This story is about the struggling lives of two lovely girls who were reared and brought up under the love and care of a woman named Anna who was an Aunt to the elder girl, Lucy and a real Mother to the younger girl, Liz. Anna was fine initially, rationally and competently looking after the girls, making her way through life as a single widow, who lost her husband early in life who passed away owing to massive heart attacks. On the other hand, Lucy lost her parents in a terrible car crash accident, the car colliding with a huge wheeler, which Lucy’s father, while driving couldn’t help avoiding the disaster. He, along with his wife, who was seated beside himself in the car succumbed to the dreadful accident, leaving little Lucy, aged five to survive. It was a great trauma for her. While police kept her in custody, it was Aunt Anna, after hearing the news, who confessed to the police her identity and her desire to look after Lucy until she was an adult. That was how the family of three got united and started living together happily for years until when things took an unpleasant toll for the family. But in spite of that, there were good times for the family as well.
Dear valued reader, read on to find the interesting story about the family of three. How they bear with life’s struggles and how they continue to head on, putting one foot in front of the other, pacing gradually is worth reading. It brings you, the reader to come to light that life is not always easy but it is up to us how we handle life’s situations and make the most out of it, thinking positive and having the faith and belief in ourselves as well as in God/Divine Source/Higher Power.