Diary of Moses Jenkins by Mark Goodwin - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 -The Coming of the Dreams


Everything was going fine. Each week I obtained more and more information on the life of Moses Jenkins. Then the dreams came. Ugly dreams. I dreamt that Pip and his two friends were trapped in a cave when its roof collapsed.

I shrugged the dreams off as nonsense. But they were unrelenting. They started off a day or two at a time but after month, I was having them every night.

I knew the elves were in trouble. I figured they must be still alive or the dreams would have stopped. I thought that the cave was probably their home, and inside they probably had lots of food and water. Their main concern would be air and with any luck, there would be small gaps in the fallen rocks to give them enough.

It was with these fears on my mind that I went back to Canada to find and rescue my friends. I told Laura that I was going to try my fishing trip one more time. She accepted that.

Arriving back in Nova Scotia, I again picked up a van at the airport and headed down to Sonora. I stopped in Sherbroke and bought some supplies that I would need in order to save the elves. I drove immediately to the cliff and parked the van. What I would do next I had no idea, but I thought that somebody would guide me to them. Since I knew elves really existed, I figured perhaps it was a Guardian Angel who was using me as a means to help them.

I spent seven days searching the woods. This time I had a compass with me and never got lost. I returned to the van every night before dark and resumed my search at sunrise. I never did find the cave. On the eighth day, I returned to Boston with a heavy heart.