First pages by Iraklis Lampadariou - HTML preview

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July 2012

50 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“I don’t have the words to describe what happened. It was

scary but also unique on the same time. At the beginning I was

scared, but after a while, curiosity took the best of me and I

listened to what they had to tell me. I wish you could have

been there to see for yourself. Then it wouldn’t be so hard for

you to believe me”. This is how Marios started telling to his

father and Alexandra what had happened a moment ago.

It was an ordinary afternoon, like al others. Marios was sitting

next to the improvised grave he had made, to have his mother

nearby. A month ago, he had moved with his father and his

new partner to this almost forgotten town. Tears were running

down his face and questions fil ed up his mind:

“Why did he take me away from you? Doesn’t he care at al

how I feel? Has she changed him so much?”

His father’s words stil echoed in his ears: “I met Alexandra

eight months ago. She came to my office for work. We got

along from the beginning and started hanging out. She made

me feel nice. We decided to move on with our relationship. I

want you to understand”.

Marios said nothing. He went to his room troubled.

“What does he want from me? To act like she’s my mother?

What does he think? That we wil be sitting al together at the

dinner table on the weekends, chatting? How is it possible that

he forgot about her so fast?”.

He was fourteen when the medical exams of Zoe, his mother,

showed a tumour in her head. A few days after the diagnosis,

she started chemotherapies, but her body couldn’t take it.

Marios had lost what was most valuable to him. Since then, he

visited her grave and talked to her every day. This was the

reason he was in conflict with his father when he announced

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that for the next time they would be living in this town, far

away from her.

His parents had met twenty five years ago, in Paris, where

both of them were taking classes to get their master’s degree

in mechanical engineering. When they finished their studies,

they came back to Greece and got married a little while later.

“His masculine and strong character fascinated me from the

beginning” he remembered his mother telling him one

evening, when his father stayed at the office til late.

The office was a second home for his father. Since the first

years of his career, he had been working until late. In a short

time he had created one of Athens most successful engineering


While thinking about al that and with his mother’s voice in

his ears, he didn’t notice how late it had gotten. The sun had

set whilst the moon was covered by the shadow of the dark

clouds that had spread on the sky. The strong wind was

bending the naked branches of the trees, forming strange

silhouettes on the street. While he was saying goodbye to his

mother, a voice, asking desperately for help, stopped him. He

was startled. He turned and looked around in a daze. There

was no one, just rocks and dried trees. But the voice didn’t

stop: “Help, run for your life”.

His heart started beating faster. His hand were shaking and his

feed were stuck to the ground. While time went by, he could

hear more and more voices cal ing for help.

“The children, save the children”.

Marios blanched in terror and looked around to see where the

voices were coming from. The sound drove him to the edge of

the cliff. His terror was so great, that he tripped and almost fell

into the deep gorge, which he remember being there, because

52 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

it was the reason he had chosen this spot for his mother’s

grave. He wanted her soul to see the magical view stretching

in front of her. This view also drove his father to build the

hotel on this site of the town.

The moon suddenly appeared on the sky and flooded the dark

gorge in light. The he faced something that he had seen only in

movies. People were running to save themselves from huge

rocks crashing on them, houses were col apsing and huge fires

surrounded everything. And while al this was happening, he

felt a cold breeze piercing his body. He turned around and saw

a girl looking at him in the eyes. The white dress she was

wearing, was covering up her skinny body. Her long dark hair,

ful of twigs and covered in dirt, made a contrast to her pale

skin. Her sad blue eyes weren’t moving at al . The knot in

Marios’ throat didn’t let him say a word.

“Who are you?” he managed to ask a while later.

“I’m Zoe” the girl answered. When Marios heard her name, his

mother came to his mind.

“And what do you want from me?” he asked with more

courage this time.

“I once lived in this place. A big earthquake buried my town

beneath the rocks of the mountain and with it al its citizens.

This place became the grave of old people, young ones and

children. But no one cares about us. As if we never existed. No

one remembers us. Our souls wake at night and sleep during

the day. We never found peace in al these years.”

“So, you’re dead?” Marios interrupted her.

“Dead and forgotten. Everyone has forgotten us.” The girl

answered and turned around to leave. While she was walking

away, the echo of her voice fol owed her steps. “We wil never

find peace.”

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The girl disappeared in the darkness. The moon was covered in

clouds again. The voices quietened and the shadows quenched.

Marios run home. Throughout the whole way, he heard the

voices crying: “We wil never find peace. We wil never find


When he was near his house, at the side of the road, he

thought he saw his mother sitting saddened.

At home, he told his father and Alexandra what had happened.

“You must not build the hotel in this place. Here a memorial

needs to be build, in the name of these dead people” he said to

his father.

“Stop lying only to keep your mother’s grave there” he

answered in a strict voice and continued:

“You need to leave the past behind. We were al hurt by your

mother’s loss, but life goes on”.

“So you don’t believe me?”.

“Believe what? That you saw a ghost that incidental y had

your mother’s name? And you think I wil lose a job like this

that would provide a better life for us for your nonsense?”.

“You only care about money. We must remember the dead,

that’s why we build graves. But why am I wasting my time?

You forgot about your wife. Why would you care about

strangers?” Marios answered and went to his room.

A short time later there was a knock on his door. Alexandra

came in without awaiting an answer. Marios felt the need to

apologize to her for the first time for his behaviour, but he


“I believe you” she said.

“Real y?”

“Yes. You have no reason to lie about something so serious. As

for your father, I’m sure he wil seriously think about

54 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

everything you said. I wil help you convince him”. She

squeezed his shoulder and left the room with a good night

wish. For the first time since his mother’s death, he felt

motherly love touching him.

The next night, when the darkness covered everything, Marios

led Alexandra to the spot where he had had this strange

experience the night before. He wanted to convince her that

what he said was true. As the minutes passed, nothing

happened. Alexandra grabbed Marios’ shoulder and said to


“Come, it’s late, let’s go home”.

“Let me go. I told you that it happened al here.” Marios

answered angrily when seeing that she didn’t believe him.

“But, as you can see, there is nothing here.. ” but before

Alexandra could finish her sentence, the voices appeared

again, which made her grab his shoulder tighter. Zoe made her


“We wil never find peace. Never”.

In front of her eyes, she saw everything that Marios had

described to her. He saw her whispering prayers as if asking

for forgiveness.

When they arrived home, Marios was much calmer, while

Alexandra was shaking. His father, who had been worried,

hugged them and asked what had happened. Alexandra told

him everything, but she didn’t convince him for the second


“I don’t know what is going on with you, but I told you, I won’t

lose a job opportunity like this just for your fantasies” he

responded and went up to his room. That night, no one slept

calmly. Marios tossed and turned, as did Alexandra.

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The next morning, Marios heared his father talking on the


“In two hours, according to the schedule, the machinery

should be there digging”.

“So you won’t back down” Marios told him as soon as he hung


“We talked about that. I need to go” he answered and left the


“Petros, think about it again” Alexandra told him while he was

leaving the house, but he didn’t even answer. Marios chased

after him and shouted:

“Dad, don’t betray mum a second time” but the car vanished

around the corner.

Marios sensed that something bad would happen. Alexandra

hugged him and they sat on the couch.

He started recounting stories of his mother. They were

interrupted by the phone ringing. Alexandra hurried to pick

up. Marios could see in her eyes that something bad had

happened. When she hung up, they left the house in a hurry.

Father had had an accident.

When they arrived at the hospital, they saw Petros with a cast

on his leg. He hugged them and said:

“I should have listened to you”.

“What happened?” Marios asked.

“While I was driving, a little girl was standing in the middle of

the road. I honked, but she wouldn’t move. I tired avoiding her

and lost control over the car. My col aborator, who was driving

in his car right behind me, said he didn’t see any girl on the

road. Then everything you said and I didn’t believe you, came

to my mind. Now I know what I have to do.”

56 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The hotel opening was glorious event. The whole town was

there and the community band played cheerful melodies. Next

to the foundation of the hotel, there was a memorial for the

forgotten souls that used to haunt the area al these years. The

white plate said:

“To the memory of the deceased”. Near, a candle was burning

in their memory, in the church of the Life Giving Spirit which

was set up at the same time as the memorial.

Marios was standing between his father and Alexandra who

were holding his hands tightly. At the end of the opening

ceremony, when he turned to leave, he felt that cold breeze as

that night everything began. He turned and next to the

memorial, he saw his mother holding the little girls hand and

smiling at him. He smiled back and turned and looked his

father and Alexandra in the eyes. Final y, they were a happy


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58 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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