Feelings-Anthology of Short Stories & Poems by Padma Singh - HTML preview

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My Shining Star

Joseph sat by his wife’s hospital bedside. Belinda lay in a coma, struggling to stay alive. Joseph was distressed to watch his beloved wife of fifty years go through such anguish and pain. Her veins were pierced, tubes running through several parts of her body to assist her normal bodily functions. The machines fixed to her to monitor her progress were time and again beep, beeping away to signal that things were critical.

The duty nurse was constantly by the bedside to ensure that Belinda was given the best of care. Belinda was well known to the Sacred Heart Private Hospital staff, as she has in recent years been a frequent ‘in-patient’ with many medical complications. Joseph was grateful to the hospital staff for their dedicated services to their patients. “Mr Dale, why don’t you take a break? Go for a coffee break, please. Belinda is resting and I assure you, she knows you are there right beside her.”

Joseph looked at the nurse and said, “thank you, Nurse Lee, I think I shall, please be assured that I will be close at hand for Belinda’s call. I’ll bring my coffee to the room so that I can be with her, if she needs me.” Nurse Lee, looked pleased, “don’t worry about a thing, Mr Dale, you go along and get your coffee,” she said, whilst changing the bandage on Belinda’s left leg.

Joseph kissed Belinda’s forehead and said, “Will be back, honey”. There was no response but her eyes were still shut. He sighed with pain once again to see his darling wife not responding to touch or sound.

Joseph walked towards the hospital cafeteria. As usual it was busy, he joined the queue to order his coffee. Right behind him stood Dr James Royce, he put his hand on Joseph’s shoulder and said, “Good morning Joseph”. Joseph turned around and saw Dr Royce. “Oh! Good morning Doc, how are you?” “Very well, thank you, Joseph,” said Dr Royce. “Oh, by the way Joseph, can I see you in my office after you finish your coffee please.”

“Yes, of course Doc. I’ll see you soon.” Joseph’s turn came to collect his coffee, so he moved closer to the counter. “See you soon doc. Bye for now”. Just as he waited for his order, wild thoughts raided his mind. “Oh God! Please, please, let everything be alright” he prayed.

“Number 76” called the waiter, Joseph walked towards the counter to collect his coffee. Joseph sat at a table, to compose himself, as he sipped his coffee. He was realistic and had for a period of time stopped praying for miracles. He knew deep within his heart, Belinda’s situation had deteriorated. He had an overwhelming feeling of sadness. He knew the future looked bleak without the love of his life.

He has struggled for the past three years to be strong for Belinda’s sake. She was diagnosed with colon cancer. His beautiful Belinda, his brightest star, the love of his life, gave it her all. But the devastating effects of the illness drained every ounce of her strength and positivity. She fought fiercely nevertheless, until gradually her energy and strength collapsed completely.

Today, his darling Belinda lay motionlessly awaiting the Lord’s will. Tears welled in his eyes; he knew that his beautiful rose, his shining star, would leave his side. What would he do without his Belinda… it is this selfish desire of Joseph that perhaps stirred Belinda to cling to life. Joseph decided to let Belinda rest with God, in His Eternal abode. Filled with emotions, he had an intuitive feeling that Dr James Royce had some distressing information about Belinda’s medical condition. Joseph got up to dispose of his coffee cup and walked towards Dr Royce’s room.

Joseph approached Dr Royce’s office, and knocked on his door. “Come in,” boomed Dr Royce’s voice. Joseph opened the door, and was led by Dr Royce over to the sofa. ‘Sit down Joseph, I would offer you a drink but I know you just had your coffee’.

“Thanks Doc”’ and sat beside the doctor.

Dr Royce cleared his throat and said, “Joseph, you know Belinda has fought bravely to overcome her illness. My medical team has admired the way Belinda has been fighting to challenge the illness but things haven’t been smooth sailing. Belinda’s other medical conditions have further made it difficult to treat the cancer. My doctors and I have decided to do our best to keep Belinda comfortable and pain free. Joseph, she has stopped responding to treatment, if you wish you could take her home and provide a loving environment with her loved ones. We will continue to provide medical services to make her comfortable. The decision is entirely yours to make, we are here to provide the services you require.

Dr Royce touched Joseph’s shoulder in an attempt to console him. Joseph thanked Dr Royce and his team. “Dr Royce, my family and I are grateful to you all for everything that you have done. In the end, I believe its God’s will. We will do everything in our power to make Belinda, comfortable at home. He rose, steadied himself, shook Dr Royce’s hand and walked towards the door with Dr Royce close behind. To his surprise Dr Royce embraced Joseph. “Thank you, doc”, and Joseph stepped out of the doctor’s office.

Joseph walked slowly towards Belinda’s room, Dr Royce’s voice still echoing in his ears. As he was nearing Belinda’s room, he noticed some medical staff rushing into his wife’s room. Joseph hurried towards her room. Nurse Lee approached him and informed him that Belinda had taken a turn for the worse.

The doctors were attending to her and he was asked to be seated outside the room until they had finished. Joseph was adamant that he wanted to be with his wife, and asked Nurse Lee to let him into the room. Nurse Lee asked him to wait a moment and went into the room to get permission from the doctors.

Just then, Joseph saw Dr Royce rushing towards the room and as he entered, he told Joseph to follow him. Joseph saw the medical staff attending to Belinda, and was deeply troubled seeing her gasping for breath. He asked for permission to be with her. Joseph approached Belinda, took her hand in his and whispered “it’s ok my love, I know you are worried about me, don’t be, I’ll be alright. Please fight no more, go in peace, and go with the knowledge that you will always live in my heart and thoughts until my death…. Love you, my shining star…. Go rest with God.”

Joseph watched his wife’s final moments, her hand slipped from his grip. Within minutes Belinda passed away peacefully. “Goodbye, rest in peace my love” said Joseph, “may eternal peace be upon you, now and always.” As he knelt down by the bed and bowed his head in prayers, the medical team left the room.

Thus, leaving Joseph to spend the last precious moments with Belinda, his shining star, and the love of his life.
