Her Name Was Jennifer by Andrea Leigh - HTML preview

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Let me introduce myself first before I tell you all about this unexpected yet very sexy adventure which happened less than 6 months ago… and was the start to many more sexual adventures that followed. My name is Andrea Leigh and I live with my long term boyfriend John, we have been together 12 years now and have no children.


I am 5 foot 9 with long dark straight hair with blue eyes and a slender body with, if I dare say it, ample sized breasts that look great in a tight top. I can still attract the younger man which I just love.


We live in a three bedroomed house in the centre of a wonderful small market town in the heart of Surrey. As I work from home we offer a casual bed and breakfast service using our two spare bedrooms. When I say casual I mean we do it for extra pocket money, it isn’t our main business and we do not want it to be a full time job.


If we do not have any bookings for a week or two it isn’t an issue, in fact I often used to like it when we did not have any bookings because I could relax and have the whole place to myself but it is rare to go a full week without any bookings. We generally have at least two bookings a week but still I get a couple of days to myself which is good.


Notice I said ‘used to like it when we did not have any bookings’? The story I am going to share with you today changed everything, I now often hate it when we have no bookings at all, no bookings means no chance of fun! I always loved meeting new people and enjoying their company but a new world has opened up to me and I now enjoy people in better and more pleasurable ways.


We don’t advertise much but we do have a website where we can take bookings, we once contacted the local businesses who would have contractors come and visit and we offered our services to them. This was enough to kick start us off, business has grown and we now get sent a steady stream of people from many companies and organisations in the area.


This story is about one such guest who had contacted us wanting a place to stay for a couple of nights while she was working in the area.


Her name was Jennifer and she was slightly older than us, we are in our early forties and she was fifty one. Jennifer was staying with us for a couple of nights while she was consulting at the local school for children with special needs.


It was the second and last night of Jennifer’s stay, John was out with a couple of friends having a few beers at the local bar just up the road.


Jennifer and I were in the lounge talking whilst enjoying a cheeky couple of glasses of wine and well, let’s say Jennifer was having a few cheeky glasses more than me. Obviously when the wine is flowing people relax and open up and then they talk more openly about their lives. They become less guarded.


The lounge has two large comfy sofas, one against the wall which I was laying on and the other in front of the large bay window where Jennifer was sitting.


Jennifer was a curvy woman with a fantastic body and pair of large looking breasts which looked great for her age; she was still a very sexy lady. Her skin was still very smooth and young looking and had yet to be struck by unwanted wrinkles. Ok she had a few but you wouldn’t have guessed she was in her fifties.  She had a great complexion that was complemented by a face of natural coloured make up which only enhanced and not distracted from her real beauty.


She had a beautiful smile and her eyes lit up every time she smiled, I expected her to be married or at least in a relationship. If she wasn’t in a relationship then I imagined that she was having a great life meeting up and enjoying men for casual no strings fun.


It appeared it wasn’t the case, she was divorced and the man she was married to for thirty years left her for a younger woman and it hurt her deeply. So deeply in fact that she had not dated anyone since he left and she had not engaged in any form of sex. He left her six years ago, this was not good and in her now freer state of mind she decided to share with me her loneliness and how she craved some no strings fun.


She was gagging for it as we say here in the UK. I told her she needed to get online to some of these new ‘swingers’ websites that are popping up all over the place. She didn’t know what I was on about so I explained to her what they were and I reached over to get my laptop from the shelf next to me to show her. I went and found a couple of sites and called her over. She walked over to the sofa I was now sitting on and delicately dropped herself down next to me. She leaned over and looked at my laptop screen, she was gobsmacked, for five minutes she kept saying “click on that profile” or “click on that picture”.


She was stunned to see single people, married couples and all kinds of everyday people sharing pictures of themselves engaged in sexual acts all having fun and more interestingly advertising for new no strings partners for meet ups in hotels or at their own homes. I could see she was getting excited and the thought of her dry spell coming to an end was just getting her more and more excited, possibly horny.


The more we looked at the websites the more she opened up and told me what she missed. Apparently she loved giving head, she missed that the most. She loved sucking dick, she loved to make a man cum, by just using her mouth, hands, and breasts, she loved the power, it made her feel incredibly sexy. For the life of me I couldn’t understand why her husband had left, what happened? Here was a beautiful woman with a great body admitting she loved giving a man head, as well as masturbating them with her hands and breasts! It didn’t make sense; he must have been a real dick head!


I noticed that the longer we looked the closer she moved next to me. I could feel her thigh pressed against mine and her legs were now slightly open.


“I don’t like those pictures, you know, the ones where they are holding the mobile phone themselves and taking a selfie, it isn’t really sexy is it?” she said pointing at a picture of a woman holding a mobile phone in her left hand while trying to squeeze her breasts in the other, “if I ever opened up an account I want some better looking pictures done.”


“To be honest I think the pictures where they are actually having sex are better, that would bring in the men. Would you take some pictures of me?”


I was a little stunned, I didn’t know what to expect and said “err hmm yeah maybe; I guess it is ok, do you mean you just posing on your own in sexy clothing or actually having sex with a man?”


“Probably would have to be poses in underwear as I don’t have a man unless we find one,” she looked at me with a serious and wary look on her face and asked “maybe I could borrow your fella John for some pictures”


“Oh, hmmmm I don’t know” I replied, surprising myself that I didn’t just blurt out loud a distinctive ‘NO’


“Yeah it was daft to ask, sorry it was also insensitive of me to ask, no woman wants to share her fella with another woman, least of all with an old fool like me”


“Hold on” I said, “you are not an old fool, you have had a bitter experience and just been too afraid to get back out there. There is no shame in that”


“Well no but I shouldn’t have asked, and besides he wouldn’t be interested in me, I am a lot older than you two”


“I know full well he thinks you are attractive” I said, “he would happily ‘do you’, he told me so, we spoke about it last night, we often discuss our guests when we are laid in bed”


“Now stop it, you are only going to make it worse, I shouldn’t have asked and now you are saying he would happily have sex with me, that is cruel and teasing, next you will be telling me he is very hairy and that would just kill me”


“Well actually, yeah he is, very” I replied grinning. “I’ll tell you what, I like you, I know he likes you and as you have not had sex in years I will let you have sex with my fella and I will take pictures for a swinging website, if he is happy with that obviously, which I am sure he will be.”


I took a quick sip of my wine while I watch the excitement start to show on Jennifer’s face then said…


“It would be a great treat for him when he comes back. I know he would love to have another woman suck him off and to be honest we have spoken about trying out swinging in the past; I would enjoy watching you putting a smile on his face. Who knows I might even join you when I have taken enough photos and we can both please him.”


A big smile flashed across her face and she started to bite her bottom lip, I knew she was now excited and really liking the idea.


“Thank you” she said, “that would be great, I feel very nervous now”


“Don’t be,” I replied “just enjoy it.”


We both lifted our glasses to our mouths at the same time and drank a little more wine looking at each other.


“He did say he would be back before half eleven and it is now quart past” I said looking at the clock on the wall “he will be here soon, maybe you should go and put some stockings on and get a pair of high heels out if you have them with you. He likes black sexy underwear especially stockings, suspenders, basques and high heel shoes or boots. You know, the usual kind of sexy stuff”


“I have some stockings and a belt with me, I only ever go out in high heels so I shall go and get them on. What you going to do? Shall I come downstairs when I hear him come in?”


“No I shall get the camera, I will take him into the bedroom and then I shall call you if you don’t hear us coming up the stairs. If you do wait until I shut the door then come and join us, he will be pleasantly surprised.”


Jennifer left the room and went upstairs to get ready. It wasn’t long before John came home, he wasn’t drunk but you could smell that he had had a couple of beers. He was in a good mood and by all accounts had a good night.


I was now sat with the digital camera in my hand; I had got it out of the cupboard when Jennifer went upstairs to get ready for the forthcoming encounter with my boyfriend.


“What you doing with that” John asked me.


“I am going to take some sexy pictures of you with it” I replied with a cheeky smile


“Ohhhh really” he said with a broad grin across his face “I like the sound of that, what about our guest? Is she out?”


“No she is in her room, she won’t hear us and besides, she isn’t likely to come in to our room now is she?” I asked “now get up those stairs and into the bedroom”


He turned around and went back through the lounge door, turned right and started up the stairs. I followed him up the stairs and into our room; I closed the door behind me. It made a fairly loud ‘Clunk’ noise as the latch clicked into the latches keep in the frame.


“Take all of your clothes off and sit back on the sofa” I said in a firm voice while turning the camera on.


John stripped down to his underpants. He placed his clothes over the sofa arm then while standing in front of me he pulled down his underpants to reveal a stiff fat cock standing to attention eagerly awaiting some fun.


“Hmmmm someone is ready for some fun aren’t they? “ I lifted the camera up to my eye and aimed it towards him. ‘Click’ I took a photo and told him again to sit down on the sofa. Our bedroom is quite large, we have a king size bed and a few feet away against the wall we have a dark blue sofa facing a large bay window.


“Sit down and get your legs open” I whispered loudly, I was now becoming aroused.


He did what he was told; he sat down, then laid back on the sofa and opened his legs wide. I Climbed onto the bed and knelt leaning over the end of the bed pointing the camera towards him. I was resting on the metal end frame of the bed, it is a metal Victorian style bed frame but in a shiny silver effect.


“Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you” I told him. At that point Jennifer who had heard us come upstairs opened the door quietly and walked in. She had been stood outside of the door quietly listening and thought this was a good time to come in. She looked at me with a face that said “Is this still ok?”


I smiled and nodded and reassured her that it was ok. I nodded towards John and she walked towards him. She stood right in front of him between his open legs. She stood for a few seconds looking down and taking everything in that she could see in front of her. She knelt down between his legs in front of him.


She took hold of his stiff cock with her right hand and placed her left hand on his right thigh. She slowly stroked his cock up and down then moved her head down towards it and with a gently steady movement she opened her mouth and swallowed his cock. She moved down to the base of the shaft gripping hard with her lips.


John sighed deeply with pleasure and with one hand he reached out and placed his hand on Jennifer’s head. He pushed his fingers through her curlyish hair. He hadn’t yet realised that her hair was slightly curly whereas mine is straight.


Aiming the camera at the sexy scene in front of me I pressed down on the shutter release and started to take pictures. ‘Click, click click’ The camera clicking filled the air and John must have realised that the sound was not as close as it should have been and was still coming from near the bed on the other side of the room. He opened his eyes and was taken back a little when he saw Jennifer slowly sucking softly on his cock. He looked over towards me and saw me taking photos. I smiled at him and he smiled back.


“Surprise” I said softly “I thought you would enjoy a little treat”


“Thank you” he whispered towards me before looking back down at Jennifer to enjoy the view. Jennifer was wearing high heels, stockings and nothing else. Her big curvy breasts were bigger and firmer than I first thought and her waist was incredibly trim. She was in a fantastic shape for fifty one and even I found her incredibly sexy.


Her breasts were hanging free and John reached down with his left arm to take hold of them and squeeze them while he ran his right hand through Jennifer’s hair.


She looked up and kept her gaze on him for several minutes while she enjoyed watching him enjoy her sucking his cock. She moved her mouth up and down in a steady movement several times then pulled away slightly to run her tongue around the tip of John’s cock. She rubbed her tongue down the whole of his shaft and back up before taking hold of it in her left hand and then she began to wank him off in a firm and steady motion.


As she lent back a bit to carry on wanking him, John leant forward and with both hands he took hold of her huge breasts. He squeezed them gently and pulled at her nipples. He pulled her breasts towards him and she felt him doing that so she moved forward allowing him to wrap her breasts around his cock. She placed her hands on his hands and pushed her breasts firmly together and started to slowly juggle them up and down with his cock sandwiched between them.


John closed his eyes and tilted his head back in pleasure while he enjoyed his tit wank. I moved off the bed to get closer and to take photos from different angles. I kept clicking away taking plenty of very sexy pictures.


“I think you should change places so Jennifer can lay on the sofa and play with herself while you face fuck her” I said getting excited as I watched. I was now slowly rubbing myself, I had pulled up my skirt and my right hand was between my legs rubbing my clit as I was snapping pictures.


Jennifer moved and laid herself out over the sofa with her legs wide open; placing her left hand down between her legs she started to rub two fingers over and between her lips. John walked round to the side of the sofa and moved his cock towards her head which was now resting on the sofa arm. Jennifer turned her head towards John and opened her mouth ready to take his swollen cock. She grasped it with her right hand and held it at her mouth for a second while she licked a couple of droplets of pre cum from the tip.


She closed her lips around the tip of his cock and held them there while John slowly pushed it further into her mouth until he was fully inside her mouth. His cock end was in as far as it would go and Jennifer’s lips were now touching his body. He slowly pulled back, as his dick slid out of Jennifer’s mouth she moaned a little and her eye lids shut tight in focused concentration on the pleasure she was enjoying. John pushed his cock back into her mouth, he increased the speed a little and started to steadily thrust into her mouth and out again.


I put the camera down for a moment and walked to my bed side unit, I pulled open my drawer and from it I pulled out a small red vibrator. I turned it on while I walked back over to the sofa; I reached out and placed it into the hand Jennifer was using to rub her very wet pussy.


She took it and pushed it inside her, with a few pleasurable strokes in and out she then removed it, placed it on her clit and pushed it firmly against herself. You could see the waves of pleasure start to roll through her, she was trembling and her breathing was getting faster. She now started to move her head as she sucked hard on John’s cock.


I had dropped to my knees in front of the sofa between her legs taking close up pictures of everything. I took images of her playing with her pussy while using the vibrator, I captured waves of ecstasy as it rippled through her tits and I took a lot of pictures of John fucking her face.


He now had both hands firmly on her head as he pushed his hard wet cock into her mouth. Jennifer was moaning loudly now from the pleasure she was experiencing at both ends. This was very arousing, I have never had sex with another woman or shared my boyfriend with one before but I was now getting a strong urge to lean forward and start licking her wet, swollen and very inviting pussy but I fought it off to keep taking photos.


“Are you having fun Jennifer?” I asked.


Jennifer nodded and made an ‘uhhhm hum’ noise to say yes, she managed to open her mouth slightly while John pushed his cock in and said “fuck yeah, I am loving it, thank you” with that she closed her lips and her eyes and went back to it.


I decided to stop fighting my urges and with one hand I moved forward and pushed two fingers deep inside her wet and hot pussy. The surprise and sensations must have been too much for her as she erupted and waves of pleasurable orgasm rippled out throughout her entire body. She shuddered violently, eyes locked closed and her lips sealed tight around John’s cock.


“I think it is time you two moved over to the bed and fuck, so I can get some more great shots” I said as I stood up and moved over towards the bed.  John pulled his cock out of Jennifer’s mouth, she opened her eyes and took a deep breath, stood up and walked towards the bed. She was a bit slow as her legs were still a bit wobbly after the pleasure and orgasm she had just experienced. This was the first orgasm she had experienced for six years which was not self-induced.


You could see the intense pleasure and enjoyment on her face; she was slightly exhausted from a mixture of wine and pleasure but still very up for more.


“How do you want me?” Jennifer asked.


“I think on your hands and knees at first” I replied, “I can get some great action shots of John taking you from behind from many angles.”


As Jennifer climbed onto the bed and placed herself on all fours with her arse raised in the air I placed myself on the other side of the bed in front of her. I had a great view of her face and huge swinging tits as well as John who was now holding his cock in his right hand and rubbing it up and down her soaking wet pussy.


Jennifer looked at me while I once again started to take pictures of everything that was going on in front of me. John placed the tip of his cock between her lips, placed both of his hands on the top of her thighs then pushed home. I saw on her face the feelings his cock was causing now that it was deep inside of her.


Years of waiting and anticipation was now leaving her, she bit her bottom lip slightly as John began to thrust slow and deep in and out of her. She rocked forward with every in thrust and her huge breasts swung with a slight delay to the rest of her body. I placed the camera on the bed to get a low angle and take pictures of her swinging breasts and John’s cock as it disappeared inside of her.


Jennifer moved one hand between her legs and placed her other hand further out in front of her on the bed. This resulted in her leaning closer to the bed and her nipples were now rubbing across the covers when her tits moved. I could see her arse up in the air, her breasts resting on the bed, her face deep in enjoyment and John thrusting deep into her.


John leaned forward and with his right hand he cupped her right breast. Taking a firm hold he squeezed her breast gently while he continued to push his cock inside her. I reached out and took hold of Jennifer’s other breast and gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked at me and smiled; I closed my thumb and two fingers around her nipples and began to pull at them gently.


I bent down and placed the camera on the floor, and repositioned myself in front of Jennifer. With my now spare second hand I pulled my skirt up and slid my hand between my legs pulling my knickers to one side. My pussy was wet and I pushed a finger deep into my wet pussy.


As I did that Jennifer removed her hand from between her legs and reached out towards me and took hold of my left breast through my T-Shirt. She opened her hand wide and took a full hold of it and began to squeeze. She loosened her grip and gently slid the open palm across my boob and down under it running her fingers along the gentle curve underneath tracing the bottom of my breast.


Jennifer moved her hand down to my waist and slipped it up under my T-Shirt and ran her fingers up over my skin up to my breast which was naked. I rarely wear a bra at home and so my erect nipples could be seen pointing through my tight fitting T-Shirt.


Jennifer again took hold of my breast and started to rub her thumb over the front curve and pressing it up over my nipple. The nipple would spring back when her thumb went over the top and further up. I moved closer, we were both playing with each other’s tits while John was thrusting slowly as he watched us both playing with each other.


He liked to often break into long and slow strokes making the pleasure more sensual for him and for me, Jennifer was enjoying this sensual slow thrusting too, it was written all across her face, that and the fact both her breasts were being played with as well as her playing with mine.


She looked at me and I looked at her, I moved closer and went in for the kiss. I wasn’t sure if she would go for it or pull away, but then again, I wasn’t sure what would happen as this was the first time I had kissed another woman too. Our lips met and neither of us pulled away, Jennifer closed her mouth into a kissing pout over mine. We kissed for a few seconds on the mouth taking in the feel of each other’s lips then our mouths opened as our tongues slowly met.


It wasn’t long before we fell into a long deep kiss using only our tongues. For a few seconds our lips had become redundant while our tongues wrestled. I pulled away, looked at Jennifer and smiled. She smiled back, she was having fun and so was I. I climbed off the bed and pulled my T-Shirt up over my head removing it which I then slung across the room onto the floor between the bed and the sofa.


While watching John slowly thrusting into Jennifer from behind I unhooked my skirt and allowed it to slip down my legs onto the floor. I curled my fingers into the sides of my nickers and pushed them down to the floor where I stepped out of them. I was now completely naked standing in front of the bed watching my boyfriend fucking the paying guest.


I climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of Jennifer; she had lent back and was on her knees only facing me. We moved closer and went straight into another deep and sensual kiss while we explored each other’s bodies with our hands. Both Jennifer and I had a hand between each other’s legs rubbing at our wet pussies.


The only difference between us is that I could feel John’s cock slowly moving in and out of Jennifer. I pulled away and turned to lie down on my back; I moved around on my back and positioned myself underneath Jennifer with my head between her legs. I could smell the sweet smell of sex and see John’s cock moving in and out of her. It was glistening with Jennifer’s juices.


The smell was amazing, I reached around with my hands and placed them onto her arse cheeks and pulled myself in closer and began darting my tongue out up and over her pussy lips.


She mirrored me by moving down and placing her head between my legs, I could feel her rubbing her nose up and down the entrance of my pussy; she was getting my juices all over her nose. She began licking around my hard clit, it felt so good. I was now feeling sensations all over my body as we both lay there licking away at each other. My eyes were closed and I was getting lost in the excitement and sensuality of it all I would stop and forget to lick Jennifer.


John pulled his cock out and with his left hand he pushed it down a little towards me, I felt it touch my nose on its way down to my mouth, I arched my head back a bit so I could meet his cock and opened my mouth as he slowly rubbed it against the inside of my lips. I closed my lips around it as he pushed it into me. He pushed it in and out slowly several times fucking my face as I lay there under Jennifer who was still hungrily eating away at my pussy. John pulled his cock out and repositioned it into the mouth of Jennifer’s pussy before pushing into her again.


I returned to Jennifer’s pussy and began to suck at her lips. I moved my hands from around her waist and arse cheeks down to her breasts that were pressed hard against me. She leaned back a bit to allow my hands to slip in between my waist and her tits so I could take a hold and squeeze them. Her huge breasts were fantastic.


I had never had such a fascination for another woman’s breasts before. Yes I am female and have looked at other women’s breasts deciding which pair I thought were perfect or I would like, as women do, but Jennifer’s were full, firm and still soft to touch and the feeling in my hands was intense. I was loving it!


John pulled out of Jennifer and said “I want Jennifer on her back so I can look at her from the front and see those amazing tits of hers”


She rolled off me and onto her back; she positioned herself on the bed and opened her legs. John manoeuvred himself between her legs and with his right hand he guided his stiff throbbing cock between her lips and deep into her. He began to thrust but he was thrusting deeper and harder now. Jennifer turned her head to me; I was laid on the bed on my side. She reached out and began rubbing her hand over both of my breasts.


“Would you sit on me as I want to carry on where I left off” she said with a smile. I smiled back and picked myself up and positioned myself over her face with a knee either side of her head. She reached up with her hands and grabbed both of my tits as she began to lick out my pussy again.


John was holding himself up with his left arm that was holding the bed and with his right arm he was going to work on Jennifer’s tits, caressing them gently then squeezing them firmly while he thrust his hard cock deep into her. He was rubbing and pulling at her nipples in varying degrees of roughness. He lent forward and sucked at them rolling the nipples in his mouth with his tongue. He wrapped his tongue around them and sucked hard while he squeezed each tit with his hand. He moved a bit forward, stuck his tongue out and began to rub the end of his tongue over my skin just above where Jennifer was working.


He kept his tongue out while he moved his head up my whole body up over my stomach and towards my breasts that were swinging gently. I reached out with my left hand and grabbed John’s hair. I held his head as he moved up to my breasts and began sucking at my nipples.


He licked, sucked and rolled them between his lips. His right hand which had been enjoying Jennifer’s tits had been placed on my clit and was slowly rubbing at it. He trailed his fingertips gently up over my body until he took a firm h

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