IX: Articles of the Revolution by Justin M.D. Nelson - HTML preview

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Attack the oppressor with a united front.

If a resistance movement is not unified, it will be much easier for the oppressor to divide and conquer. Also, a division will create conflict both during and after the revolution.

* * *

"I've been offered a position in the High Court."

Bryan told Matt, Fatima, and Benjamin everything. The heads of the Jacobins sat around a table in the basement of one of the city's cafés. On the table sat a map of the city, a registry of confirmed members, and the pictures, names, and miscellaneous information of every member of the city government, from low-level data entry clerks, all the way up to the Premier himself, Anton Ness. There was also the first draft of the new constitution from Dr. Sheridan. Bryan stood in the middle of the light, feeling slightly like a man on trial as they looked in surprise. The three of them looked at one another.

"It isn't a position as a judge," he continued, "But it is a lucrative place within the system."

"We have them on the run," said Benjamin, "They wouldn't have made an offer like this to a rebel unless they were desperate."

"But why offer it to Bryan?" asked Fatima, "He's brilliant, yes, but they must also know that he was raised by a revolutionary."

"The only people who know that are people within the College," said Matt, coming to Bryan's aid. Fatima chimed in.

"People talk within the College. People know whether they are loyal to the revolution or not. And the fact that Bryan has excelled in the field of law is not exactly a secret. Whatever reason they have…"

"I'm not going to take it," Bryan interrupted.

All three of them looked at him, shocked.

"It's like you said; they wouldn't do this unless they felt like they had to. Now is the

best time to take action against them since they feel as though they are on the ropes. I want to help you figure out what that action will be."

At that moment, Matt did something very unusual, something Bryan had never seen from him before. He let out a single loud laugh, covered his mouth and stood up.

"No," he said, barely able to contain himself, "This IS the action we're going to take!

This is the solution to everything!"

All eyes turned to him. Bryan felt scared for a moment that Matt had lost his mind.

Given the stress of his duties, that was not outside the realm of possibility.

"The government isn't made of automatons, they're people; people who, even if they've been bought and sold by the Landowners, still feel resentment and a sense of injustice. They've reached out to people in the College, so we will reach out to people within the Council, and the High Court, and the Military Police, anyone and everyone who holds a government position anywhere."

The room became more and more silent as everyone listened in.

"Infiltration," Matt said excitedly. The energy from this word radiated throughout the entire room. "Those on our side, people like Bryan, they can provide us with information, and put forward false information themselves. They could provide misleading clues and leads. And when the right time comes, there's no limit to what we would be able to do. Even if it's something as simple as sit-ins or walk-outs, the government would lose all of its power."

Both Fatima and Benjamin considered this for a short time, but it seemed to Bryan that everyone's mind was made up. Those in the room murmured excitedly to themselves. A soft din of acceptance and possibility pervaded the room. Fatima looked around the room.

"I see many are in agreement with this idea. Are there any objections?" There were none.

"Very well. The next few hours will be dedicated to putting a plan in place, inserting

Jacobins and other Rebels within the government, and setting the plan into action."

Almost like a cheer, the members began to talk amongst themselves. They seemed to burst with ideas and possibilities. Through the crowd, Matt and Benjamin made their way to Bryan.

"The two of you," said Benjamin "should make sure the General Assembly knows about the plan, and about Bryan's position within the High Court. I don't want them to take down the entire system while one of our own is on the inside." Matt nodded.


In just a few short minutes, the meeting disbanded, and the members raced up the stairs and poured out into the dark, wet streets. Bryan walked toward the College, walking along a busy street with his brother beside him. The sun began to set, turning the sky a dull blue and purple color.

"This is amazing," said Bryan, happily, "Maybe now, people will consider the

Jacobins. Even better, maybe we can link up with the General Assembly." Matt smiled down at him.

"We couldn't have done it without you." Bryan smiled shyly and looked away.

An explosion shook the streets. Bryan's ears began to ring, and he felt warmth envelop the side of his face as a car on the opposite side of the street burst into flames. Matt took Bryan by the shoulders and pushed both of them off to the side. Bryan let himself be dragged by Matt just as hot rubble landed on top of them. Screams filled the street. They looked around just in time to see another explosion further down the road. Dust rose on the sound of screams and, almost in an instant, it was night. Chants became audible all around.


Bryan looked in horror as masked figures filled the street, smashing windows, throwing Molotov cocktails, dragging scared people out onto the street.

A man in a mask ran toward them, brandishing a crowbar in his hand. Matt took the man by the arms, and brought his knee into his stomach, causing him to bend over in pain. Matt landed a punch on the side of his face, causing him to crash hard on the filthy sidewalk.

"Thanks, man," said Bryan, shocked at what he'd just seen. Matt didn't respond. He kept his fist clenched as he turned his head toward the center of the city, the direction the mob seemed to be moving.

Bryan may have noticed the mob parading forward like a gray river in the wet rubble, drawn to the center of the city by an unknown call. But the only thing he noticed was his brother. He stood tall, looking forward. With his fist clenched and his old military jacket, he truly looked like a revolutionary. If someone were to make a statue of him, this would be the pose in which he would be rendered. Lights shined behind him, streetlights, police lights, and a handful of fires, down onto the burning streets. It all moved endlessly behind him.

"We never agreed on any of this!" exclaimed Matt. The masses ignored him. They moved like a river to the center of the city, toward the Council, destroying buildings and cars and anything that got in their way.