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I am Alice

April 2012

20 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My name is Alice. I’d rather not say my last name. Home

for me has been for a few years now, this blanket that covers

me, those few square meters of pavement my body takes up. I

decided to fil up these blank pages with my story, so they

know who I am, when the end is near and the smell of my

rotting body draws the attention of somebody near me.

I was born fifty years ago in a smal vil age in the mountains.

The name doesn’t matter. The cause of my abandonment, was

my relationship with a “gentleman” a few years older than me.

I was fourteen when my father threw me out of the warmth of

my family. My secret relationship was uncovered by my aunt

Aspasia, my father’s sister, who happened to see me with the

“gentleman” in the smal coppice at the outskirts of the

vil age.

“I don’t want whores in my house” were the last words I heard

from my father. Since then I haven’t seen them. Friends,

familiars and relatives left me on the street.

I met the “gentleman” a few hours later, at the train station.

He put some money in my pocket and said goodbye with the

promise to find me in Athens. It was the last time I saw him.

Later I incidental y found out that he got married and was

expecting his first child. Let him be well. .

When I arrived in Athens, I didn’t know anyone. From time to

time I felt I was drowning in this city. The first few days I

stayed in a smal city centre hotel. But I soon run out of

money. My body started weakening from hunger. I started

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walking around the streets, begging for a job. Nobody seemed

wil ing to help. Only him. .

It was a February evening. I had run out of money. I was sitting

on a bench at Victoria Square. The cold was piercing my body.

A young man approached me. Well dressed with fine features.

He asked for my name. I was afraid and didn’t answer.

“Are you playing it hard to get?” he asked with irony in his

voice. I got up to leave, but he caught my hand and started

sweet talking to me. He apologized and offered me a cigarette.

I told him I didn’t smoke.

“So, wil you tell me what is going on with you?”. As time went

by, I felt nice with him. I told him my story without hesitating.

He was the first person who showed some interest in me. He

told me not to be afraid. That now I had him.

He led me into a smal room with little furniture. He told me

that this would be my home from now on. I felt awkward, but

thanked God in silence for my luck. Afterwards, he left. I was

alone in my little room. I was so tired and weary that I

immediately fell asleep.

Early the next morning he came back. He entered the room

holding two bags. In the first, the smal er one, there was food.

“I thought you might be hungry” he said. When I asked him

about the content of the other bag he answered that I was in a

hassle. He asked me to talk to him al the time. At one point, he

approached me and kissed me. I stepped back.

“Listen to me, if you want to survive, you have to do what I’m

telling you. You only have me now” he said in a strict tone. He

approached me again. Started ripping my clothes. I begged

22 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

him to stop but he wouldn’t listen. He stormed over me in

madness. My resistance got on his nerves and he started

hitting and screaming at me. I got so scared that I gave in.

After he was done and ready to leave, he said:

“At noon a girl wil come over. She wil tell you what you have

to do. Listen to her, if you want us to get along. And don’t even

think about leaving because if you do, you are screwed.

He slammed the door and left. I was stil in bed, naked and

crying. I couldn’t understand what was going on.

At noon, there was a sound at the door. I opened. It was the

girl I had been waiting for. Her face had a lot of make-up and I

could tel from her clothes what she was. She looked like one

of the girls working at Victoria Square at nights. I kept looking

at them those days I spent on the street. Everything cleared up

in my head.

The girl sat at the end of the bed. She said we didn’t

have much time. I started crying.

“Don’t do that now. In time you’l get used to it. Stratos told

me he brought you a bag with things for work. Where is it?”

She was talking about the big bag. I had forgotten about it.

Without wasting time, she started doing my make-up. My face

was covered with many layers of a white powder and my lips

with red lipstick. My body was dressed in provocative clothing.

“At around eleven we wil go out for work. If you see a car you

wil go to the passenger’s window. He wil rol down the

window and ask you the price. You wil stand provocatively

and talk with confidence to turn him on. Then you wil get into

the car and leave the rest to him.”

This is what “my teacher” said. When I attempted to ask some

things, she stopped me.

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“Those things don’t matter. You have to learn the job if you

want to save your skin.” Was her answer and she continued

“Stratos isn’t joking. He is capable of doing anything.”

That night I had my first customer. I approached his car and

from the window he told me to jump in. He saw that I was

hesitant and, to attract me, he doubled my payment. A while

later, I found myself naked in a hotel room. When the act was

over, I felt dirty not only on the outside, but on the inside too.

I was clearly a prostitute now. In one night, my whole life had


In this filth I was living and in the dark streets, I found

love. His name: Paul, a street musician. Thirty years old, tal

with dark hear and honest eyes. He treated me kindly. He was

meeting with me in the first hours because he couldn’t stand

the smell of someone else on my body. Yes, I fell in love with

him, but I never told him. What would have happened? Who

would want for a partner, wife, mother of his children, a

woman from the streets? I often though, that if I’d met him

sooner, my life would be different. I wouldn’t have to sell my

body to survive, I wouldn’t drag myself around the streets

searching for a quiet place to wait for another day to pass.

For the next five years, I was one of Stratos’ hookers. One day,

after he came to get the money I made the night before, I

gathered some clothes in a suitcase and disappeared. I left the

neighbourhood and never saw him again.

I kept on working on the streets for twenty more years. But

time went by and I got old. The make-up didn’t work anymore.

Even though they say the older the better.

In those twenty years, I was working alone. I never had a pimp

again. For a while, I was living a good life. I rented a two room

apartment and decorated it. Money didn’t matter. I spent it on

24 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

expensive furniture, carpets and curtains. I managed to create

the il usion of a normal life. But, as I said before, the last few

years, work didn’t go well. Men preferred younger foreign girls

over me, to satisfy the lust in their loins, and, as if that wasn’t

enough, my health problems started.

It’s already been five years since the doctor diagnosed lung

cancer. I stopped smoking and did some chemotherapies. My

body got rounder and my long black hair started fal ing out

onto the pil ow. I started having financial problems. I couldn’t

keep the apartment any longer. I sold everything to cover my

expenses. I survived cancer, but I was on the streets once


During the day I go from church to church and cadge. I ask for

a little money that wil help me survive one more day.

Al my years I was on the streets. Streets with no lights. On

these streets I sold my body to survive, on these streets I saw

young people dead on the pavements with syringes on their

arms. I stil walk these streets today, but now they are fil ed

with the light of the day and this makes me see my misery

with every step.

I am Alice, and this is my story in short. Now that I feel the end

drawing near, I felt the need to write everything down. I could

write many pages but it doesn’t matter. It is enough that the

one who wil find me, when the smell of my rotting corpse wil

draw him here, wil find out my name and I won’t be a

stranger in somebody’s memory.

I am Alice, Alice of the streets. And this is how I want you to

remember me, you who wil bend with sadness over me one

day or one night.

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26 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Did I wake you?

May 2012

28 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“How would my life be if I hadn’t met him? Where

would I be right now? And if I tell him to break up, how wil he

react? But no, I won’t do him any favours”.

This is what she was thinking about and her eyes wouldn’t

close. Every time he came home late from the office, she woke

up with dark circles under her eyes. She peeked at him,

wondering how he was able to sleep next to her, when, a few

hours earlier, he was touching someone else..

“Work at the office you say? Poor guy, you didn’t have time to

inform your secretary and she told me everything. . I have to

do something or I wil go crazy. What if I kil him?”

Her eyes sparkled in the dark and a smile of satisfaction

flashed across her lips. She wanted revenge for his betrayal.

Hate started taking over her mind. With languid moves she

grabbed the pil ow, blocking every life entrance. A cry, that

almost escaped his lips, made her use more force, chocking

him in the four wal s of the room. As his body was shaking on

the mattress, like a fish on land, she felt a feeling of

vindication fil ing every cell of her body.

When his body dried out of life, she took the pil ow from his

face. The colour seemed washed out and his stil open eyes,

were painted by surprise. Alexandra remained on the end of

the bed looking at him. His expression caused a loud laugh. For

the first time she saw him in fear.

She lit a cigarette. Ostentatiously, she threw the ashes on his

lifeless body. “I’l tell his family he left me for his girlfriend.

Everyone knew his flings. I was the last one to find out.” She

whispered, while walking across the room, trying to find an

excuse for Takis disappearance.

The joyful bell sound from the church two blocks away, as

Saint Nicholas Day dawned, interrupted her thoughts “I need

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to hurry” she thought. After covering the body in a blanket,

she dragged it to the elevator and from there to her car.

She drove for some time and ended up, without realising it, at

a deserted location. She dragged the body to the edge of a

sharp cliff and threw it down without any hesitation, without a

single goodbye. She wanted to get it over with. .

It was almost noon. The sound coming from her living room

drove her to stand up. She was surprised, but her quandary

was nothing in front of the one drawn on her face when she

went to the living room and faced Takis asking her “Did I wake


30 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Τhe journey

May 2012

32 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philip’s birthday was here. Eleni decided to leave the

accounting office to, her former fellow student and current

col eague, Sofia’s capable hands, so she could dedicate the day

to her partner. They met eight months ago and this was the

first birthday they spent together. She went shopping early to

find the perfect gift and buy that light blue dress she had seen

some days ago at a boutique at Kolonaki and which Sofia was

bugging her to buy since, because she thought that it

highlighted her well-shaped body and blue eyes. Afterwards,

the plan was groceries shopping so she could buy al the

necessities for a dinner-surprise for her beloved, when he

would come home unsuspectingly late in the evening from

work - the advertising company he was working at, was setting

up a big campaign and the manager had inflicted exhausting

working hours to his employees.

Eleni went up to the fifth floor and unlocked the door to the

apartment with her keys. The laughs coming from the

bedroom confirmed that she wasn’t alone. She approached the

door and opened it quickly. Her eyes opened wide when she

saw Natasa, her childhood friend since elementary school and

the only person Eleni would confess everything to, in Philip’s

arms. For a few seconds she couldn’t move. She felt the blood

freeze in her veins, making it impossible to react. With the

little strength she could gather, she said with a voice barely

audible: “I don’t want to see you ever again” and turned her

back to leave before she col apses. The cheating couple, that

had also remained frozen the whole time, awaiting her

reaction, didn’t say anything. Only Philip ran after her when

she stormed out of the bedroom, shouting her name. But her

look, ful of anger, stopped every excuse that was about to get

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over his lips. The closing sound of the door broke the silence

and Eleni didn’t know how fast she got out in the street.

She walked for hours without stopping, chasing away every

thought from her mind. She refused to realize what had

happened, she didn’t want to admit to herself, that at age

thirty two, she was alone again, that someone betrayed her

and from two sides this time.

Spring was almost over and the sun made Athens look like a

boiling cradle. Her long brown hair wiped of the sweat from

her neck, while the big, dark glasses she was wearing, were

hiding the despair in her look. People were walking by,

touching her, but she wasn’t feeling a thing, she wasn’t even

hearing the sounds of the horns from the cars stuck in traffic.

She was just walking without knowing where she was going.

Her steps drove her to Piraeus. She placed her body on a bench

by the pier and started observing the sea and the anchored

ships. Anytime she felt like drowning, she sat there. The

feeling of being able to embark on a ship, get lost in the

endless blue and find herself away from her problems, gave

her a relaxed feeling. She always dreamt of traveling. She had

that habit probably because of her father, who, when younger,

before meeting her mother, had worked as a sailor for a while.

He used to take her to the sea and tell her stories of his few

travels. She doted on him and the heart attack that took his

life when she was eleven, left her in endless loneliness because

her mother didn’t have time for walks, or any time for her at

al .

The memories started coming back and she couldn’t evade

them. Her eyes fil ed up with tears and as much as she tried to

prevent them, she couldn’t. She burst into tears. She looked

like a little girl in fault.

34 Charis Gantzoudis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Alex came to her mind. Her first love. It was the senior year in

high school. With his height, blond hair and toned body, he

was the secret desire of every school girl. She was tucked away

in her books, and taken by surprise when he asked her to

prom. She remembered Natasa telling her that she was jealous

of her luck. She had fun with him, until, two years later she

found out that he was cheating on her and no matter how

much she vowed crying in the arms of Natasa, to never trust a

man again in her life, she couldn’t resist Niko’s charm.

She met him in her second year at university. They had fun

together and made plans about the future. Alex was nothing

but a memory. Eleni was crazy in love with him and so did he

seem to be, so it was a big surprise, when, a while later, he

asked her for some t