Glimmering Reflections into my Special Friends' Lives by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Their marriages

She did come back after 3 months, and it was then I received a call from her. She invited me both to her wedding and reception and although I gave her phone numbers of our close friends (which she said she had lost them), she could not reach anyone else which I found out later. Her venues for the occasions were in two different Chinese restaurants. One was nearer my home and the other was a little further. The first one was easy to track, and it was lighted up with glowing on and off tiny colored bulbs. I really appreciated the decorations, and the courtesies of help boys. The other venue on the second day was a little hard to trace because all the street and shop lights were off and I figured out there was no elelectricity in this place. I thought being alone in the car was not safe here, and so I instructed the chauffeur to leave the place and return home. At that very moment, as if by miracle of some good fortune, all lights clicked back and I could trace the restaurent on the other side of the road, neatly decorated with brightly glowing lights. I said earlier Shompa couldn’t invite anybody else among our friends because when I attended both the venues of her occasions, I found that I was the only one among her classmates. This brave girl left her ailing mom abroad with her uncle, came here with her cousin in order to get married to her beloved boyfriend, at the same time fighting with all her might against her brother, who knowing all her plans, tried to foil them but in vain. There are big definite family problems around her, and plus she has the responsibility to look after her ailing mother. But she manages them all so well, and inspite of all that, I never fail to see a smiling face or share a belly-breaking laugh with her whenever I connect with her.

How about Shirin? A year earlier she got married to what seemed like the perfect prince of her life. So handsome, so jolly and so friendly!! Of course she didn’t get to invite me to her marriage ceremony because she confirmed later that she was so busy, and she got married in five days’ time, and also when she rang our land phone she didn’t get the connection. I have to admit our family was not using cell phones then but soon enough when problems like these started brewing up, each member of our family got a cell phone (lol!!). I didn’t physically see her husband until Shirin’s younger brother’s marriage ceremony and boy, was Shirin’s husband any less of a prince? He was so darn handsome. But alas, a few months down the road, they started having problems and had no alternative but to break up with a divorce. This pained my heart to death. I couldn’t believe it that my special friend lost her prince charming. It was not easy for her but she beared it all and moved on. She even switched to a higher paying reputable job and was in there maintaining and managing the company’s websites and also several databases’ information and other delegated tasks until a real prince charming gave his heart to her, married her and took her with him to Canada where they settled down.

As for Shapla, although she was the most romantic among the three, she was the one to marry the latest. An australian friend, I came to know later, paired her up

with a bald guy who lived in Australia. He came to the country and therefore, their union and marriage. She kept joking all the time with us about her husband’s bald head. But she was in luck; he was the perfect soulmate for her, helping her financially through his reputable job, and with household chores to looking after their children. And when they made shifts of places in London, he was always at her side helping with organizing furniture, unloading baggages, and even with cooking.

Dear reader, by now you are probably curious to know about my own matrimonial status. You will be surprised to know that several guys passed by my life but somehow they never proved out to be the best suitor. So I remained single, never married. But I didn’t give up yet, and I am still on the lookout for that special someone so that we can love eachother unconditionally for life. I am also on the lookout for a new job (having 15 years’ work experience already), which is a decent one and is a right fit for me, and is an uplifting, motivating and inspiring one for me where I not only expand, grow and empower myself but also share and contribute my valuable and enriching expertise.