Natures Magic
Wind swept nights
Blur neon lights
Visions from past, smudge
And scatter thoughts
With monotonous trudge.
An inner voice screams
To silence nasty dreams!
Oh! Earth is alive and well
Why let aching heart swell
With tales of untold miseries?
Yesterdays have moved on
Why cloak yourself in memories
That choke, inner peace?
Lighten up, let the past go!
Remember: tomorrow has promise
Of new and exciting events
Forge ahead and explore
The prospects of joyful existence
Nature has a miraculous
Power to heal and reveal
From lessons learnt and wisdom gained!
Let nature’s hypnotic magic
Pilot you to a wondrous
New beginning, a promise
Of everlasting joy and peace
Surrender yourself to nature’s power
To heal and strengthen you!