First pages by Iraklis Lampadariou - HTML preview

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September 2012

74 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

With an abrupt movement, Dimitris jumped up from his bed.

He noticed that he was soaked in sweat. A few minutes passed

until he realized what had happened. “What a dream” he


He had dreamed that he had gotten old. His hair and beard

were white. Any sign of youth had disappeared from his body.

And he was alone. He had dreamt about his future. After

rubbing his eyes, he glanced at the clock on his bedside table.

It was time to get ready for work.

Dragging himself to the bathroom, he washed his face and

looked at his reflection in the mirror. It scared him to see how

much he resembled the old man he had seen in his dream. He

left quickly. Holding a cup of coffee, he sat at the kitchen table.

He attempted to take a sip, but the heat burnt his lips. His

mind was stil stuck on the image of the man aging alone. “I

have to not let this happen” he whispered while closing the

house door behind him.

Dimitris, at almost forty, was starting to panic. Loneliness was

wrapping around his neck like a snake, suffocating him day by

day. He constantly desired a love that would fil his empty life.

To get him out of the swamp he felt he was in and to put him

into heavenly pleasures. But as he desired it more and more, it

never came, causing him to sink into sadness and frustration,

which he fought with the hope that someday, somewhere,

sometime, life had a surprise ready for him. .

He hadn’t always been like that. There had been many women

in his life. Even though he wasn’t too handsome – he had

inherited his father’s hard features, he exerted charm on

women. Maybe because his mother’s sensibility was imprinted

in his eyes, which he tried unsuccessful y to hide behind the

elegant and strict suits of a successful lawyer. He hated that

First pages



look. He hated her. He had never forgiven her the fact that he

had left him in his early teenage years for someone else.

Since then, he was afraid of women. Of their abandonment.

The only thing he asked from them was to suck out their

pubescence and, like a bee sucks the nectar from the flower

and then went to another, so did he leave for the next one. He

sucked out their youth or their experience and flew away. He

wasn’t interested in taking or giving anything else. He didn’t

want to share any other moments except moments of passion

and pleasure. He only wanted physical things. Feelings didn’t

matter. But now he felt different. .

He arrived at the office late. To move around in the overloaded

with cars streets of Athens wasn’t the most exciting thing. And

mostly on a stormy February morning. His secretary informed

him that his next appointment would be in two hours. When

he was alone, his mind went back to the dream that made him

jump up from his bed. Lost in his thoughts, he overheard the

knock on his door. Suddenly he saw Elena in front of him, as

she introduced herself a few minutes later. Dimitris offered

her a seat, asking her if she would like something to drink. But

Elena was in a hurry. In a hurry to talk, although she didn’t

have to say much for him to understand the reason behind her

visit. The bruise on her right eye, that she uncovered when she

took of her dark glasses, shading her beautiful blue eyes,

explained everything. Filing for divorce..

When Elena left his office, for the first time, Dimitris caught

himself thinking more about the client than about the case.

Her scent had fil ed the room and her presence his mind with

thoughts. Pleasant thoughts. The hard features in his face

smoothened. A few minutes were enough to make him happy.

Life had brought his desire to him. Her nicely shaped body that

76 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

was covered by the warmth of a purple coat and the glow in

her eyes were stuck in his head for good. He started whistling

a cheerful tune, wondering how he hadn’t forgotten it and

asked his secretary to cancel al appointments for the day,

while the forty eight hours until the next appointment with

her felt like centuries.

His joy when she was sitting in front of him again was

unspeakable. They were talking for a long time. It was hard for

him to concentrate on the case. He was lost in her eyes. The

bruise had started healing and Elena had calmed down. The

only moment he took his gaze of her was the moment he

overenthusiastical y asked her to stay at his place, when she

revealed that she had left her house. But her answer

embarrassed him. She didn’t accept the offer to stay at his

place but offered they go out for dinner. The date was set for

Saturday. For the next three days, he neglected work like he

had never done before. At night he couldn’t sleep. Looking at

the ceiling, he imagined her body next to his. He constantly

wanted to clasp her, taste her lips, make love to her. Love not

sex. For the first time he could see the difference.

The big day came. In one hour he would be near her. He was

looking out from the living room window. As time went by, the

rain fell heavier. The streets were flooded. “Thankful y the

restaurant is near and I won’t be late” he thought. The ringing

sound of his cell phone came from the bedroom. He hurried to

get it but a few seconds later he realized that it was a message.

When he saw her name on the screen he smile. But the smile

froze when he read the message:

“Sorry. I won’t come. We talked it through with my husband.

He explained. . He convinced me.. You understand, right?

Thanks for everything”.

First pages



He got out to the balcony. The rain fal ing on his body hurt, as

if the drops were sharing his grief. He raised his head looking

for answers. No one. The noise of his body fal ing on the

asphalt was covered by a thunder.

78 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


First pages



The idea of Saita publications emerged in July 2012, having as a

primary goal to create a web space where new authors can interact

with the readers directly and free.

Saita publications’ aim is to redefine the relationship between

publisher-author-reader, by cultivating a true dialogue, and by

establishing an effective communication channel for authors and

readers alike. Saita publications stay far away from profit,

exploitation and commercialisation of literary property.

The strong wind of passion for reading,

the sweet breeze of creativity,

the zephyr of innovation,

the sirocco of imagination,

the levanter of persistence,

the deep power of vision,

guide the saita of our publications.

We invite you to let books fly free!



First Pages: dark feelings come to light, a

80 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

confession before the end, forbidden dreams,

trips, nightmares, personal and financial

impasses, disappointment, fear, pain…

All enclosed in this book. Nine

stories, each one enlightening

actions and situations of people

hating, loving, separating, falling

in love, yearning, disappointing,

travelling, going insane, freaking

ISBN: 978-618-5040-65-9

out, despairing and hoping…

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