Dazzling Collection of Short Fictions, Volume 2 by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Shormi’s Love Story

Shormi was finishing the last touches to her makeup. She wore a bottle green dress. There was a shiny silver lace around the borders of her dress. Shormi was happy to transform herself to an elegant lady.

Shormi had been out of university for two years now. And she roamed around the streets of the city with her boyfriend, a handsome exclassmate.

Shormi’s family urged her to marry her classmate if she really loved him and not roam around the city aimlessly. But she was helpless and couldn’t relay her problem to her family. In order to conceal that she showed outbursts of anger and bustled out of her home to be with her boyfriend who was waiting outside.

The mystery behind Shormi’s story was that her boyfriend’s parents were against the marriage of Shormi with their son. They didn’t believe she was good enough for their son. But Shormi believed in herself and continued to go on dates with her boyfriend. The boyfriend was not so strong that he would boldly confront his parents and convince them that Shormi was the only girl on this earth he would ever love and marry.

This way two more years passed away. But Shormi didn’t stop believing in herself and carried on. She even stopped by at her boyfriend’s parents’ home where he was still living. His parents started to chit chat with Shormi little by little. And that made Shormi jump over the moon.

Then came the biggest news. Her boyfriends’ parents consented to the marriage. They were unable to find a girl like Shormi, let alone better than her.

Shormi’s original family was extremely relieved and happy. Shormi’s dream life was coming out true. Wasn’t that a great blessing for her!!

Both the families started to take care of wedding and reception ceremonies. After all, Shormi was a pretty girl and after she dressed from the parlor, she indeed looked wondrously beautiful. Her bridegroom appeared to be equally gorgeous. Then the marriage ceremony began. Food and decorations filled the community center and the kazi married off the two beautiful souls. Shormi’s happiest moment in her life was indelible.

Shormi and her hubby started living together at her in-laws’ place as a joined family. Her hubby found work while Shormi was on the lookout.

Soon her hubby got transferred to another city and Shormi followed him. Shormi found the work of a teacher in a school. Both were very busy but Shormi managed to pull through the responsibilities of the home front quite well.

After two years, her hubby had left for work one day but Shormi was slow to rise. She felt morning sickness and half a hour later she threw up all the breakfast she had. She rang her school headmistress and let her know that she was extremely sick and would be unable to attend school that day. The headmistress was kind to her as so far she had been a regular punctual teacher and sympathized with her and hoped she would get well soon.

Shormi did not want to disturb her husband at work. So she slowly got dressed and went to the nearby clinic which was within walking distance. As she told her problem to the doctor there, he ran a few tests on her and confirmed that she was pregnant. Shormi was extremely surprised and overjoyed at the same time.

What looked like a nightmarish morning turned out to be a great blessing. She wondered thoughtfully at the chain of events and then when she came back to herself, she knew she had to let her husband know the great news.

Wasn’t he delighted to hear the news from Shormi herself! He said he would get back in touch with her soon.

Two hours later the door bell rang. And Shormi was in for another surprise. She couldn’t believe it! Her hubby stood at the door with a bouquet of roses and gifts. She happily accepted them and let him come in and talk.

Her husband declared that he took leave from his office to share and celebrate the good news. Shormi had never been happier in her life. They snuggled together in the living room sofa and ate popcorn and watched TV for some time. Her husband promised to take good care of her and warned her not to carry out heavy duties or lift heavy objects in the kitchen. He further said he would look for a maid who would help her with household chores.

The day passed off happily. Both the couple were up by morning the next day and both went to their work places. Shormi intended to take maternity leave from her school when the baby in her womb was more mature.

Six months passed by and Shormi followed the strict advice from her doctor and was on constant check up. By the ninth month, she was already on leave from her school and was afraid that the baby might hurt her to come out any moment as she had heard so many stories like that from young and not so young mothers alike. Now she simply waited in anticipation of the moment.

Then one lovely sunny weekend she gave birth to her dashing son, Tareq after she experienced sharp piercing pain in her tummy. Her husband had already made all the arrangements in case anything should happen in his absence. Now that he was with her, he was happy to help her out with everything.

Mother and son were doing fine. Doctors and nurses kept them under their care until the next morning. When both their reports were all fine, both were released from the hospital and hubby was there to accompany them home happily.

It was a clean and immaculate home that Shormi entered and appreciated her husband’s care and efforts. Hubby quickly took her by the hand to the bedroom. He had also bought a baby cot which stood beside their bed and several toys lay around for the baby to be busy and stay calm and quiet.

But as babies always do, he started crying soon. And as instructed by the clinic nurse, she made milk in a milk bottle for the baby and he swallowed it gladly and became quiet.

Shormi felt her baby was too small to be left in the care of her maid or a day care center. She discussed it with her husband and he agreed that it wasn’t really necessary for her to carry on with her work at school. She could take care of her baby instead.

Shormi called the headmistress of her school and her husband carried Shormi’s resignation letter to her.

Meanwhile with the care of both parents, Tareq started growing up chubby and healthy. He was adored by both parents and on weekends they went to the park nearby to let their son absorb all the sunlight and watch all the greeneries around and fall asleep in the stroller. His parents diligently carried him home.

Two happy years passed by when Tareq was accompanied by his sister. Yes, Shormi had given birth to their baby daughter, Lucy. This time it was more easy going with the birth of her daughter as Shormi was an experienced mother by now.

Lucy and Tareq were the pride of Shormi’s family. Together with her beloved hubby, the family would thrive. Her darling hubby was fast progressing up the ladder of success. So there would never really be any financial crisis for the family. Life would smile down at them always in spite of the minor setbacks it would throw at them. Yes, they would make it and there would be a good legacy left by the father to be enjoyed by their children and future generations.