First Holiday by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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I plucked the small box out of Ethan’s hand. He was going to let me open something on Christmas Eve… Okay, I had one for him too. I was going to save it until tomorrow, but I really couldn’t wait any longer for him to see what was inside.

I wordlessly got up off the bed, and went to rummage around in my underwear drawer. I hid it in there because I knew he always stayed away from that kind of thing. If he was a panty pervert, I hadn’t caught him yet. If I caught him, I was going to smack him.

End of story.

When I felt the small foil package, I grabbed it, and tossed it up onto the bed next to Ethan. “Okay, we can open these at the same time, okay?” I fingered the paper, trying to find a good end to tear it off.

He nodded. “Okay.”

“One, two, three.” We both tore into the wrapping paper, and pulled out a small box. I was a little shy about mine, but that was okay. Ethan didn’t look too comfortable either, considering he was wiggling around.

I threw the paper to the floor just as did.

I opened my box first, and pulled out a small piece of paper. Tears sprang to my eyes. It read: I really and truly love you. Thank you for being here with me during the holidays.

My eyes were wet as I gave him a watery smile.

He opened his box. He read the paper, and his eyes were misty like my own. I remember everything that I wrote down to the dots on the I’s. I re-read it so many times before I had the courage to wrap it up that I think I dreamed about it.

Dear Ethan,

I know what the true meaning of Christmas is. After spending these last few weeks with you, doing all this festive stuff, I know now. The true meaning is spending it with the people you love. Love is the reason for the season, nothing else. I just wanted to tell you that I care about you deeply, and that I love you with my whole heart. I may not be brave enough to tell you yet, but there it is.

Love, Lyla. XOXO img2.png