Goat and the Terror Birds by Gilbers, P. J. - HTML preview

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The next morning Mac heard Aunt Maddy on the phone. He hid in the hallway, knowing she was trying to keep things a secret from him and Suzie.

“…of course I’m keeping him, he’s my sister’s child…no, he is not a burden!...Yes, she had a life insurance policy but what I’m trying to explain is that her ex-husband has to sign the papers, the money goes to him, and we can’t locate him now…no, he didn’t run out, he travels all around the…yes, I know, I am two months’ behind on the payments but if I just had more time I’m certain we’ll find him…please, just another couple of months…I see. Yes. Sell. I see.

Well, then that’s what we will do…”

Mac’s stomach hurt but he suddenly, weirdly, felt better when he saw William at the kitchen window waving at him, motioning him to come outside.

William had a safari type vest on with a carrot sticking out of one of the many pockets.

“Walk with me,” he said in a hushed voice.

William led him to a back part of the yard with overgrown trees and bushes.

“Listen to me, Mac. Everything is going to be okay. In fact, better than okay. Tomorrow an unpleasant woman will show up and place a For Sale sign in the yard. Very soon after this people will begin touring through the place wanting to buy it. It is a beautiful old house, in need of a little work perhaps, but very desirable.”

“How do you know…?”

“My dear boy, you are talking to a goat. And you question my information?” He winked.

“I guess you aren’t the average goat.”

“I should say not.” He pulled a dog whistle out of one of his many pockets and blew it.

“Do not be afraid. Everything is under control.”

“What do you mean…afraid of…”

Suddenly the bushes began to rustle and tiny creatures poured out, lining up in a perfect military formation. Many were wearing tiny helmets, and many had miniature spears.


“What?” Mac was stunned.

“Please, let me introduce you to the North Underwood Shrew Army.”

He clicked his back hooves together and saluted, then nudged Mac to do the same.

Mac saluted.

A larger, fatter shrew with a silvery, sniffley snout marched out and faced William and Mac, returning the salute.

“Sir William, how may we be of service? Troops have been traveling from all over the region when your call came.”

Mac stared at William. “Sir?”

“Pay attention, boy. This is important. Thank you, Colonel. This human lives in the structure behind us with his family. In the next few days his territory will be invaded by hostile humans who want his structure.”

The ranks mumbled and grumbled.

“It is your mission, Colonel, if you and your troops are willing, to create chaos…”

“We will kill the humans!” the Colonel yelled and the shrews shouted and jumped up.

“Kill the humans! Death to the humans!”

“No, Colonel. No, no. No casualties. We only want to frighten them, cause a disruption in their operations. We merely need to buy some time, you see. The bank must believe Mac’s aunt is selling the house. But…we do not want anyone to buy it. Understand? We just need to stall, buy some time.”

The Colonel paced back and forth.

“No casualties, eh? What a shame, what a shame. Frighten them, you say. I see, yes, I see. Yes, humans often scream and run when they see us. It is an old dwelling…I have the perfect plan! Leave it to us, Sir, we will begin scouting tonight. The human should inform his family, I suppose, so they will not be terrified. We will post lookouts to alert us when the hostile humans arrive.”

“Excellent. I am in your debt, Colonel.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Mac said.

“Human boy, we are at your service. We have heard of your father. We understand the mission…very well.”

A bugler blasted a loud buuubuubuuuu. The troops dismissed, many going in groups to Mac’s house.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Mac asked.

“The Colonel is a good soldier. He will deliver. You’ll see. You will have to tell Suzie and your aunt quite gently, I’m afraid.”

Mac sat down on the broken back steps.

“Who or what are you?”

William smiled. “I am William. A goat. My father was a goat, as was his father. But most importantly, I am your friend.”

“But, you talk and the shrews talked. Maybe I’m going crazy!”

“The world is a place of mystery and miracles. Accept that, as does your dear cousin, Suzie. Accept and allow, dear boy, and you will find what you need in life.”

William whistled as he walked back to his house.

Mac sat and watched the sunset, wondering how he was going to explain this all to Aunt Maddy.