Dickey's School Show by T Kraghunathan - HTML preview

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Chapter  7

Ashok Reddy smiled to himself  as he recalled the stories he had heard about Dickey at different places. His admiration for Dickey bordered on  hero worship at its extreme. He considered himself to be most fortunate to be so close to Dickey and be at his beck and call. With great effort, he brought his mind back to sathish Agarwal. His immediate task was to find out if there was any connection between the Agarwals Prakash and Satish

The address given by RTO , was one of those preferred by the most affluent segment of society the business tycoons and elite of that type.Slowly he worked his way till he came to the exact address.On the way he talked to vendors, service providers and security personnel of neighbouring houses .He posed himself some one making a credit check on the Agarwals. ”were’nt there two of them sathish and Prakash ?,” he  had asked innocently  and He hit pay dirt.

The vendor was talkative ”Yes, you are right. There were two of them. The elder one was Prakash. He died in the jail after suffering a massive heart Attack. Sathish is the younger one .He is making waves. Watch out , he will take the world by storm ,sooner or later. just wait and see.

You are making a credit check on Sathish Agarwal? That is a joke man. Sathish owns half of Hyderabad especially the new sectors that are opening out.”

Ashok said,  ”you never know. These big rich bastards never pay their bills in time. That is why we run credit check frequently.”

Are there any ladies in the house?

Yes, There are.Awife and a sister who visits frequently.then there are children. It is a big house hold.


Yes, sathish has a sister, who is a principal of a big school.

Just as he was coming to the end of an informative conversation, Ashok saw a car hurry down the road and enter the compound of Agarwal’s house.Ashok could see that the car was being driven by Nalini.

He decided it was time to report this matter to Dickey.

  Dickey heard Ashok Without interrupting.Then he   said, ”That means Nalini has gained entry to our school with a motive. If it is revenge that she is seeking, then why wait for such a long time. What is she after?”

Ashok said,”Sathish  is  an up and coming business man. Getting control of a good school is a very sound business option. Possibly he wanted to consolidate his position before striking. That would  surprise  you .Good strategy.”

‘Let us contact Kaddu and find out if she has any ideas about it’

Kaddu was excited the moment Dickey mentioned Satish Agarwal’s name. ”Yes, I have been keeping tabs on him. .He has been busy consolidating his position in the business. I expect him to make his move against us any time. Iwas only wondering about the delay. Has he done any thing to upset you?”

‘He has taken Shanta’s carpet.’

“Uh uh.How?”



‘Nalini happens to be his sister, A fact that none of us knew  .I think she conned us successfully to take up a job as Principal of our school. Good strategy.’

My God. You  are  in a nice soup. what are you going to do now? What do you think they are after.?

The school, obviously.

Are’nt you stretching a little too far?

No.If revenge is the real motive, taking over the school is the most desired  option. That is the way to hit back at the core  issue, the founder of the school late judge Vikram. They have snatched Shanta’s treasured possession, the bejewelled carpet. They will think of some other way to hit vikram’s son.. Possibly they will snatch his daughter or some trick like that.

Do You  think  sathish and Nalini are not alone.?

Prakash had good connection with political bigwigs. When we put Prakash away, some political party also got hurt. They would like to   get even. School is a good money spinner. It would be very good asset for them , a cash cow.The party may be pushing Sathish.

Presently Sathish is doing reasonably well. His hotel and courier service are doing very well. He may not be interested in school by himself. He may also be under pressure.

Dickey, you are running this school to help ex servicemen, disabled soldiers, war widows and orphans. What will happen to them?

Kaddu,, remember , this is not my school. This is our school.

Of course. Dickey take it easy. what do you want to do now.

I will go after Nalini..She will break easily.

Good Idea, Dickey. call me if you need any of my skills.

Okay, will meet you at home.