was warm, and at night is cold we are there at the end of September.

It was strange to us this weather, but in a few days, we are used it.

We hoped to have better and little knowledge about the new world in America. 

I went to shopping in a Mall nearby and then, we enter to a shop selling a staff of artists.

I in this moment liked it, what I have from these things to use, I never saw these things before, I had liked books of drawings sketches the frames with canvas the roles of paper.

 At this moment, I had a picture in my mind about a world I never deal with.

I tried to go again, but I cannot ever; I do not know why.

We spend our time in America, until we had an accident on one Sundays morning. The red car for a woman came to across after the light changed, then the accident we all injured, a difference scratches from one to other, I spend two months in the thereby and when I finished it, I thought that I had depressed, and I stayed at home for a long time, all the day, I am in bed. 

The time after this change, I dreamed that I will leave to Cairo, and I will see my brother and will give me two trousers, currently, I did not consider leaving to Cairo yet.

Suddenly, I have my design to leave; maybe it is strange to have the same in your dream. But I think I do not have my design on the dream.

When I am in the airplane for 20 hours adding two hours waiting in NY, too many hours with a narrow chair bad food, you spool, because your stomach have a pain.

I reached Cairo the afternoon. The home was the same, and again; I saw my brother that he was in the university.

I spend all the day sleeping in the next day and all night wakes up, because there is a change in time between Cairo and America. The days after I went to the Alexandria spends the time on beach and with friends, they were so nice, that all them, he is younger than I am; they are friends to my brother in fact.

The beach is full of things of the sea, and dirty to swim,  we cannot swim; however, we spend our time on beach, and on the warm sands, the view is so beautiful, and the house had the great views on it, the sun was warm; however, we did all we need in it, washing clothes …. It is nice in the nights, that we spend the night out to have the fun with each other. Have tea on the tables; watching the swimming pool, listen to the music, the lights was great.

I liked the riding trains and buses with the long trips between the cities.

The traveling is a nice for me because I like to see the running of views from the window of the train or bus. 

The running views from the bus were nice in the desert too. From Cairo to Alexandria, I went by bus many times.






My home in Cairo

I live in my house in a small long street in shoubra, My Street with two churches full of trees and my flat in the third floor, the street ended by an institute of blinds. I never see or once I saw one blind man. The name of the street is faces, the first floor; for the son of the owner and his wife, and their two children, girl and sun. The floor we are in was one apartment, it was small, and the light of the sun was enough. The place is contained of two rooms and hall. This place we went from it to America, and I returned.

I learned all my Educations in a school not far from the house, the school all of us had their education in there.  My best friend from the school, she lived in the same street of me. Her sister was a friend to my sister. We graduate from the school to different colleges. I went to faculty of commerce; I spend six years in the faculty, because I failed for two years. I worked as secretary in an office.

I traveled to America after it for almost two years. Then the accident there, and returned to Cairo.






I spend the time in traveling all the time from city to another from Cairo to other cities in Egypt, since I arrived from America in late July, until the winter in November, the traveling with no cost to the church, to reach people. We did it by theater and plays; it was in churches of Cairo too. 

In the plays, there was a good teaching and fun in acting, all the thoughts about god.

We now at home, the weather was almost cool, but I liked it. I waited for my money from the accident insurance to come, but I did not know when I would have it. At the start of December, I had a call from my brothers; who told me there was money in the bank in Cairo the amount of mine from the insurance. It was 11 thousand dollar at this time; it was 34 in Egyptian pounds.

My brother gave me money until I received mine, then after I had mine I returned what he gave  me  to him.

I was happy that I had my money, but I did not know for what I can use it, in America maybe I use it in education or in some needs push me up in there, But here in Cairo. I put it in the bank and receive some money interest every month. 





Year at home

I stay at home did not do anything special, but I was reading or stitching, did things not important, I made incomplete and nice pictures, with threads on canvass, many of them I finished. I leave it after my neighbor told me, that it was not fashionable. However, there was nothing to do, I did not search for a job or some to do, Must to me in this time completes my high education.

I bought many things, in this time, book's needlework, staff, magazines, all things I want to have, went to the places to have the fun, and saw shops. The time is nothing, all I did was nothing, I bought only a computer, it was the most important thing I purchased, by the money, and I had a new lamp in my room.

In this time, I know that my sister and brother in America had a new Apartment and moved to it.

The calls stopped among us for three years after this time.


Designing course

One day, I was underground back from somewhere at night. I saw advertising in a magazine about a place teaching designing. I decided to be in the course in the next-day morning; I went in the next morning, and enroll in the course, for expensive cost. In this time, but now the cost for this course much higher than that.

The course was American way course in designing. The course was three parts, after it finished; I am able to design the mode.

The course twice a week and I went to it to have a job in the field I like.

I meet two new friends and a person called Khalid, the girls was students but him working in different way, in needlework projects.

I had many threads and projects, to have wearing clothes, from these threads; I went to most famous shops to have it. I made some before I leave to America but the rest when I returned.

The first part of the course past, and in the second, Khalid told us to work with him for three days in exhibition with his needlework, we agreed to spend four days because there a day extra from the organizer of the exhibition.

Khalid told us after that Exhibition, he would quit the course it was not useful for him.

I want to complete it, because, it was the way I want to be in. After some days, he came to us, to tell me he got a job for me, in the gallery, which he was had a room in it, he quit from it, and there was a place to me, to be a secretary in it, until the Italians owner returns from Italy.

The gallery was in the downtown it was famous.

But I must quit the designing course, because there is no way to be in the work, and go to the course.

The first time, I saw her in the afternoon, with Khalid, and she was a little woman with strong brown eyes red tall hair, she was out to her house when we came, she accused us to go with her nice little girl.

I quit the course and start my work.



Work at the gallery

Khalid told me many things about the painting's and artists; some information about Stefanie, it was the name of the owner, and the exhibitions and the openings of everyone. He was pictured all the openings he show me, the record of these opening pictures. He taught me that I must live in the paintings and understand it by my knowledge or feeling no need to learn, to understand them.

The first exhibition after she came from Italy, for artist worked with UN at this time.

I worked several hours on stamping invitation letters; and we send all at exact time of opening. In the opening, I saw many people for the first time, they must be famous but for the field of the fine arts and writer's people.

The paintings hung on the wall. All the day we spend, to put it on.

They were persons old or young. The old ones most of them famous, the young put their first steps on the galleries in-group exhibitions.

The gallery in second floor, there was a cafe under the gallery, the artists went to it, after the exhibition openings ended, we leave to our home they had their rest night in it.



First year

The work in the gallery was in the winter season and the gallery full of reservation until next season, the work was slow, but the viewers ok, it seemed to me like this, the selling was nothing, until now. It was the first exhibition. I did my job but I know that must be a customer to buy these paintings, one day the gallery visited by one important person had many paintings, then I thanked god that happened because of my worry. I did not know at this time, why I am worry, but I felt the work would be fine. The first month goes, in the openings more. The persons could see the work of the artist. They were two kinds, some to look and buy, and others look only. The people, which want to, look only more. The people came to see the store to collect some of the privies exhibitions. They came from different countries, mostly Italy, the country of the Stefanie.

I am at this time not very well in English, I think, until now, I feel like this, but the foreign people I saw in the time of my work with Stefanie, most of them speak Arabic or English at least.

I bought a huge number of books in this time, but I cannot read any of the books of the library in the gallery. Once I saw catalogs about one European and one for Egyptian artists. 

At home, I read the books and catalogs; all I saw about paintings in these books and catalogs was familiar to mine by time. I learned to have books in famous subjects. I spend much money on something ended quickly.

The artists came to see the works of each other, especially the young ones. The older artists' exhibitions more crowded, the artist came at nights to see what up of his exhibition and saw the newspaper peoples, which want him to talk.  In this part, I left the gallery to my home because my shift ended.

I left to home; catch the bus from midan El tahrier, back to home. I returned now to eat and watch TV talking with brother if he was there, I am free now to do my things, that I like to do cooking, sewing, washing However, it was not usual to go shopping because I hate to go out after I returned because it was Cold, but some times I did it. Had my shopping, the next day my brother finished it with his friends before I came home.

I go to sleep at 11 o'clock and prepare myself to the next day.

In the morning, I had a shower to go, and maybe had my tea or not, take it in the gallery. The tea was an important to me to start my day until now.

I had many new things interested in, I had these from the atmosphere of the gallery, the talent of writing, start with writes a words seam to be poetry, but it was simple enough to be not poetry but I like it.

I write some put it, put it in a file to read it from time to time, one-day writer pass by the gallery. I show him it, he told me it was weak, I need to be more educated, and then I forgot to write again. In this while, I had a passion about drawing and painting, I bought the things that used in these matters, and I bought pencils, papers, and paintings colors.  .

I worked on the gallery the regular work, the same every month; I must open the sign at 5 O'clock I send the invitations before openings. In this time, I bought many paintings and sculpture from the store or from the recent exhibitions,

One day the tea burned in the plot, of the husband of Stefanie, he was an artist, he invited a customer to see his paintings, and I apologize to him for the tea.

The days were quite from people come in the morning, but there were some people like to see paintings in the day light.

I am at home in the morning, I cook the food, at nights made the sweet, I made it good. The time not problem, I did the things I want. Moreover, not feel rush, or pressure, maybe in the second year, I was little tired more, but I not change my duties, between my life and the other things I do.

I had a computer and I had an internet once for one moth this cost me 700$,

 Every opening, I have new people to saw the paintings in the show, some of them never came again during the exhibition, the people like openings because of food and drink. The ones came during the month, more serious.

The artists leave their work in the store shop, to show the people they interested in; maybe they bought some of them. 

All the time I saw the paintings around I remember most of them.

The lunch usually in the gallery, at three o'clock, it was koshari "Egyptian food conations, "rise, macaroni and onion".























The second year

The summer ended to the new next season, the new season is much meaning to me, and it was important, full of interesting things to had and saw. Although the same things in the work regularly done for the all exhibitions. However, there was a feeling I must had, or I grow up in something, learn on knew.

The gallery had a new organize place, that we change many things in design to have an open area to show the store and open book library store.

The exhibition of the January had a big opening, which was a most important one in the season.

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