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The important ones

September 2012

68 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

He was sitting stil on the armchair. His gaze was lost. He was

breathing heavily. For the last six months, he was covered in

silence. His body felt numb. He was half in size, as if the

armchair was sucking him in day by day. The slightest move

caused pain. The only moves he al owed himself to do, was

raising his hand and grabbing the lighter from the smal table.

He lit one cigarette after another. Elpida, his wife, emptied his

ashtray every now and then. Depression was what the doctor

had said.

April 2011. His boss cal ed him into his office to announce to

him that he was fired. For a year, the factory’s turnover had

been more than halved. So Christophoros was sacrificed in the

name of the financial crisis and the cutbacks. It was not even

out of the blue. For a while now the workers were leaving one

after another. He shouldn’t even be complaining. His boss had

kept him until the end. And not unfairly. He was working there

for almost twenty years and was one of the hardest working

employees, but as said: crisis, cutbacks. .

But Christophoros hadn’t given up without a fight. He begged,

fell on his knees, he didn’t even hesitate to cry in front of him,

but the only thing he achieved, was to get his boss’ sympathy,

but not to keep his job. When he got home, he wouldn’t talk to

anyone. Elpida tried without any success to understand what

was going on. From this day on he didn’t talk to anybody. He

locked himself up in his room and the only thing he asked

from his wife were his cigarettes. Not even his son managed to

get him out of the hole he had fal en into. Christophoros

avoided looking at him. He felt embarrassed. There was

nothing he could offer him anymore. Al these years he was

working fifteen hours a day so his family could have

everything. But a little while before his forty eighth birthday,

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everything changed. He couldn’t cover the house expanses,

nor pay for his twelve year old son’s extracurricular activities.

The bank notifications for the delay in the payment of the

mortgage loan were coming in one after another and Elpida

hid them in the kitchen cupboard so he wouldn’t see them. Not

that he hadn’t noticed. One day when he heard the bell, he

asked his wife who it had been and she said it was the mailman

who gave her some flayers of cosmetic products, he looked her

in the eyes and said that if the house would go into

foreclosure, he would commit suicide.

Elpida tried unsuccessful y to fix his mood by inviting friends

over, in pretext of events, like birthdays or anniversaries, that

no one ever remembered before. Christophoros was living in

his own world. His mind surrendered to thoughts of despair.

“What wil I do now?”. ” I am lost”. ”There no way I wil find a

job at this age”. “I ruined my wife and son’s life”.

This last thought tortured him most. The fact that he couldn’t

offer what he had to to the people most important to him,

crushed him. Every now and then he had an ironic smiles on

his lips, when he remembered the words he had said to his

wife when her father was giving her away as a bride in the

church: “from this day on you wil be my princess”. He

couldn’t forgive himself that his princess had turned into

Cinderella, having to clean rich people’s houses so they could

at least have everything that was essential.

One day Elpida entered his room. She said she would take the

child to the doctor because he felt a discomfort in the stomach.

She asked him if he’d like to accompany them. She was hoping

to get him out of the house for a while. Besides, it was a good

opportunity for the three of them to go for a strol . The

weather was so good, that a strol after the visit to the doctor

70 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

would be perfect. It would do good to al of them and mostly to

their son who had total y lost the connection with his father.

Many nights, he asked his mother why Christophoros was

acting like this and she reassured him that it was a phase that

would go away and that his father just needed a little more

time to conform to the new ways. But Christophoros didn’t

seem wil ing to return to his son and wife anytime soon. Yes,

to return, because even if he hadn’t left physical y, his soul

was closed in a black box of despair which the psychologist

confirmed: “Depression”. Once more, her tries didn’t have any

result. He didn’t even turn to look at her. His gaze didn’t move

from the window he was looking at for hours as if hypnotized.

A few hours later Elpida entered his room once again. She was

holding a tissue in her hands. Her eyes were swol en from

crying. For a few minutes there was complete silence. Only

their breaths were stretching out across the ceiling. The

silence was interrupted by the woman, trying to clear her

throat, stating that she would start talking.

“Our child has a kidney problem. He wil need a transplant”

she said with a voice as stable as she could keep it, instantly

stood up from the bed and quickly left the room. She went into

the kitchen and burst into tears. He fol owed her.

“What did you say?”.

“What the doctor told me” she answered, while wiping her


“But how? What happened?” he wondered and went on: “and

what can we do now?”

“I wil do everything I can to save our child. You can go back to

your armchair” she replied strictly and stood up to leave the

kitchen. He stopped her. He looked her deep in the eyes and

she understood that this was his request of forgiveness for his

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behaviour. They hugged tightly and both of them burst into


“I want to ask you for forgiveness” he told his son whist sitting

at the edge of his bed. “I missed so many moments with you al

this time. But from now on, I promise, we will make up for the

lost time”.

“I have something serious don’t I dad?” he took him by

surprise “I saw it in mom’s eyes when she came out of the

doctor’s office”.

“Whatever it is, you wil surpass it. And now you wil have us

both by your side”. Father and son hugged and wouldn’t let go

of each other. They had both missed this connection so much.

Elpida, through al the pain because of the child’s condition,

was standing in the doorstep, flaunting.

One year later, al three of them took a walk in the park, fil ed

with happiness. Christophoros’s and Elpida’s son had a

successful transplant and was absolutely healthy. Elpida,

thanked God day and night that she had come out of this

adventure stronger and final y had the two men of her life

healthy and strong next to her. Christophoros’s son’s health

problems and the fear of losing him woke him up from the

slumber he had been in and made him see the important

things in life and also the strength his son showed, taught him

to never give up.

72 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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