Dickey's School Show by T Kraghunathan - HTML preview

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Police commissioner Chandra Mouli was sitting at the dining table in Friend’s nest, savaging a plate of hot samosas. Dickey and Kaddu were sitting at the opposite side of table watching him .In between mouthfuls he asked,

”Do you want me to pull him in before he does any more serious damage to your school. You showed me a long list of what all he could do?”

Dickey spoke calmly. “Except for confession made by Govind, we cannot connect him to the accidents. I do not how he is doing it.”

Mouli; “He does not have to do it using his own men. There are so many goon squads out for hire. There are many, ever ready to please him. These tycoons know how to protect themselves.’

Dickey;’ so what do you suggest?’

Mouli ;”return the compliment’

Dickey,’ What do you mean?’

Mouli, ”;Mow the bastard down. Ram his bloody car. Toss a grenade in his bedroom. Do something. Hurt him back. Scare him silly.”

Dickey;’ Mouli, we are trying to run a good school. You are suggesting ways to close it down fast.

Let us think this matter over.’

Dickey , it is not at  all like you to think. You know who is behind all this mess. Go smash his face like you always do. These fat businessmen are afraid of physical pain. They are great at remote control. But once the violence comes too close to their person, they start thinking. You have become soft Dickey like your school children and school teachers. I will go and meet him. See how I push him.”

He pushed the plate away and stood. He was six feet tall and built like a boxer. If he pushed anything, it would not be standing straight any more

“Where is he making more money?” Dickey threw a question.

He has franchise for Fedex Courier and a chain of budget hotels across the country.

Next morning newspapers carried news of four Fedex courier offices going up in flames.

Security staff in  hotel chain belonging to Agarwal group suddenly went on strike and their computer link up was flooded with virus attack destroying all data.

Income tax department launched a concerted drive to investigate the business practices of the group.

Dickey waited. There was no reaction. Normalcy was being restored. Does it mean the enemy was withdrawing from his stated objectives of hurting the school and taking it over for personal satisfaction?

Dickey thought it was time to make a personal call on Sathish Agarwal. Beard  the lion in his own den. That has been his style.

Dickey informed Mouli that he was visiting Sathish Agarwal. Mouli informed him that a plainclothes man of rank of Chief Inspector will be in close vicinity of the quarry’s house and he will be available for any help. He wished Dickey happy hunting.

Dickey took Ashok Reddy along with him. Ashok drove the car. He opened the glove compartment and checked that his service Revolver was in its place with a spare clip of bullets. Dickey had concealed his kukri in his backside. He hoped there won’t be any need for rough stuff. But he was prepared. At 65 years, he was still very strong and very agile. But mentally he had become somewhat soft, but call for battle roused his senses and as a known warrior, he was well prepared to go beyond all restraints to put out a threat.

They had reached  the massive gates of Agarwal house. Ashok pressed the horn and a medium size Gurkha in khaki uniform pushed the door open. He saw Dickey and saluted. Dickey had this effect on all Gurkhas. He was a demigod for all Gurkas, as the most decorated war hero. Dickey saluted and stepped out of car. He patted the guard on his back and made polite enquiries about his welfare. That pleased the guard. Dickey then asked if Sathish  Agarwal sahib was in. Knowing Dickey’s reputation , the guard asked Dickey if there was going to be any rough stuff. He wanted  to decide on his loyalties before hand. Not wanting to subject the guard to any heart burn on his account, Dickey assured the guard that his work with Agarwal was a peaceful one.

The guard asked Dickey and Ashok Reddy to walk upto the main house. The main house was a huge mansion. The main door opened onto a sprawling living room with high ceiling like in olden days and from the ceiling, exquisite chandeliers were hanging on brass chains. Great painting by old Indian masters decorated the walls. The floor was covered by Persian Carpets and trophies from hunting activities of colonial period were installed , duly illuminated by special lighting. The furniture was top class. The walls were painted in very fascinating combination of colours. The whole scene smacked of affluence and style. Dickey had informed Sathish Agarwal of his visit, so Dickey expected him to be in the house. He had heard the telephone ring and guessed that the guard was announcing his arrival. While they waited for someone to show up, Nalini stepped out of one of the side rooms. She was draped in typical Agarwal style sari complete with accessories. Her head was partly covered by the sari as per Agarwal tradition. Her fair forehead was decorated with a red bindi one size too large. Diamonds dazzled from her ears and round her neck.

Nalini  nearly got a heart attack when  she saw all of a sudden Dickey and Ashok in that house. She recovered fast saying. ”you could have phoned before coming here.”

Dickey retorted,  ”I am equally shocked to see you here. By the by, you really look very smart in typical Indian dress. Actually my business is with Sathish Agarwal.. Still I would very much like to know what you are doing here.”

‘I do not see why you should be so shocked. I am here because I belong here.

Sathish Agarwal is my brother.’

“Uh, Uh. How did I miss that? “Ashok Reddy kept a straight face.

When we interviewed you for the Principal’s post, you kind of forgot to tell us about your relationship. Did ‘nt you? .You said you lived alone and were divorced. Was that also a lie?’

No that is true. I have my own place in the city. But I visit this place during holidays and festival times. Does Sathish know you are here?’. She asked with concern

‘Yes, He knows we are here.’

Have you come in connection with the Shanta’s carpet?

Yes, You are right.

I have told you all about it.

We have not come here to talk to you.You said you have given it to sathish.So we have  to take it from him. So please   tell him to come here to meet us. We do not have much time.

Sathish dressed in silk pyjamas and kurta glided into the room silently. The diamond studded buttons of his Kurta were linked to a gold chain. He looked flushed. Odour of high quality scotch was over powering. Still he looked in control.

Nalini felt she should introduce the visitors to her brother. She said, “Sathish, these gentlemen are from the school where I work. This is Mr.Dickey Director of the school and this one is Ashok Reddy, the security chief”

Oh , from the school, is it. Out to collect donation for the school?” he asked with a hint of sarcasm.

“No, I have come here to kick your Ass.” Dickey turned to Nalini and said, ”A correction please, you were working. We sacked you with effect from last week. A lettter has already been mailed to your address .But that is another matter. Just now, I am interested in getting hold of Sathish Agarwal...”

Here Iam, what do you want to do with me?

“Can you please hand over the Carpet ?’Dickey was polite.

‘Which carpet. I do not deal in carpets, you know’. Sathish was stalling.

‘Sathish, I do not like to play games. please hand it over to me, now.’Dickey took a step forward. He was well with in striking  range.

Sathish; ”why should I know any thing about it?’

‘Your sister has confessed that she gave it away to you and you offered to pay 3 lacs for it. You are the type to collect such  articles of value. You have not paid for it. In the first place , it was not for sale. So please return the material’

Do You have any proof  that it is with me, other than what my lying sister has told you?.Sathish asked

I do not have to prove anything. I know you have it. I have every intention of walking out of your house with that article in my hand..

Before coming over to this place I stopped at the police station to submit a complaint against you. There is a register maintained at the  school listing all articles submitted for display at the exhibition. The register shows movement of goods in and out of the school lockers. The register has an entry stating that Nalini asked for that article and signed for it. So far, she has not returned it. There a sound recording evidence that contains a statement by Nalini that you offered to pay three lacs for that article and you have not made any payment so far as per school accountant.. She allowed you to take the article out of the school premises expecting you to pay with in reasonable amount of time. You have not paid for it as on date, so we have every right to demand its return back to school.

Further we have photographs that prove that you were trying to sell that article to the members of Cosmopolitan club. Mr.Jehangir, a member of the club has made a bid for that. That proves that you were trying to sell an article that in first place does not belong to you.

I now accuse you of stealing a carpet belonging to Mrs Shanta Vikram from the school and trying to sell that article in public. That, in my book, is a crime. I am quite prepared to condone it if you return the article back.

Police are waiting for my signal to move in here and make an arrest. Between you and your sister, you can decide which one is going to jail.

Sathish stood glaring and roared back,  ”I am quite capable of protecting myself from you and the police. There is nothing to prove that the carpet in my possession belongs to school. I will show you how I deal with people who foolishly accuse me of stealing. I am rich and can buy anything that pleases me. You can not make accusations against me  without power to back it up. I know of your contacts in the police department. I can nullify the police support you enjoy with my political influence. I will put you away myself.’

Two men appeared suddenly. Typical Bollywood goons dressed for the occasion in leather goods .They had their hands in their pockets. Dickey could see the bulge of their hands around the butt of the gun. Ashok and Dickey moved away from each other to present two separate targets in case shooting started. Dickey said, ”Sathish, you are being very foolish. These goons can not stop me.’

Nalini was standing close by. In one fast move, Dickey lifted Nalini bodily and threw her on the two men who were taking the gun out of their pockets. Nalini screamed as she slammed into the men and a gun went off. Bullet passed through the body of one of the goons. Dickey dealt with the other man. His kukri was in his hand. The goon was confused with his gun going off and dropping his friend. He was a little late in preventing the blade from slashing his fore arm. Screaming in pain, he dropped the gun and was clutching his bleeding hand. He had never seen so much of blood before .He collapsed on the floor and Dickey stood over him with a blood stained kukri in hand.

Ashok Reddy caught up with Sathish and in a swift judo throw brought the big man down and  put his massive feet over his chest crushing Sathish down. Dickey moved towards sathish waving the still dripping blade   in front of his eyes.

”where is it?” He asked

‘I will get it.’ said Nalini. She walked towards one of the rooms. Dickey followed her. She opened one of the cupboards and took out  a  transparent polythene  bag containing the carpet  .

Dickey took it and held it close to his chest.” You could have saved so much trouble by giving it before”, He said..

He walked away from her. Ashok  joined him leaving a stunned  Sathish behind.

They walked towards their car.  Gurkha  appeared. Dickey showed him the parcel and said, ‘it is okay Bahadur.  I came to collect this item. You can go in. The boss wants some help.”

They were soon driving away. Dickey called Mouli to report and the plainclothesman  from police department was advised to move  away.