Dazzling Collection of Short Fictions, Volume 2 by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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The Javed Family

Susie and her husband along with their three sons bade goodbye to their original families at the airport and finally boarded the plane. It was an international flight they were flying. It wasn’t their first time abroad because Susie was there in London to back her husband up during his higher studies and birthed their sons there.

Now that they were flying once again, their three sons aged 5, 4 and 2 years respectively were enjoying it very much. They all could speak English and hardly their native language. Susie and her husband were a bit worried if they had made the right decision going to an unknown place abroad when their sons were so little.

But her husband was a doctor and he would be well paid if he performed well. There was no question about it. Because Susie’s husband was a dedicated doctor and he would be in demand where he was going.

Susie warmed up at the thought as she snuggled with her youngest son, raising the arm rest of her seat. She looked in the direction of her husband.

He was busily showing something in the plane catalogue to his eldest son.

Looking after her family had become a busy life routine after she had her youngest son. But there was no financial crisis in the family so far. Her husband had managed it all very well so far. So kudos to her husband, Charles Javed.

Charles’ decisions were all good so far. So going to an unknown country for high salary may be risky some way but otherwise sound. She hoped with all her heart that they weren’t making any mistakes.

The plane made a bump, then another one and another one. It spread a scare all over the plane until some were hysterically laughing. Susie and her husband calmed down their agitated sons.

Soon it was lunch time. Lunch was being served in boxes while drinks like juices were being offered in plastic glasses. There was also the option of beverages. But Susie and her husband were very sober in spite of the fact that they had stayed in London for a good many years.

The plane carried on another five hours. Susie’s sons got bored and tired and fell asleep. So Susie and her husband also took the opportunity to take a nap. Susie awoke first to the voice announcing that the plane would be landing in about twenty minutes. She said, “Oops. I have to wake them up all.” She meticulously did so. In the next 18 minutes, the whole family had refreshed, applied cosmetics, combed hair and worn shoes. The three sons smiled at each other that they would soon be on the ground and be free to walk again. Little did they knew what lay ahead. Simply more journeys.

They landed and after the final check through and picking up their baggage, they exited the airport where a van was waiting for them to take them to the city. It was long two hours and Susie’s sons kept asking questions about where they were heading. Susie and her husband were confused about what the driver of the van said but nevertheless her husband would check it out.

After they reached the main city, the van driver drove to a residential area where Susie’s husband asked the driver to wait along with his family while he would visit the medical school center and try to find out where he was destined. Susie’s sons came out of the van and played around freely among the greeneries. They were well-behaved kids. Susie had also come out of the van and stretched herself. After another hour, Susie’s husband and another man came to the spot. He introduced himself as a doctor working at the medical school college and mentioned that her husband’s posting was in a nearby town another two hours’ drive from where they were.

The sons got discouraged on hearing this. They wanted to stay in the residential area and play around in the wide space. But Susie’s husband coaxed them all to get inside the van. And he bade goodbye to the man who had helped him out.

Two more hours ouch!! The sons got impatient. Luckily Susie had wrapped in tissues some of the plane’s refreshments and offered her sons those to eat. They were hungry again, yes and ate what Susie offered happily. They looked outside of the windows and wondered what it would be like living in this country.

Another hour, and they could take a glimpse of the sea. “Yes”, thought Susie’s husband, “the man said there would be picnics from our area to this sea side. It was a beautiful wavy blue sea.”

Twenty more minutes. They were nearing the place where they would stay. And yes, the van stopped outside of a seven-storied building. They could see a gas pump right in front. But there were no greeneries or wide space here to play. The boys got out one by one and the driver helped them to reach their luggage inside their home on the third floor. And then he left.

Susie was sad, very sad. With her 3 boys and husband only she felt lonely. How to understand the people around or to talk in their language she didn’t know. Her husband was cheerful on the other hand. “Don’t worry, Susie”, he said, “You will get used to it.” He then said he would go out and fetch some food or even groceries, if possible.

In about 40 minutes, he bought grilled chicken, khobza and ice cream. He also brought in groceries. Luckily the man in the city gave him local currencies in exchange for dollars. That’s why purchasing was so easy now. He would have to start work as a doctor the very next day. Susie and her sons cheered up as they chewed and minced the food fetched by Charles.

Charles was early up next morning. His wife also awoke to make him quick breakfast. Their sons were still sleeping. Charles gripped his wife’s hand, said goodbye and released her hand.

A bus was waiting outside of his building to carry Charles to his office. Four or five people already remained seated. The bus collected more people on the way and soon the bus was packed with 40 people. 40 doctors would go to the medical center.

Susie opened the refrigerator to make a mental note of what groceries were available at home. She had put the closed pot of rice in the kitchen lower cupboard. Now she decided what dishes she needed to prepare for lunch. Her husband, Charles would be back by 2pm. He would be dead hungry then having worked until then.

She decided on cauliflower curry, chicken masala along with tomato and potato and a huge bowl of rice. She made up her mind that would be enough for today’s lunch and dinner.

She went to her son’s bedroom and asked them to wash up and get ready for breakfast. She toasted a few bread pieces and put jam on them for her sons to eat. Next she made 3 glasses of milk and forwarded to them.

Susie remembered which baggage contained her sons’ favorite toys, unzipped it and finally found the toys for her sons to play with.

Charles was having a pretty busy time looking after one patient after another. He took a break at noon and stretched out on the easy chair in his office when there was a loud knock on the door. A little girl’s head was bleeding profusely. Charles along with two other doctors and a bunch of nurses carried her to the emergency room. They cleared her wounds and stitched her head clean so that it was almost invisible.

The doctors got credited for their diligent work. The girl’s parents were happy and tipped the doctors heavily. Charles didn’t expect to be tipped like this on the very first day and was feeling extremely proud and happy for his contribution as a doctor for the day.

It was 1.00 pm. Time to ride on the bus and go back home. He had so many stories for the day to share with Susie. What was she and their sons doing at the time? This was not the era of cell phones, rather mid eighties. So Charles would have to reach home and find out.

Susie had fed her sons lunch and now they were playing with Lego toys, toy trains, cars and planes. Susie was having fun playing with them when the door bell rang.

She went ahead excitedly to the door to meet her husband. Her husband was all smiles and Susie smiled back sweetly. “So it was a good day, Charles!” Susie exclaimed. Charles nodded. “I am dead hungry. Is lunch ready?”

Susie pointed to the dining table where lunch all covered was waiting. Charles went to the shower and freshened and called out to Susie. “Come here, sweetheart. Let’s talk. How about the boys?” asked Charles. “They are playing happily”, Susie said, “They just had their lunch.”Ok, that’s great to hear”, Charles said, “It was a very busy day today, Susie.”

He went on to explain how he saw patient after patient nonstop and when he had gone to relax a little, another patient turned up with an emergency and two other doctors and himself had to stitch her up and how at the end they got a heavy tip.

Susie exclaimed, ”Is a heavy tip all you will get?” “No, darling”, explained Charles, “Our monthly salaries are due.” ”Oh good!” exclaimed Susie.

Charles went on chatting that he made some native friends at his workplace on the bus on the way back. In fact they lived near about their place. They were usually throw parties for all native families and he asked Susie not to be surprised about a near such event. Susie was excited for native company. She said enthusiastically, “I am looking forward to such a party.”

To Susie’s surprise in reality, she found guests ringing at her door. A gentleman and his wife. They spoke in native language. The man said,”We have heard you have come here new. We met your husband on the bus from his workplace. In fact I am also a doctor. Is your husband in?” Susie replied sweetly,” Yes, he is. Why don’t you come in?”

The man said, “Actually we are in a hurry. We have come to invite you to our place. We are throwing a party. There is your husband!”

Charles walked in the direction of the door, amazed. “O Samad! How nice to meet you again. Come inside.”

The man and wife both said they would come again another day but today they were in a hurry. The coming Friday they had arranged a moderately sized big party at their place. And Charles’ entire family was invited.

Susie was over the moon. Charles was beaming with delight. The man and wife left. Susie locked the door and embraced Charles.”I am so happy, Charles”, she said. “It would be a great outing for the little boys.” Charles said, ”I know, honey. I am happy for you. You will soon like the place and get habituated, I told you. You will get a lot of native company here. I hope we get to meet them all soon.” Susie said meekly, ”I know, Charles.” The following Friday evening, the Javed family dressed in their best clothes and quality cosmetics. Everything was in walking distance in this town. The family of five walked a little way to reach their destination. Earlier in the week Charles got directions to the party home. And so now Charles guided the way to a 2nd floor in an ash and maroon bricked building. On reaching 2nd floor, Charles rang the bell of the apartment on the left side and voila – it was the party home!

Susie and her sons followed Charles. Lots of lighting and video cameras were set up. The Javed family looked around in awe and hoped to see the hosts. And indeed they greeted them in and took them to their living room, introducing to everyone there.

Susie’s sons behaved very well. She showed them the children’s corner with toys and soon they got busy.

Susie herself started talking with the women of all ages but they all looked very glamorous and beautiful this night.

Charles made a few more friends, giggling and joking.

Soon it was dinner time. Susie called out to her sons and asked the eldest and younger sons to take plates from the plate corner while she herself held out the plate for her youngest son. Soon they were seated around the table eating fried rice, chicken roast, beef bhuna, salad and coke.

Charles and Susie stood on their feet and ate on plates. There was no more any place to sit. So they were only happy to stand, talk and eat. More pairs joined them. And they all talked and chatted.

It was a lovely evening but like all gorgeous parties, it had to end. Guests started leaving. The Javed family made their sons ready, bade the hosts good night and bustled out of the home, happy and smiling.

On reaching home, Susie put her sons to bed after making them wash their hands, faces and feet. Then Susie cuddled beside her husband in the master bedroom. “So honey”, she said, “which family did you like the best at the party?” “Well, it’s hard to say in particular because they are all good.” “Well Charles”, Susie confessed, “I liked one family in particular very much.” Charles rolled out his eyes in surprise and said, “Which family is it?” Susie said, bursting out laughing, “The Rahman family.” Charles said smiling, ”Yes, that family is very special.” Susie said, “Do you know Ms Rahman stitched all her girls’ dresses herself. I find that woman particularly intriguing. Their big daughters are so fond of our sons. It seems they like children very much. I would like to drop in their place sometime with the boys. Can you show me where they live?” “Yes, honey”, said Charles, yawning, “they live on the other side of the gas station.” Susie said in surprise, ”Really? Then they must live very near our home.” Charles said, “Ok, I will take you along with the boys to their place sometime. Now please let me sleep. I have work tomorrow and have to wake up early as usual.” “Ok, ok Charles, sweetheart, sleep and sweet dreams. I won’t disturb you any longer.”

The day was not far off when Charles decided one weekend to take his family to Rahman’s place. The girls of the family greeted them warmly and called their parents who came immediately to attend the guests. The girls took the little boys to their bedroom to play with toys. They came back again to the living room to treat the boys light refreshment. Parents of both families had great conversations until it was time to leave. Rahman family thanked Javed family for stopping by and the guests left soon after.

In their visit to Rahman family, Javed family came to know they would soon be leaving for their native country for the sake of their girls’ further education. Susie was sad to hear it because she really found a friend in them. “It’s going to be okay”, she told herself, “I will find more friends like them.” But she couldn’t erase the wonderful thoughts and memories about them.

Susie took her boys to Rahman’s place three-four more times until Rahman family was gone from the town. Susie missed them horribly. Charles came to her side and took her hand. He said, “Sooner or later we all have to go back to our native country. Take it easy and find yourself new friends.” Susie smiled and promised Charles so with her smile.