Feelings-Anthology of Short Stories & Poems by Padma Singh - HTML preview

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I had concern you know

When you were little

Engulfed in the world of darkness,

Confusion and chaos!


You were withdrawn, lonely and quiet!

And yet I observed

You had wisdom beyond

Your tender age!


You created an invisible fence

To protect yourself

You knew how to keep away from pain and conflict!


They said you were slow

In your development

And in your learning skills

Oh! What a cruel world, we live in!


You’re love of gardening

Brings you such immense joy!

Planting, weeding and watering,

Apparently excites and invigorates you


Remember, your sweet sonorous voice

Is a special gift

Your singing enthrals your fans

You bedazzle everyone

With your melodious voice!


Now it is apparent to all

That you are a survivor

A person of special ability

To have overcome your childhood traumas!


Jennifer, you are going to be fine

Be strong, independent and free

Create your own mould

And be the person, you really desire to be!

